Last updated on July 12th, 2024 at 12:46 pm

Read about what a parent of preemies goes through that a parent of a full-term baby will never understand. It’s doubly so with twin preemies.
According to the March of Dimes, about 60 percent of twins and more than 90 percent of triplets are born prematurely. So it goes without saying, MANY in our group have understood what it’s like to have a premature baby, or two, or three. Many MoMs shared what it’s like to be a parent of preemies. This is what they had to say:
You Know You Are a Parent of Preemies When…
“All the newborn sizes are too BIG”
– Michelle R.
“People ask how old your twins are, and you give them two ages.”
– Teresa D.

“You suddenly discover the germophobe part of your personality.”
– Brian C.
“You’re always washing your hands, and are so sleep deprived you don’t know what day it is.”
– Nissa M.
“People don’t believe how old your babies are because they are so small.”
– Trish S.
“You wake a sleeping newborn to eat!!!”
– Amy T.

“The word ‘week-er’ is a word in your dictionary”
– Jill M.
“When another new mom complains about being up all night calming a fussy baby and all you can think about is how great that would be because yours are still in the hospital.”
– Pamela H.
“You jump on any mom’s case who ‘wishes’ her baby would deliver early.”
– Chyrl S.
“You know more medical acronyms than you ever thought possible.”
– Emily P.

“You get happy when people think your kids are older than they really are.”
– Laura L.
“When people come to visit you ask, ‘When was the last time you were sick? Is anyone in your home sick or been sick?’ before you even let them in your house”
– Audrey M.
“Your closest companion for weeks or months is a double electric breast pump.”
– Jessie R.

“The NICU staff is like extended family to you.”
– Ashlee C.
“You always know exactly how much your kids weigh.”
– Brooke B.
“When the alarm of a heart monitor becomes a normal sound to you.”
– Kari Olson
“The pediatrician’s office staff is like a second family because you spent so much of their first year there.”
– Batty R.

“You have faced the reality that you might have to say goodbye before you have even had a chance to say hello.”
– Hannah H.
“You celebrate FINALLY bringing your babies home from the hospital like it’s a national holiday.”
– Heather H.
“When you pump every 2-3 hours ’round the clock for MONTHS!”
– Karen H.

“You are mostly home bound for the first year.”
– Jennifer S.
“The memory of your babies’ birth is bitter-sweet since you didn’t get to enjoy doing all the new mom/dad things like you should have.”
– Jennifer M.
“When you have two heart monitors crammed into your diaper bag every time you leave the house.” – Francesca F.
“You know what an RSV shot is.”
– Dana M.
“When someone wants to touch them and you ask them, ‘Did you sanitize first?'”
– Alicia C.

“You have a huge binder of medical information for each child… and they’re only a year old.”
– Regina W.
“You have to explain what ‘adjusted age‘ is”
– Amanda G.
“When you’re reading all these posts and bawling your eyes out because you know it all too well.”
– Monica T.
If you know someone who has a preemie, read these tips to know how to offer support: Caring for Parents with NICU Babies