Last updated on March 7th, 2024 at 09:37 am
A MoM-To-Be Asks:
What is they best twin shower gift you received? Is there a must have?
Here’s What Our Twiniversity Fans Had to Say:
We received the Baby Brezza formula dispenser for my singleton and it has been a life saver with the twins!
The Baby Briefcase document holder was my favorite twin shower gift. I still use it to this day and they’re 5!
My double Snap and Go stroller. Absolutely loved it. Folded easy and was easy to push.
My favorite twin shower gift was the twin Pack n Play. I had a c-section and it was the best thing to put it right up against my bed. My doctor highly recommended it for having twins and said to remove the divider and let them snuggle together as they did in the womb. Best advice ever!
The Twin Z Pillow has been my number one must have all along. My twins will be one in about a month and I have literally used it every day!
Baby swings were our favorite twin shower gift. My twins lived in the ones that went side to side.
My favorite twin shower gifts were the practical things like infant Tylenol, wipes and diapers.
Velcro swaddles, Twin Z Nursing Pillow, snap n go double stroller, 2 swings!
An automatic bouncing chair! Nothing worse then having one fussy baby and having to stop bouncing the other.
The Skip Hop Activity mat was probably my favorite twin shwoer gift. My twins keep occupied on it for the longest time.
Boppy pillows were my favorite twin shower gift. It allowed me to bottle feed both babies at the same time.
My favorite was all the handmade blankets. Not only do they have genuine keepsakes, a lot of the bigger area ones saved my carpet during the spit-up phase. I would just throw down one of the full sized fleece blankets that covered most of my floor and did tummy time there. Switched it out easily as messes happened. It helped that the person who made those made 2 for each boy, so I had 4 to rotate through.
Our favorite twin shower gifts were diapers and wipes. The more the better!
The Boba wrap baby carrier was my favorite twin shower gift. It saved my life! I also second the double Snap and Go stroller.
Whether you plan to breastfeed or bottle feed, I found the My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow to be a lifesaver.
A big variety of Avent baby bottles and accessories were my favorite twin shower gifts. We also received 2 boppy pillows, 2 baby swings, baby clothes from preemie through 9 months (especially because of multiple clothing changes a day from spit-up!) Those were some of the most used items for sure and really just thankful for everything we got!

My parents were living abroad so mom found us a housecleaner to come in twice a week to do the essentials and keep on top of things until we got ourselves on track and into a decent routine. It was an absolute wonderful gift!
Twin Z pillow was a life saver. I tried the My Brest Friend pillow but didn’t have enough back support for me and I had terrible back pain while nursing with it. Twin Z pillow was a total game changer and was great for tandem bottle feeding too.