Last updated on March 7th, 2024 at 11:30 am
We asked our community of MoMs what they really want for Valentine’s Day. Although their answers were not a complete surprise, we’ve added some advice on how to make these wishes come true. What do you REALLY want this Valentine’s Day?
As Valentine’s Day looms, the annual quest for the perfect gift begins, and while chocolates and flowers are fine, but is that what mom REALLY wants? There was a time when all I wanted for Valentine’s Day was a “5-star dinner” or “a long weekend in wine country.” I’m not crazy-rich, but for some reason, the romantic side of Valentine’s Day always had me wanting to cross something off my bucket list.
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Now… as a MoM, all that fluff is exhausting. What I NEED is some R&R. And I know I’m not alone in this wish! So, what do you (the MoM) REALLY want for Valentine’s Day?
We Recently Asked Our Twiniversity Community,
“What do you really want for Valentine’s Day?”
Here Is What Our Community of Twin Moms Had to Say:
Wine-Down Night
Whether you’re a Wine Mom or a Margarita Mom, sometimes all mom wants is some time and a quiet place to enjoy her favorite adult beverage! Pair this with the kiddos going to bed on time (without a fuss), and it would be the best Valentine’s Day gift! Plenty of other MoMs agree!
~ Wine, Chocolate, Date Night or Vacation! -mrs.tywilly ~ A night free of bedtimes and full of ice cream and wine -veronica_keefg ~Sleep, a massage, and a margarita -slymoves
Date Night
My husband and I are at a nasty fault for not prioritizing date nights since the start of parenthood. A girlfriend of mine is really strict about her weekly date night with her husband. Granted, she is a singleton mom, but this doesn’t diminish the importance of date night with your spouse. According to Psychology Today, research shows that part of a happy, healthy relationship includes devoting 2 hours a week to time spent together. Apparently, I’m not the only MoM who could use some quality time with my other half!
~ A babysitter -jacklynmichelle4 ~ A date with my husband -prismbates
Spa Day
Picture yourself at your favorite spa, enjoying the full treatment. A soothing massage to ease the daily burdens we carry… pure bliss. This sounds like heaven! Compounding Pharmacy of America says the health benefits of going to the spa are both physical and mental. See, the spa is the mothership, and it is calling us all home!
As moms, we forget to take care of ourselves, or we put ourselves on the back burner to take care of those we love. This is very heroic. However, we need to be well ourselves to be the best versions of ourselves. Am I right? A day for spa therapy sounds like a great way to not only indulge in being in the quiet but also to help rejuvenate our physical, mental, and emotional bodies.
~ A massage -itsjanetc ~ A spa day -zamwowz ~ A spa day, alone and cute vday things they make at preschool -ashley.rainho ~ A massage -michagz94
If a spa day just isn’t quite what you’re looking for, but the alone and peaceful of it sounds perfect, then the next thing MoMs REALLY want for Valentine’s Day might just fit the bill!
24-Hour Getaway
It’s not a big ask. We’re not saying a 10-day trip to Europe. We’re saying a mini staycation at a local hotel or B&B. A day when you can do all the things you want to do! You can take a midday nap (if you can get an early check-in)… and indulge in the clean, no-toy, no-mess space. Spending time surrounded by clutter and mess is triggering to your mental health (WebMD: How Clutter Can Affect Your Health). So go ahead and ask your significant other to gift you a hotel room for Valentine’s Day, preferably with in-room dining options.
~ A beautiful break, I would love to take a nice family picture with them -mvlii_x4 ~ A night alone in a hotel -lizzie_gendimenico ~ Sleep -ksart76 ~ A nap! -because.its.twins ~ A full night's sleep -lizzie_ollerenshaw_jagger ~ ALONE TIME ALL DAY -sweetredlady
Sometimes, even though MoM REALLY wants something, she just can’t have it.
Want but Can’t Have
Thankfully, a MoM can still dream. And honestly, I think we have all wished for these at one time or another!
~ Twins who listen and don't fight (along with an older sibling who listens/doesn't fight) -christina1489 ~ All of my kids to sleep -brooke_bells ~ Peace and quiet -macyleigh23
The Ultimate Wish
I am usually always on the “night alone in a hotel” list, but after reading this response, I’m going to have to change my answer!
~ A day with the twins still, just someone else doing the mental load jobs! And a takeaway! -ashleighlhjackson_
These are just some of the fun ideas MoMs have sent in, and I’m all for it. Valentine’s Day is about love, and there’s no better day to show yourself a little more love too.
Stephanie Miller is the proud mom of twin cyclones Zach and Carter. Every day in the Miller house, you’ll find rooms turned over, floors covered in bits of Lego and puzzle pieces (mind your step), and the sound of “Brown Bear Brown Bear” read over and over, and over again. You’ll typically find her being used as the seat to reading time for the two bookworms, covered in bubble solution as they try to excel in their Bubble Wand skills, or being the voice to command Alexa for their favorite tunes. She and her husband are working on their traveling skills cause she can’t wait to show them the amazing world that is out there for them.