Last updated on September 30th, 2021 at 10:19 am
The year began quietly. Andi and Leon were expecting twin boys and they were growing along peacefully. There were no problems to be reported! A relief with such a difficult time getting pregnant.
But on January 7th, Andi went to a routine check-up with her high risk OB. This was a 3 times a week routine at this point. But on this visit, the doctor saw something that concerned him. “While we were a bit worried, he assured us that he could get us to a point where the boys could be born and viable.” Andi trusted the doctor completely as she handpicked him to be her doctor after she read an article about his treatment of a mother of QUINTUPLETS. “I was totally confident that if he could get that mom her FIVE babies, he could get us our TWO babies.”
From this point on, Andi was to take it easy and work from home two days a week. For someone as social as Andi this was not easy. From Thursday evening until Tuesday morning, all she saw was the bedroom and her laptop. To pass the time she read a lot of books and magazines… and she talked. She talked to the babies the whole time. She made up amazing stories of how much fun they would have when they got here! Promises were made about Disney world, the beach, going to a farm in Nebraska – all kinds of fun things!
Andi continued to see her Doctor three times a week and each time Andi the doctor would “argue” about how long she would be able to carry these boys. He would say, you are not going to make it to 30 weeks.” She’d say “Doc, I can make it to 32 weeks.” So he finally would just say, “Okay, I will say 32 weeks but KNOW THAT I AM SAYING NOT 30.” They both seemed to enjoy this banter and it made going to the doctor so often much easier for her – knowing that he was being honest but at the same time knowing that he wanted her to feel comfortable with what he knew would be the very early birth of our boys.
Their last back and forth session came on the morning of February 4. The doctor saw the one thing he had been hoping to NOT see. At the end of this appointment, he a bit reluctantly said to Andi “I will see you on Friday.” She saw something in his eyes and said to him, “You don’t want to see me on Friday, do you?” To which he replied, “No, I don’t. Go to the hospital and stay there until the boys come. And please don’t argue with me on this.” She didn’t argue with him this time. She had always said to him that she needed to argue with him about how long she could hold the boys, but when it came down to it, she would always do exactly what he told her to do. Andi and her husband Leon went to the hospital.
When they arrived at the hospital they were shocked to be told the babies are going to be delivered at 3. Disbelief hit them like a brick wall. “THREE?! TODAY?! WE WERE COMING HERE TO BE MONITORED FOR A COUPLE OF WEEKS!!!”
At this point Andi was only only 27 weeks and 3 days pregnant. The boys weren’t supposed to make their debut until April! Even though they expected an early delivery, they thought they had 3 more weeks. But between the time Andi had left the Doctors office and got to the hospital, The doctor had decided it was time for the babies to come that day.
At 4:19 via a c-section, twin boys Aiden Chase and Kyan Jace were born, within the same minute with only 10 seconds between their deliveries. Aiden weighed 1 pound, 14 ounces and Kyan weighed 1 pound, 12 ounces!
As typical with preemies, the boys were whisked off to the NICU for care. And this began their 8 week NICU adventure….
… To read the rest of Andi, Leon, Adien and Kyan’s story click here.