Last updated on August 22nd, 2023 at 12:51 pm
I wouldn’t say that I prescribe to a particular type of parenting, I usually do things based on my gut instinct and what works best for me and my family. Before I had my singleton son, I had no idea there was a baby wearing movement; I registered for a Baby Bjorn based solely on the convenience of it – living in a high-rise apartment, I knew a carrier would be easier to use than a stroller to get out and walk the dog.
After my son was born and I started using the Bjorn, I loved it. The ease and handiness of it made my life so much simpler, and I loved having the constant snuggles. I could easily walk to the grocery store and bring home a couple bags, and having him so close, I could keep a good eye on him. I loved carrying him around so much that we even went hiking with him in the Bjorn in Newfoundland.
Naturally, I assumed when I became pregnant again that I would use the Bjorn again. I had visions of pushing my son in his umbrella stroller, with the newborn in the carrier, or bringing him to the park and not having to worry about navigating a stroller through the sand as my rambunctious two year-old ran amok. Of course, little did I know that I would be pregnant with twins.
Bummed that I wouldn’t be able to have the same experience with my girls as I did with my son, I mentioned to a friend that I wish there were twin carriers.
“Haven’t you seen Anna Paquin?” she asked me, “She carries her twins.”

I quickly googled the images she was talking about, and found that twin carriers do, in fact, exist. I decided to try the Weego Twin carrier, a German carrier that can be used from three pounds and has two pouches in the front, one for each baby.
I initially used the carrier to just go for quick walks around the neighbourhood to get out of the house during the first couple weeks we were home. The girls, who are identical, would always position themselves the same way, often sleeping with one arm raised, faces smushed against me.
After we all got comfortable, I ventured out to the mall with them inside the carrier. Knowing that most people have probably not seen a twin carrier before, I was expecting questions, and maybe even some looks. I definitely was not prepared for the downright staring as my friend and I navigated the mall, my girls snuggled into me.
“They’re staring at me,” I mumbled to her as we passed yet more people, mouths agape at my set-up.

Despite the staring, our first mall outing was a double success. The girls and I had quality cuddle time, and with them safely hidden in the carrier, and under my watchful eye, I did not have to worry about strangers touching the girls or leaning into their stroller to get a closer look. For most parents, this is a frustration, but we’re a little bit more cautious as our girls were born at 29 weeks, and after spending 80 days in the NICU, we hardly want them catching anything from passer-bys.
After wearing the girls for several hours at once, I felt much more comfortable using it and taking care of my son — and living across the street from a park has its advantages. With the girls in the carrier, and my son clutching my hand, we have often found ourselves toddling over to the swings and slides for a little fresh air and fun. The girls and I have even partaken in a swing ride together, though I must admit having twenty pounds on my front did make for an interesting experience.
Though the visions I had of my second child, nestled in a carrier, while I pushed my son in his umbrella stroller, didn’t exactly pan out, I am lucky that I do get to experience the same closeness I had with him with my girls, and at the same time as each other. I don’t have to worry about one baby not getting as much time in the carrier as the other, or feeling guilty for cuddling one while the other gets pushed in the stroller.

My kids and I recently went shopping for fruit at our local market, my son in his stroller, and the girls in the carrier. Our mall excursion was one thing, but having all three kids, two in a carrier, really elicited stares and comments. In fact, just walking down the street, we had several people pointing at us, and nudging to each other. Even my son noticed.
“What are they doing, Mama?” he asked, as more people stopped to stare or to tell me that I must have my hands full.
“They think you and your sisters are so cute!” I always tell him. Of course, I know it is a bit of a surprise to see three kids under three, and of course, twins are already a novelty to people, so it is of little wonder to me that we get some looks.
As I navigate life as a new mama of three, with my girls cuddling into me, and my son constantly asking questions, instead of thinking that people are judging me or thinking the worst, I’ll imagine that they think of me as a superwoman, after all, all mums are, but especially us mamas of multiples.

Alyssa Keel has worked as a social worker in both Canada and the U.S. for several years. Living in Toronto, Alyssa is a single mum to a rambunctious four-year- old boy and amazing two-year-old identical twin girls, one of whom has Cerebral Palsy. During her high risk mono-mono twin pregnancy, Alyssa began blogging, an extension of her love of writing. Alyssa loves taking photos and impromptu dance parties with her kids. Follow Alyssa and her family’s adventures at Adventures With Multiples.
Here’s more tips on baby wearing from our Twiniversity Facebook fans!

I never used a twin one, but I bought two Ergos and love them. I used the front carry when they were small, at 6 months, hip carry, and now I carry one on my back and have my arms free to pick up and put down the other one in or out of an umbrella stroller. We live in NYC so I always have to carry both of them at some point up and down stairs. They will be one year in two weeks.
I did the twin Moby for a while. It worked great when they were small but by 6 months they were too big.
I used a Sleepy Wrap at first and when they were too big to get together in it i used two Infantino Union Ergonomics — they are similar to the ergo.
We have two Ergo carriers and you can put one on the front and one on the back and it works perfectly!
You can use a woven wrap to carry twins. Moby’s are great when they’re small but are not safe for back carries. My favorite brand of woven is Girasol but there are many others. Tula just started making them and had some beautiful designs.

DH and I have each worn both babies in two Ergos, but only once they were old enough to wear on the back. It’s surprisingly comfortable, but you do need an assistant. I have heard of people wearing both in a Moby wrap, but I’ve never done it.
I liked the Baby K’tan when they were newborns. It’s like the moby but no wrapping needed so I found it easier to use.
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Check out Natalie Diaz’s book:
“What To Do When You’re Having Two
The Twin Survival Guide From Pregnancy Through the First Year”
In What to Do When You’re Having Two: The Twins Survival Guide from Pregnancy Through the First Year, national twins guru and founder of Twiniversity (and twin mom herself!) Natalie Diaz provides a no-holds-barred resource about life with twins, from pregnancy and birth all the way through your duo’s first year of life.
Accessible and informative, What to Do When You’re Having Two
is the must-have manual for all parents of twins.