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Twins and Birthdays: One Gift or Two?

Twins and Birthdays: One Gift or Two?

Last updated on September 8th, 2023 at 02:51 pm

A MoM recently asked:

“When your twins get invited to birthday parties do you buy a present from each of them, or just try to buy something a little bigger than usual, or just get the birthday kid one present from both of them? Was there a particular age you changed what you were doing regarding gifts and why?”

Here’s some advice our Twiniversity community had to offer:

Personally, I think the difference is friend vs family. If we go to my niece’s bday party, we bring one gift from our family. If our boys each get invited to a ‘friend’ birthday party, they each bring a gift. The way I see ‘friend’ parties is that they’re being invited individually and not as a pair. I’ve never put too much thought into the price and more so into something age appropriate and fun! We typically only buy ‘usable/consumable’ gifts ie, arts, crafts, bubbles, and outside toys. Us moms know too well about how much ‘stuff’ gets gifted that we need to find space for 😂


If your twins get one present to share at their birthday party, then gifting one from both is fine. If you expect them each to get one, they each should give one. 


My twins are 6, they went to a bday party today for one of their classmates. They wanted to give a gift from each of them.


I do bring a small gift from each of my sons (twins) because the hosts, if it’s at a venue, are usually paying per person. At least that’s how it is for our area. But I just do a small gift for each boy to bring or one “large” gift from both. I just view it as the family hosting is hosting both my sons so that’s kind of why we do it this way 😍😍

Twins and Birthdays: One Gift or Two?

I never even considered buying two gifts from my twins, but they also haven’t been invited to a party yet (they’re only 2). On the flip side, we have never have twins to my singletons parties. In my mind, one gift is enough. Whether you have 1 or 5 kids. My kids don’t need more gifts if there are more kids. The real gift is having more kids that just show up to play. I’m not concerned about the quantity/quality of gifts or budgets. Just show up & let’s have some fun 🎉


We do a gift from the family. We have very close-knit group of friends and despite my four kids ranging from 2 to 9 they usually all get invited and each household brings one gift. Similarly when they come even if two of their kids come to one of mine’s party their household just brings one gift. My twins are only two but so far people have brought something bigger they can share or two smaller gifts and I haven’t said anything that’s just been what people have done. I guess as they get older they will have different friends in school and so on so you would end up buying one for twin A’s friend and one for twin B’s friend cuz they would be two separate people


I just get one gift from them both. Maybe a little more than normal, but nothing crazy. In my experience most parents aren’t interested in “more stuff” (I know I’m not!). My twins are only 3 right now so maybe when they are older and have more opinions this will change!


Before they were old enough to walk around the store I got them one big thing now I give them a budget and have them pick something. When their mutual friends come to their party they bring 2 gifts one for each.


One gift from both of them. As they’ve got older, I’ve started to spend a little more on it, as I know how much these parties cost, and it’s so nice that they’re both invited.

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There’s no right answer. My twins are five and just started school. Personally, I have been giving two gifts, one from each child. The birthday kid’s parents are potentially paying for each of your children to attend the party. On the flip side, you wouldn’t expect other parents only to bring one gift for your twins to share when it’s their turn.


I have zero expectations regarding gifts for my twins. Bring one each, one for both or none, whatever is feasible for the person. I would rather the parent bring their kid and not a gift than stay home because they don’t think they can come unless they bring a gift. This year we ask parents to refrain from getting our kids gifts and bring donations for charity instead because we were so horrified by how many gifts there were last year, specifically because people think they need to bring two.


One Gift? Two Gifts?

They were both invited as a friend, so we handle it no differently than if it were two separate parties – with a gift from each of them.


I usually buy two smaller items; one gift bag.


Maybe once they’re old enough to pick something out, but until then, it’s one gift from both of them.


A gift from each twin within our budget— and each kid gets to pick out what to give. On the flip side, most guests bring each twin their own gift for their birthday. While we’d appreciate anything, they are their own individuals. My twins just turned 6, so this year and the year before is when we started having bigger birthday parties with classmates and friends from school invited.


One gift from the household ❤️

Twins and Birthdays: One Gift or Two?

 yep, this is the way. If you have twins and a singleton, then it would be three gifts. Also we go as a family no one realistically expects 14 month olds to be picking out things on Amazon lol.


I was thinking about this the other day & would say that it depends on your budget. Also when I am thinking about it the other way around, e.g. my twins having their b-day parties I would expect that both of my twins would get a present each from their friends 😊.


Mine are 4 and I’ve always done one normal gift from both. Never even crossed my mind to get 2.


I usually set a budget and divide by 2. Than I would buy 2 gifts and 2 cards. When they got older they could pick out gifts themselves. Staying within the budget.


I’ve currently been doing one gift from both of them.


I buy a present from both of them. Because inviting both meant the parent had to pay twice for them.


I do two gifts because my girls get excited to wrap the gifts and deliver it themselves. Mine are a little older. I figure the family doesn’t care but it’s good etiquette to bring two gifts or one gift worth two if you can afford it because they are paying for an additional child to be there.


My twins are 5yo. I always do one gift per child. If they were brothers of different age, they would get invited to different birthday parties and I would get birthday presents every time. Because they’re twins, they get invited to the same birthday parties so they each get to give one gift. They love to pick the gifts and each give their gift to their friends. ❤️

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I would buy a gift and put both their names on it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have 3 kids and when we go to a birthday party I buy a fair dollar amount for the child and put all our kids name on it. Even my friends without twins get gifts and collectively say it’s from the family.


Does Twins Equal Two Gifts?

Twins and Birthdays: One Gift or Two?

I do not get two presents. I usually spend what I would normally spend and make them agree on the one things. Or I let them each pick something that’s within the budget. So if I was going to spend $25 then I can get two things that add up to that. I don’t think it’ll change as they get older bc they are 5 now and it hasn’t changed.


Our twins are 7, birthday parties have added up a lot this school year. I try to remember what it is like for families who are invited to our children’s birthday party- so for close friends who I know are invited to our twins birthday party, typically I spend $30 from each twin. If it’s a birthday child that is just a friend, I’d spend $20 from each twin. I let our children pick something within that limit.


As a mom, I wouldn’t expect any different kind of gift just because you have twins. One gift would be sufficient.


We usually would buy just one present from the both of the twins. I think the gift size mattered more with how close my kids were with the birthday kid.


We do one gift! From both! Usually its a bigger gift or two small items!


I purchase two small gifts or one larger gift. I have twins and a singleton so if all three are invited we just bring a really nice gift.


I always give a gift from each twin. My reasoning is that when your singleton kid attends my twins’ bday party, you buy a gift for each of them.


Hi! Mom of twin 3 year olds. We always just have a budget like around $30 -$40 for friends and neighbors and a little more for family members and very close friends …we either buy a few little things or a big thing but keep it in that budget. I think this is pretty standard as I was not a multiple but did have a brother and a sister growing up and if we were ever all invited to a bday party we always just brought a gift within our budget but not necessarily per child.


My twins are only two so this hasn’t come up yet for us, but I would say you could do one gift but maybe spend a little more then you would if you only had one kid going.


I buy one big present from both …. $60 present. Because it’s 2 children you cannot go with a $20 gift ( my opinion).

Twins and Birthdays: One Gift or Two?

One present .. from all of us .. .. for our children 1st birthday we requested gift cards and donation to march of dimes especially since christmas was 3 week after their bday.


We only do one from our family, but we have friends who will do a gift from each twin. My kids are still little so most parties we go to the whole family is invited, and each family is usually bringing one gift no matter how many kids they have.


We usually do one big gift, or a themed gift (like swimsuit, sunscreen, beach towel, etc) like a few things that go together and then I just wrap things in multiple boxes or bags.


Prior to kindergarten I didn’t think much of this bc the parties they were invited to were close friends/family but now that my 2 are school aged we give a card from each kid and a gift from each (usually money or gift card and candy bc I’m that mom 🤣😅). I have noticed the same is not always true at my twins’ birthday though—lots of shared gifts and that’s ok but just be prepared for it.


One Gift or Two?

As a twin and a mom to twins I bring two gifts, one from each child. I figure that if they’re invited to their birthday chances are they will each get one gift from the kids that attend. Also growing up as a twin one gift to share was the worst.


My twins are 8 now and we’ve always bought the birthday friend two gifts. I look at it this way. Each kid walks out with a gift bag and is treated as an individual kid. So we gift from each twin.


I usually get a gift from each, particularly as they get older and enjoy the act of giving and I’m sure their friends enjoy receiving – mine have just turned 4 and to be honest parties have really only been a thing for the past year 🥳.


When my twins were that age, we gave them one slightly bigger gift than we would if there was just one child invited. My twins are now almost 4, and if they get invited to a party- they are old enough to pick out a gift for them, so would purchase separate gifts.


If you’d expect a gift each for your twins, regardless of budget (which I would, as they are individuals) then you should take a gift from each twin to the birthday party. This is only for nursery / school friends. Family/close friends are a gift from us all as a family and likely to cost more in general.

Twins and Birthdays: One Gift or Two?

Um, yeah it’s one gift normal pricing. I have three kids, and no matter who is in invited (if it’s all or one) I have a $30 limit on gifts. But honestly when we get invited to birthdays for kids that are 4 and under, our friends kids already have everything they want and need given to them from their parents/family. So I buy the parents/mom something for all their hard work getting through infancy and toddler years. Going to a 3 year olds party today and bring a GC for mom for a nail salon. My friend started that trend for me on the twins 1st bday and I love that idea so much that I’ve been doing it. But it’s never even crossed my mind to get individual gifts from each kid. But if I did, it would be a $15 toy to keep it at $30. I wouldn’t expect/nor want anyone to spend more than $30 total for my twins on their gifts.


I either buy one from each or one big one. Depends on what we find, if they chose, or what the birthday kid is interested in.

This is a bit complicated, but I see who the person is who has invited my twins. If it’s a veey close friend then I’ll get something from each of them and spend a bit more. If it’s a friend, I’ll get something bigger from both of them. When you start inviting friends to yours children’s birthday, you will probably notice that other parents do something similar.


I have always tried to treat my twins like complete individuals. I always let them each pick out a gift for their friend and wrap it separately. And people usually bring them individual gifts to their parties as well -but we have talked about being grateful and learning to share combined gifts if they happen to get them.


Fellow twin mom – I usually do one gift from both girls but double the budget since there are 2 of them.


One present from both that’s a little bigger/more expensive than what I’d buy from just one child.


So for us we buy a gift from each child since the one child may *potentially* come to my kids bday party with two gifts. If it is someone we don’t know well we will most likely do a joint gift but for kids in our family or very good friends we will almost always do a gift from each kiddo.


I always bring two gifts. I see them as two different kids invited to the party. I do the same if I bring siblings – an extra gift for each additional kid.

Twins and Birthdays: One Gift or Two?

My twins are 8 yrs old and we have many bday parties under our belts. We dont give gifts and we say “No gifts please” at their party. My kids make homemade cards for the bday kiddo. The end.


As a expecting mom of twins and I invited people with twins or multiple to the bday of my son they only bring one.


One present for one birthday kid.


I would get two gifts, one from each of my boys. I changed when they became teens and stopped going to all the same birthday parties.


I usually just get one from both of them. ❤️


If both my girls are invited they each select their own gift for the birthday boy/girl.

The question was posted on Instagram on 06/03/23

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