What can you expect at 32 weeks pregnant with twins? We’ve compiled a list of common symptoms, to-do’s this week, pregnancy tips, pregnancy concerns, questions to ask your doctor, advice from other pregnant moms of twins, and tons of other info below to help you through this week in your twin pregnancy. Enjoy!
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⬅ 31 Weeks Pregnant with Twins 👶👶
👶👶 33 Weeks Pregnant with Twins ➡
- 32 Weeks Pregnant With Twins Video
- What’s Going On With Those Twinnies?
- To-Do List
- 5 Tips for a Better 32nd Week
- Advice From Other Twin Moms
- Concerns Other Twin Moms Had
- Questions Twin Moms Had for Their Doctor
- 32 Weeks Pregnant Video
- Typical Tests That Are Done
- Product Recommendations
- An excerpt from “What To Do When You’re Having Two”
- Belly Photos at 32 Weeks Pregnant With Twins
- Ultrasound Photos at 32 Weeks Pregnant With Twins
- Articles You Should Read This Week
- Videos to Check Out
- Register for Class
32 Weeks Pregnant With Twins Video

Our new digital twin pregnancy journal is up for sale on the Twiniversity Etsy store! This is the first and only digital journal exclusively for twin pregnancy. It’s the perfect way to record your precious twin pregnancy memories to cherish for years to come. Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our expecting twins classes and Twiniversity Shop!

What’s Going On With Those Twinnies?
- Median weight for dichorionic twins: 4lbs, 4oz*
- Median weight for monochorionic twins: 4lbs
*This is the week at which dichorionic twins deviate from singleton weight reference charts.
You’re probably gaining weight at a more rapid pace — about a pound a week. Half of that weight goes straight to your babies, who will gain one-third to half their birth weight in the next six weeks in preparation for life outside the womb.

To-Do List
- Cook and freeze nutritious meals to enjoy after you’re home from the hospital. This is great advice if you have freezer space. If you don’t, you should consider buying a chest freezer to hold everything, including meals that friends/family may drop off once the babies have arrived.
- Pick out baby names. One of the top worries of twin parents is choosing the right names for their babies, and then (in the case of same-sex twins) deciding which baby gets which name. After the babies are born, don’t let the hospital staff or your family pressure you into finalizing names until you are 100% sure. Check with your doctor, but you typically have about 14 days after the birth to finalize baby names.

5 Tips for a Better 32nd Week
- Don’t stand for long periods of time, if you can help it.
- Soak your feet with Epsom salts to help swelling.
- Try to stretch or even take a gentle/prenatal yoga class.
- Sleeping with a pillow between your knees helps with the back and legs.
- Take a warm bath if you start to feel restless and agitated.

Advice From Other Twin Moms
I tried kinesio tape for belly support for the first time and it was actually helpful. Call your insurance and figure out how to get your breast pump if you haven’t already. Tie up loose ends with maternity leave paperwork ASAP! Leave the chores alone and rest rest rest!
– Amy B., Baton Rouge, LA
Follow doctor’s orders, even if it means staying in the hospital overnight for observation.
– Vanilynne G., Flushing, NY
The doctor told me to listen to my body and it honestly is the best advice.
– Naomi C., Bolton, England
Drink plenty of water… there’s never too much!
– Isabel W.
This is the 4th quarter of the game, you’re going to be tired, you’re going to feel like you’ve been giving your all and can’t give anymore, but you’re almost there, keep your eye and your heart on the prize of 2 healthy beautiful babies!
– Amy B., Baton Rouge, LA
Be strong, I have to try and motivate myself almost everyday. It’s hard but for me making it to 32 weeks is a miracle. I try to keep my mind off the pain by reading and playing simple games on my phone when I’m relaxing. I also keep my hubby updated to my state of mind, in case I say something hurtful….LOL
– Bahiya, Johannesburg, South Africa
Emergency panty liners are your friend.
– Kelly B., Jacksonville, FL
Need some twin parent friends? Get the support you need with a Twiniversity Membership. Benefits include a monthly twin parent club meeting on Zoom, access to a private Facebook group just for twin parents, and a video library of twin parenting lessons. Visit Twiniversity.com/membership to join today!

Concerns Other Twin Moms Had
- When will they come? Will I be able to do this? Will it be a c-section?
- I’m currently on bedrest and am concerned about having the babies early. Glad to have hit the 32 week mark and almost 33 week mark, but would really like to carry them for at least a few more weeks if not, more! I’m also nervous about the possibility of having a cesarean.
- Pain management during labor; debating an epidural.
- I can barely get any sleep which is taking a toll on me physically, but also mentally too.
- Not knowing when I will have the babies, will I go into labor on my own? Will the doctors have to induce me? Will it be a natural delivery or C-section? There are still a lot of unknowns for the next few weeks.

Questions Twin Moms Had for Their Doctor
- How far do you think I’ll go?
- Can you check for dilation?
- How big do you think they will be?
- What position are the babies in?
- What is different about a vaginal delivery of twins at the hospital (versus a singleton delivery)?
- What is the difference between an epidural and a spinal block?
- If twin A is head down and twin B is breech can I deliver vaginally?
- Will the babies still have enough room to flip by 37 weeks?
- If they’re in position do I have to get induced, or can I schedule a C section?
- Are my birth plan expectations realistic for your practice and hospital?
- When will my cerclage be removed?
- Symptoms of early labor to watch for?
- When will cervical checks begin?
- When will GBS swab be done?
- Why do I have itching all over at times?
- Both babies are currently transverse. Is there is still a chance of them flipping to head down?
32 Weeks Pregnant Video
Typical Tests That Are Done
It is common to have weekly nonstress testing (NST) with fluid assessments starting at 32 weeks in an uncomplicated twin gestation. As your pregnancy progresses you will likely be scheduled more and more frequently, building to every 1-2 days as you get closer to full term. A nonstress test is used to evaluate your babies’ health before birth. The goal of a nonstress test is to provide useful information about your babies’ oxygen supply by checking their heart rates and how it responds to your babies’ movements. The test might indicate the need for further monitoring, testing, treatment or delivery. A nonstress test typically requires no special preparation. During the nonstress test, you’ll lie on a reclining chair. You’ll have your blood pressure taken at regular intervals during the test and each baby will be monitored while you relax in a recliner for 20 minutes, playing on your phone or reading a book.

Product Recommendations
Best Cradle – Maternity Support Belt
Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Tummy Butter & Stretch Mark Massage Lotion
Rachel’s Remedy Breastfeeding/Sore Breast Relief Packs
Digital Twin Pregnancy Journal
Boppy Pregnancy Support Pillow
Check out this list of more Must Have Pregnancy Products You Need Right Now and Postpartum recovery products that twin moms LOVE
Check out all our Twiniversity merch in our SHOP! We’ve got twin mom and dad t-shirts, twin planning printables, lactation support, twin baby shower planners & games, a digital twin pregnancy journal, and so much more! Start shopping now

An excerpt from “What To Do When You’re Having Two“
Research Different Birthing Techniques
It would be foolish to choose one technique before the labor, because you really don’t know what will work for you until you’re in the moment, especially if this is your first labor. You may think that deep breathing will work fine to get you through the contractions, but when those contractions hit, you might need something else. The best thing to do is research several birthing techniques (the Bradley Method, Hypno-birthing, Lamaze, etc.) so that you have many tools in your arsenal when the time comes. If you are planning to have a drug-free delivery, remember that taking a shower, prenatal massage, using the birthing ball, breathing techniques, and sitting in a warm tub are all fabulous ways to help get you through the pain if your doctor is okay with them.
Pregnant with twins and not sure where to start? Visit the Ultimate Twin Pregnancy Guide to find all the top articles and resources to get you ready for twins. While you’re at it, check out our expecting twin classes and Twiniversity shop!
REMINDER: Don’t forget to take a belly shot!
Belly Photos at 32 Weeks Pregnant With Twins

Ultrasound Photos at 32 Weeks Pregnant With Twins

Articles You Should Read This Week
What You DON’T Need When You’re Having Twins
I’m Having Twins! What Do I Need To Know?
What’s The Biggest Challenge About Having Twins?
Videos to Check Out
Register for Class
Have you taken your expecting twins class yet? We offer a great class on demand so you can take it on your own schedule! There are so many video modules covering everything from your twins’ baby registry to your first week at home with twins! Sign up today to get started before your twins arrive.
Need a plan for the first week home with twins? Book your 60-minute twins \post-delivery strategy session on a video call with Lauren Oak, Twin Expert and Certified Postpartum Doula (and mom of twins!), to create a customized game plan for you and your twins when they come home. Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our Twiniversity Shop and Twin Parent Memberships.

Want to get weekly emails about your twin pregnancy? Sign up for the Twiniversity email list! Subscribe today to get emails about giveaways, events, weekly article roundups, and more! We’ll be sending you a weekly twin pregnancy email to keep you on track with your pregnancy to-do list! Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our expecting twins classes and personal twin parent coaching services.
⬅ 31 Weeks Pregnant with Twins 👶👶
👶👶 33 Weeks Pregnant with Twins ➡
- AAFP. 2011c. Your baby’s development: The third trimester. American Academy of Family Physicians.
- Mayo Clinic. 2014b. Fetal development: The third trimester.
- MedlinePlus (ADAM). 2015. Fetal development.
- OWH. 2010. Stages of pregnancy. U.S. Office on Women’s Health.
- ACOG. 2015. FAQ156. Prenatal development: How your baby grows during pregnancy. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.