Whether you are welcoming your first and second baby or adding to your brood, a pregnancy announcement that includes your fur baby is a fun way to share your excitement (and humorous trepidation) with family and friends. Fido is, after all, a part of the family, and it is only fitting he should help deliver such an important message. Although having twins changes your priorities, nothing could replace your furry first-born! Just be sure to break the news to him gently that he is not the baby of the family anymore. From heartfelt to quirky, here are our favorite pregnancy announcement ideas that include your fur baby.

Your “First Born”
Up until having my twins, my pup was my one and only baby, my furry firstborn, and the first thing I kept alive besides houseplants. Actually, houseplants are still an issue.
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Dress up your dog in adorable baby gear—like a bonnet and a pacifier clipped to their fur—and have them pose with a sign that says, “But I thought I was your baby!” Adding an ultrasound photo to the scene completes the look. This fun announcement idea is ideal for those who treat their pooches like pampered babies.
A Simple Photo
Signs can be a helpful prop for pregnancy announcement photos, but sometimes, a picture says it all. Pose your pup snuggling with two pairs of baby shoes for a simple and sentimental photo. It will look like even your dog is patiently awaiting your sweet twins’ arrival.
Don’t Tell the Dogs
You can’t go wrong with a “don’t tell the dogs” theme. For this clever pregnancy announcement idea, pose with your and your partner’s hands over your pups’ eyes and a sign that says “SHHH We haven’t Told Them Yet. Babies Coming (insert date here).” Those poor pups don’t know what’s coming…

Promote Your Fur-st baby!
Going from only child to a big brother or sister doesn’t have to be a bad thing for a furry child. In fact, it’s a promotion! Use a chalkboard sign to hang around your dog’s neck that says: “Promoted to Big Brother.” If you have more than one dog, you can make other signs such as “Official Toy Tester for Baby(s) (last name here)” and “Guard Dog Duty Starts (month/year).” If they don’t mind wearing costumes, you can give the pups neckties and/or glasses to lean into the office theme. Your dogs are now productive members of your household!
Painted Pawprints
Make a personalized white tee shirt by adding your pup’s paw prints to the belly area. Make sure to use non-toxic paint or a non-toxic ink pad. For the photo, get your dog to stand on his hind legs and hold his front paws. It will look like he jumped up and left paw prints on your belly. This would be super cute if your pregnancy announcement is coming after your belly starts to show. The tee shirt won’t last forever, but the picture will.

A Message from The Dogs
“My parents are getting us TWO humans!” Every human wants a dog, and every dog wants a human, and the only thing better than one human is TWO! The more excited you can get the dogs to look, the better too.

The More, the Merrier
For a fun holiday-themed pregnancy announcement idea, take a photo of your Christmas stockings on the mantle, including your doggy’s, and add two tiny little stockings for the newcomers. You can pose your dog sitting in front of the fire or use a self-timer to capture the whole family together. If you really want to hard-launch this pregnancy, this would make an adorable Christmas card!
Looking for more digital twin pregnancy announcement ideas? Check out 15 Best Digital Twins Pregnancy Announcements
Spell it Out…In Treats!
Spell out a short announcement in treats on the floor that reads “Baby” and then the due date, month, and year. If you have well-behaved fur babies, have them sit behind the writing. They will most likely be looking at the treats for the photo, which is perfect. Bonus points if you can get them to tilt their heads for a confused look!
These pregnancy announcement ideas are perfect for social media, mailing out cards, or throwing flyers down the stairwell 90s movie style for all to see. They also provide some special bonding time with Fido before your family grows even bigger. And even though it can be an adjustment to make room for twins, chances are your pup will be their first best friend.

Maddison Ellison is a mom to vibrant and mischievous twin toddler girls. She works as a nurse in the Denver metro area and enjoys getting outside with her twins, husband, and sheepadoodle, Rosie. Maddison is inspired by health, wellness, the magic of everyday life, and of course, coffee.