Looking for twin pregnancy advice as a first time twin parent? We’ve got some great tips below from our Twiniversity Community to help you navigate this crazy new adventure in your life.
Updated October 2022
First of all, congratulations. If you’re reading this, you probably just had an ultrasound and found out it’s twins. But don’t panic! I know it might be overwhelming and a bit scary at first, but trust us, we’ve been there. And with a little guidance (and a WHOLE lot of patience), you’re going to do just fine. Plus, you have our community, and we are always here to give twin pregnancy advice, from pregnancy, birth, and beyond.
So read some of our greatest twin pregnancy advice below, from our experienced twin parents who’ve been through it all.
“If you could give one piece of advice for women pregnant with twins, what would it be?”
Here’s what our Twiniveristy community had to say!
– Listen to your body, and rest! Be prepared to be flexible with everything!
– Give yourself some grace and book yourself a nice day at the spa, splurge on yourself.
– Stay calm and don’t worry until the doctor tells you to worry
– It never gets easier it just goes through different stages and each stage is different
– Take each day one moment at a time in the beginning.
– Be kind to yourself your body drastically changes—you’re growing 2 humans

– As soon as you’re induced as for epidural. Why wait for pain? I didn’t feel any during a 14hr labor.
– Don’t feel the pressure to leave the house with everything. Just grab the kids and get 10 minutes of fresh air.
– It is okay to ask for help
– It’s going to be the craziest and most amazing journey of your life
– Don’t let others’ stories scare you
– Do your preparing early. Many of us are too uncomfortable in those last 3 to 4 months.
– One day at a time
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– Go to therapy. Nobody told me about postpartum depression
– Ask for help!
– Don’t be scared about other people’s delivery stories
Twin Parenting Tips from our Community
– Rest
– Don’t buy two of everything! One to try–See if each like or just one.
– It’s so much better than you can imagine. And get a Twin Z Pillow!
– Relax as much as you can before your babies are out
– Be prepared mentally for NICU time
– Rest and Hydrate
– Night nanny. Hire a night nanny for a while. Get yourself some rest.

– Take all the help people offer
– Line up some help for yourself once the babies are born!
– Go on all the date nights NOW.
– Sleep in. Go to the movies, out to dinner, etc.
– Take all the help offered, even when you think, “I got this, I’m doing great!”
– Listen to your body! Those babies need you, don’t overdo it.
– Things happen for a week or two, not forever (even if it feels like forever)
– Get them on a schedule
– If possible potty train older children before twins come
More Twin Pregnancy Advice for New Twin Parents
– Have bottles and formula ready even if you plan on breastfeeding
– You got this! But a Table for Two and Milkymates will help!
– Listen to your body
– Be kind to yourself and yourself some grace
– Don’t let all your fears of “how will life be” overwhelm you. Moms have a way of figuring it all out and we just have to learn how to deal with new routines.
– Baby Steps
– If you plan to breastfeed, feed babies as soon as you can but also start pumping in the hospital as soon as you can to give your milk production a little boost. And if it doesn’t work out to breastfeed, it’s okay! Everyone is going to be okay ( I learned this the hard way).

– Just do the next thing. Don’t get overwhelmed with the future and you’re going to manage.
– Don’t listen to the negativity and everyone’s awkward reactions when you say you’re expecting twins! I was filled with fear. I wish I allowed myself to enjoy pregnancy and be excited.
– Try to keep them on the same schedule! Feeding and naps.
Even More Twin Pregnancy Tips
– Don’t think you will be stuck at home not being able to go anywhere with 2 babies. It is definitely a process to leave the house by yourself, but once you figure out that you can do it it is such a freeing feeling. A great double stroller makes outtings possible!
– Don’t compare yourselves to others, take advice with a pinch of salt and do things the way that suits you.
– Sleep while you’re still pregnant
– Newborns make all sorts of weird noises. Most of them are normal. Don’t freak out about the noises

Did you know we have a FREE Facebook group just for expecting twin parents? Hurry and join today to find support from expecting twin mamas who get it!
– If your twins are fraternal, try not to compare them to each other in regards to temperament or developmental milestones. If they don’t hit milestones together, that’s okay!
– Every day is a new day
– Get a routine
– Multiple changing stations set up in your house.
– Let go of expectations and give yourself a lot of grace
– You will sleep again soon
– Don’t compare yourself to others or your twins to each other
– Take each day as it comes. Sometimes just getting through the day deserves celebrating!
– Enjoy every moment because it goes really fast!
– Don’t listen to unsolicited advice from singleton parents. No twins, no opinions!
– Schedule, schedule, schedule! If one twin is eating, the other twin is eating!
– Take any and all help

Great Twin Parenting Advice from Experienced Parents
– Everything changes when they start sleeping. That milestone is life changing, hold on to that.
– It’s okay to just survive some days, a lot of them even.
– Get on a schedule on day 1! Also sleep train.
– Whatever you do, don’t use google to search anything. Google will only have the worst case results and stress you out more.
– Swim if you can! I did almost every day! Relieves pressure, gives babies more room to stretch, and good exercise!
– Many daycares have waiting lists. I had no clue and waited until I delivered to look into them and then I was screwe
– Treat this pregnancy different than a singleton. It’s high risk for a reason.
– If you live in a 2-story home, move! Life will be a lot easier if there isn’t a staircase between you and everything you need!
– Put on clean clothes everyday. It makes a huge difference in your morale.

Twiniversity Staff Writer