Do your twins absolutely detest being in their car seats? I feel like this is one of those dark sides of parenting that no one talks about. But the reality is, if your twins aren’t happy in the car, no one is happy! Let’s talk about it (even if no one else is), and maybe, just maybe, we can turn twin car seat struggles into twin car seat successes!
Struggling to safely secure your twins in their car seats and keep them happy? You’re not alone. Here are some helpful tips on conquering those twin car seat struggles.

How to Make Car Rides More Pleasant for Your Twins
Keeping one baby comfortable and content while in their car seat can be unpleasant at times but completely doable (especially when it’s 2 parents against one baby). But add another child of the exact same age, and car rides can get interesting. Even more so if one or both (I’ll pray for you) children hate their car seats.
Here are some ways you can keep the tears and screaming to a minimum while traveling in the car with twins:
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Properly adjust the car seat straps
Car seat struggles or not, this is a huge one! It’s critical to make sure your baby is positioned safely and strapped in securely. Straps that are too tight or too loose can lead to discomfort and safety hazards. And, of course, nobody wants that!
Here are a few basics to remember:
- The chest buckle of the car seat should be in line with the baby’s armpits.
- The straps should be pulled tightly so the baby can’t move very much.
- The baby’s back should lay flat against the back of the car seat.
- A properly installed base reclines the baby, helping ensure their airways are open. Most car seat bases have a way to check the proper positioning, so be sure to check the manufacturer’s directions for your specific car seat.
- As your twins grow, re-check the straps. Most car seats allow you to adjust the height of the straps as they get bigger.
- If needed, you can use rolled-up towels to provide extra side support when they are really little.

Make sure clothing is comfortable
Sometimes, it’s an overlooked wardrobe detail that can make or break your baby’s comfort in the car. Be on the lookout for any buttons or clasps on your child’s clothing that could be rubbing against their skin or straps while buckled in.
Also, keep an eye on the car’s temperature. Due to less airflow in the car seat, babies can sometimes overheat. In cold weather, it’s recommended that coats be worn after the baby is strapped in. This is because bulky clothing can interfere with safe positioning.
I live in the northeast, so during the winter months, I usually drape a blanket over my toddlers after they’re secured. This way, if they get hot, it’s easy to take off while pulled over or when there’s another passenger in the car.

Be mindful of the lighting
Try to imagine yourself in the position of your twins. Is the sun streaming directly into their eyes? Is it reflecting off of the buckle or mirror and messing with their vision in any way? Could the brightness of the sun cause them sunburn on that particular day?
Here are two helpful tactics to combat these potential car seat struggles:
- You can find inexpensive window shades that allow you to provide an extra barrier and adjust the lighting in the back seat
- If your baby is 6 months or older, you can use a baby-safe sun tan lotion to help protect their skin
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Make it fun
So obviously, you can’t always control WHERE you are traveling to. Hello, doctor’s appointments and grocery runs! But you can still make the car ride itself enticing and exciting for your twinnies.
This is especially helpful when facing car seat struggles like babies who don’t want to go in the car. By pairing the car ride with an enjoyable experience, you’ll help your little one associate positive thoughts and emotions with the car.
- Special toys that they only get to play with while in the car (for toddlers)
- Fun nursery rhymes or other enjoyable music playing on the radio (we love Hey Bear Sensory in this household!).
- Do a special car handshake when they get into and out of their car seat (for toddlers)
- Sing songs they like while you’re driving (for the longest time, “The Ants Go Marching” was our go-to car ride song)
- Let them have a special snack while riding in the car seat (Note: Only try this if you have the ability to monitor safely—i.e. a passenger in addition to the driver)
- Allow them to use a pacifier to self-soothe
- Use a mirror so that they can see you (this would work for rear-facing car seats)

Monitor your own vibe
Sometimes when we see our children getting worked up, we then get worked up ourselves. And not for no reason—I mean, parenting is really hard! That said, a lot of the time, your twins will feed off of your energy. So, if you are frantic and hurrying to get in the car because you’re late, chances are they will pick up on that chaotic energy.
Do what you need to do to check your emotions so you can create a calm transition into the car seat for your twins. It’s not always the easiest thing to do in the moment, but with practice, you can rewire your natural tendency to amp up. My go-to strategy for creating a calm vibe is taking a minute to reset or taking a few deep breaths.
Eliminate other stressors
Getting twin infants or toddlers into their car seats is no easy feat. Kudos to you for all the times you’ve accomplished this and all the future times you will, too! One way to aid yourself with any car seat struggles is to control all the other variables that you can beforehand.

Here are two variables I’m talking about:
- Plan plenty of wiggle room into your timeline (when possible). This will give you extra time to manage any car seat battles that may arise. And more importantly, it will decrease the chances of you feeling rushed and anxious over being late.
- Make sure to feed your twins an appropriate amount of time in advance of the car ride. Some kids are okay with eating before getting in the car. Others are more sensitive and may feel nauseous. Pay attention to these factors to see how each of your twins functions best.
Why doesn’t my baby like their car seat?
Figuring out the root cause of the baby’s dislike of the car is a huge step. Once you have an idea of what’s causing the negative feelings, you can take actions to improve the car seat experience.
Here are just a few reasons your little ones may not like the car seat:
- It makes them feel sick (i.e. motion sickness)
- They’re in an uncomfortable position
- They have a negative association with the car in general for some reason
- The music or radio volume is turned up too loud
- The sun is in their eyes
- Feeling too far away from you
- Feeling too restricted
- It’s boring or takes too long
You can also do a little investigation. Practice having them sit in the car seat inside the house for a few minutes. Strap them in just the way you would if they were actually riding in the car. Observe their reaction. This can help you see if it’s the car seat itself or being in the car that they dislike.

Why does my baby hysterically cry in the car seat?
Your baby could be facing any of the struggles above but just at an amplified level. It’s also quite possible that they have a physical or medical condition that’s causing extreme discomfort, such as tight muscles or reflux.
Is it normal for babies to hate car rides?
It is not unusual for a baby to dislike riding in their car seat. But keep in mind that all little ones have their own individual version of what is “normal.” If you’re concerned about your twin’s car seat struggles, start tracking your observations to investigate the root cause. You can also consult your pediatrician for advice as well.
How can I make my baby happy in a car seat?
First, try all the previous advice outlined in this article. Keep in mind that the best thing you can do to make your twins happy in their car seat is to be observant and willing to trial and error. I suggest keeping a simple log (in your phone notes works great) of what works and what doesn’t. This will help you mentally keep track of helpful strategies.
By actively seeking out solutions (i.e. like reading this article), you are well on your way to overcoming these temporary car seat struggles. You got this!

Paige Figueroa is a mom to fraternal twins. After teaching English for 9 years, she now works from home as a content marketing strategist and entrepreneur so she can spend more time with her children. She loves helping other moms and women enjoy more freedom in their lives by monetizing their passions. You can follow her on IG and TikTok @mombossfreedom or visit