Last updated on September 28th, 2021 at 01:26 pm

This post was originally written for trick or treating COVID style for the 2020 Halloween season but many of the points are still relevant all over the world today.
Trick or treating COVID style is going to be really different from any other Halloween we’ve experienced in our lifetime. It’s going to be weird, guys! REALLY WEIRD! But isn’t that what Halloween is all about? Doing things outside the norm, pretending to be someone else, and harnessing your inner weirdo?
I’m trying my best to embrace the weirdness of trick or treating COVID times while also keeping me and my kids safe. In many parts of our country, trick or treating has been canceled. Parents are desperate to make Halloween fun for their kiddos. Whether you’re looking for alternatives to trick or treating or you just want to have a safer trick or treating COVID experience, these ideas and tips will help to make your Halloween way more fun than you thought it could be this year.

Trick or Treating COVID alternatives for your family
Trick or Treat Inside Your House
My boys had chickenpox one year for Halloween. Since we could not go out I stood with a candy stand behind all the doors on our property. It was me running to each door as dad and grandma walked from room to room with the boys. This year when talking about COVID and Halloween they told me I could set it up like when they had chickenpox. I was so happy they had remembered and were happy to do it again!! We also set up a haunted house each year and this would be our ninth year hosting a Trunk or Treat. Now we are thinking up creative ways to still do the haunted house and Trunk or Treat. – The Jacobs Family
Halloween Egg Hunt
Amazon sells Halloween-themed Easter eggs. I’m thinking of getting those, filling with candy and little toys then doing an egg hunt either in our house or in the yard. If my neighborhood allows, maybe I’ll do an egg hunt inside my home just for my kids and some outside my house for the neighborhood kids to find, plus a bowl on the porch. Plus some teal eggs for kids with allergies. – Christina C.
Trick or Treating to Friends Only
My girls are still young, so we are just going to go for a costume walk and check out the decorations. We have a few friends in the neighborhood so we will trick or treat to ONLY those we know are social distancing and will be wearing masks and expecting us. – Ariel B.

More fun ideas for the family
Halloween Scavenger Hunt
My kids don’t actually enjoy trick or treating so I’m probably doing a scavenger hunt to find a stash of candy. A snack-sized Snickers isn’t worth spreading germs to my elderly neighbors. – Ashley E.
Movie night + trick or treating indoors
This year I will be setting up trick or treating stations in the house and we will just watch Halloween movies. I got the idea last year when trick or treating was canceled due to a snowstorm and I had to think of something last minute. – Tamita H.
Planning a movie night on Halloween? Read this… Best Halloween Kid Movies You’ll Want to Stream Now

Trick or Treating Ideas for Your Neighborhood
But what about all the kids that will come to YOUR house expecting trick or treating COVID to be like any other year? Here are some ideas to make trick or treating safe for your friends and neighbors.
Candy bags in the yard
Lay snack-size Ziploc baggies with a few treats each around the yard, 6 feet apart. Kids can come up and grab a baggie and go. You can hang out on your porch to watch all the cute costumes and replenish the yard.
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Candy toss
Throw candy from the porch for kids to catch in their buckets! You may want to X out spots for kids to stand 6 feet apart on your front walk to keep them from crowding.
Boo baskets
Make boo baskets for the neighborhood kids. A boo basket is a Halloween goody basket full of Halloween candy, games, stickers, toys, etc. Drop them off early on Halloween with a little note that it’s from you.

More creative ideas
Candy table
If you really want to be as close to the action as possible, but you still want to keep a distance, set up a long table at the end of your walk/driveway to pass out candy with gloves and a mask on. Mark 6-foot Xs for kids to stand on to avoid crowding.
Candy grabber
If you want to have kids come up to the door, mark a line on the porch for kids to stand behind. Use a grabber to drop candy in their buckets from 6 feet away.
Table with candy bags
This is a combo of some earlier ideas. Set up a table on your front porch or at the end of your walkway with pre-portioned baggies for self-service. Set up some chairs for your family to watch all the kids in their costumes from 6+ feet behind the table.
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Candy chute
This one is really cute and I’ve seen many creative ones on the internet popping up. Use a long chute to drop candy to kids down the stair rail of your front steps or through your front gate. Decorate the chute in a Halloween theme to make it extra fun! Carpet stores have long cardboard tubes you can buy. Or try your local hardware store for PVC pipe. 2- to 3-inch PVC at 10 feet long should do it. Use duct tape and zip ties to attach it to your stair railing.
Bart Simpson-style
Use a slingshot to send candy over your fence for kids to catch in their buckets. This will probably cause mass chaos, and possibly some injuries, but it sure sounds fun! Even better, do this with your own kids in the backyard.
We hope some of these ideas help to make this year of trick or treating COVID style super memorable and fun. It will for sure make for some great stories someday! Happy Halloween!