Last updated on July 1st, 2024 at 05:15 pm
Hey gang! Today we’ve got a GREAT list of 10 essentials that every mom should have in her diaper bag — PLUS we’re giving away a Diaper Bag Sofo from Baby Bjorn! This lightweight bag has TONS of pockets and can be worn as a tote, messenger bar or BACKPACK! WHAT? Yeah, we’re kind of obsessed with it. Scroll down to learn more!
1. First Aid Kit
You can find small first aid kits with just a few of the essentials — Band-Aids, antibiotic ointment, alcohol wipes, etc. — stuffed into a small zipped bag that you can just tuck away into your bag for random owies that always seem to pop up at the worst times.
2. Extra Cash
Tuck away an extra 20 or two in case of emergency. If you ever accidentally lose your wallet while you’re on the go, then at least you’ll have something to get you through the day
3. Copy of Insurance Cards
This goes for you and the kids! Keep copies of all cards in your bag in case of an emergency.
4. Change of Adult Shirt
Keep a basic tee in there large enough for both parents to use in case of a sudden shower of bodily fluids or a dive bomb of baby food!
5. Snacks for YOU
Why should the kiddies have all the fun? You need to keep your blood sugar in balance and make sure you’re taking care of yourself. A Kind bar is a great way to get a sweet fix with tons of protein and good-for-you ingredients that will stay fresh for a few months.
6. A Change of SEASONAL Kid Clothes
This is your reminder to switch out those summer clothes for winter (or vice versa.) Don’t get stuck with a tank top and short shorts in the middle of a snowy day. Better make it 2 pairs of clothes if you’ve got twins or more.

7. Doggy Poop Bags
These are a lifesaver to contain the nasty smell of poopy diapers that you have to hang on to until you can find a trash can!
8. Post-Its & Pen
You never know when you might need to jot down a note in the doctor’s office or at the grocery store. A Post-It makes it so easy to scribble that thought down and cram it in your pocket until you get home.
9. Sunscreen (6 mos+) and Insect Repellant
Even on cold and cloudy days, if you’re planning to spend any time outside with the kids you’ll need to protect their skin. In the warm months, wrap insect repellant wrist bands around the stroller handle to fend off mosquitos.
10. Rain Poncho
This will be a total lifesaver! Get one of those clear plastic ponchos that fold up super small and keep it handy for the day where it starts to pour and you forgot your umbrella. DAY SAVED!
Related Articles
- What Should Be Packed In Your Twin Diaper Bag
- What’s In Your Diaper Bag?
- Packing a Diaper Bag for Your Twinnies
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