Tired of Being A Twin Referee?
My identical twin sister and I frequently reminisce about our worst fight. Although we both remember the incident with slightly divergent perspectives, the upshot of… Continue Reading Tired of Being A Twin Referee?
My identical twin sister and I frequently reminisce about our worst fight. Although we both remember the incident with slightly divergent perspectives, the upshot of… Continue Reading Tired of Being A Twin Referee?
Bathing Twins might be my least favorite of the parenting duties. Yup, I said it, out loud! For a long time, I felt badly that… Continue Reading Bathtime for Two: Tips to Make Bathing Twins Easier
Want to stop yelling at your kids? Does it seems like it the only way they listen? “Time for art class! It’s going to be… Continue Reading 3 Steps to Stop Yelling at Your Kids
When my kids were babies, I thought it was the hardest thing I’d ever experienced. Constant care and sleep deprivation added up to me being… Continue Reading What Doesn’t Work When Disciplining Your Twins
Hey gang! We’ve got a great article for you on teaching multiples to share and take turns. Several months ago I read an article from… Continue Reading Teaching Multiples to Share
Biting… Something no one warned you about! Years ago — before I had kids of my own — a mom friend of mine referred to… Continue Reading Toddler Biting: A Heavily Stigmatized Yet Normal Part Of Development
This morning I attended a conference requested by my daughter’s teacher. It is always a bit disconcerting to be called in for a one-on-one meeting… Continue Reading Parenting Twins With Opposite Learning Styles
Six years old. That’s when I decided that everything would change. Rooms would be kept clean, the table would be set and cleared at mealtimes,… Continue Reading The 5 Dollar Plan for Kids Chores
So you finally made it through the first year with twins (hallelujah!) and now they are walking, talking, and getting into everything, and mayyyybe you’re starting to… Continue Reading Top 10 Articles for Parents of Toddler Twins
Welcome to the Twiniversity video segment, Ask Nat! Twiniversity founder and CEO Natalie Diaz is mom to 10-year-old boy/girl twins and teaches twin classes around… Continue Reading My Kids Won’t Sleep! When Twins Have a Nightly Slumber Party
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