Our Journey with Sensory Integration Disorder
I pull over the car for the tenth time. My 9-month old daughter is hysterically screaming in the backseat. Not just the typical cry, but… Continue Reading Our Journey with Sensory Integration Disorder
I pull over the car for the tenth time. My 9-month old daughter is hysterically screaming in the backseat. Not just the typical cry, but… Continue Reading Our Journey with Sensory Integration Disorder
A Mom recently asked: My boys are 5 now and the problem that were having is that they fight over who gets to go first.… Continue Reading The Twin Struggle: Who Gets To Go First?
I know several parents who have kept their children in cribs until potty training age. They often cite the difficulty of getting them to go… Continue Reading How To Get Kids To Sleep When Moved Out Of Cribs
When my twins were three years old, we got the first “sleddable” snow in our area. We bundled up and excitedly gathered up the never… Continue Reading Fostering Individuality In Your Twins
The concept of strangers is very confusing and convoluted for children, learn how to best help protect your kids from strangers. We tell them not… Continue Reading 10 Tips to Protect Your Kids From Strangers
Do you think your child might have a Sensory Processing Disorder? Read about what SPD is and learn some strategies to cope with it. Generally… Continue Reading What Is a Sensory Processing Disorder and What Can I Do About It?
Being creative about a bedtime routine can create lasting memories for both you and your children. The bedtime routine in my house is a lengthy… Continue Reading Creating a Fun Bedtime Routine for Twins
Everyone I know has said to watch out for the terrible twos, especially with twins. The term “double trouble” seemed to be a daily comment… Continue Reading 5 Things I Have Learned About Three Year Olds
My husband and I always say, “Had we known we’d have a second set we would have paid more attention to the first.” We would… Continue Reading The Second Time Around With Twins
When we started talking about having another baby after the twins, we kept finding reasons to put it off. We imagined caring for a singleton… Continue Reading Expecting Again: Managing a Singleton Pregnancy with Twin Toddlers
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