Last updated on March 31st, 2024 at 12:58 pm
Well, I have talked about Potty Gear and teased about books to help both parents and their kids to get them through this necessary and scary (for some) task. So without further ado here are the best potty training Books for kids and parents! Keep in mind there are totally more options out there and they are not one size fits all so if you are like me you will probably buy them all but try your best to just get a few at a time to see if one sticks!
Potty Training Books for Kids
Potty by Leslie Patricelli
Toddlers ask many questions of themselves and like to know their options. This board book follows the toddlers “inner dialogue” about using diapers or a potty. It is funny and quick leading up to all being proud to yell “I did it!”
P is for Potty! by Naomi Kleinberg
Is it just me or do you find yourself trying to find out the letter of the day each day with our favorite Sesame Street characters? Ok if your kiddos are Sesame Street Kids then this will be a perfect addition to your potty training adventures.
Once Upon a Potty by Alona Frankel
This book comes in both a boy and a girl version. In the story, the character’s mother tells the readers the process of potty training. Joshua (or Prudence) opens a box with a strange object in it and tries to figure out what it is. Simple illustrations and a simple storyline make these books classics.
Everybody Potties (I Can Do It) by Cheri Vogel
Learning to use the potty is something to celebrate! This board book is perfect for twinnies who are ready to give potty training a go! The story is encouraging and reassuring with potty time buddies to lead you through and make you cheer!
What to Expect When You Use the Potty by Heidi Murkoff
For those children who have more questions than one person can answer, What to Expect When You Use the Potty by Heidi Murkoff is an excellent resource. Murkoff answers all sorts of questions children may ask when potty training, like: where do pee-pee and poop come from?; why do I have to wash my hands?; and where do pee-pee and poop go when you flush? Angus the Answer Dog answers these, and plenty of other questions, too.
Where’s the Poop? by Julie Markes
Peeing on the potty is one thing, but pooping is a whole other task! A task that some take a long time to figure out and want to use the potty for. My nephew while potty training would literally steal his younger brothers diaper’s go in another room and poop in the diaper to hand it to his mother. He so did not want to use the potty for that! With the aid of this book, your children will see that everyone has a place to poop, be it in the jungle, in the desert or of course in the toilet.
Potty Animals: What to Know When You’ve Gotta Go! by Hope Vestergaard
All children need reminders on proper toilet etiquette, which is where Potty Animals: What to Know When You’ve Gotta Go! by Hope Vestergaard comes in handy. This rollicking, rhyming and rhythmic book is fun to read and gives great instruction on using the bathroom (a reminder to wash hands, close the door, and knock first, among others). It also includes a helpful list of reminders at the end.
Big Boy Underpants and Big Girl Panties both by Fran Manushkin
Both versions of this book feature a light, positive approach to motivate toddlers to become toilet trained. What is more exciting to toddlers than to wear undies and panties like mom and dad? All will love the snappy, rhyming text and colorful, hip illustrations.
The Princess and the Potty by Wendy Cheyette Lewison
I’m not sure if Wendy Cheyette Lewison wrote The Princess and the Potty for children, or their parents. The princess refuses to use her potty, which upsets the king and queen. They try all sorts of tricks to entice the princess to use a potty, none of which work.
Potty Training Books for Parents
Oh Crap! Potty Training: Everything Modern Parents Need to Know to Do It Once and Do It Right by Jamie Glowacki, show you her 6-step, process to get your toddler out of diapers and onto the toilet. This is a real-world training guide without using bribery or gimmicks. This will answer all of your questions of how to get your twinnies out of diapers for good.
Potty Training Boot Camp for Twins: Potty Train Your Twins in Four Days Before the Age of Two by Dianne Delongchamps
Yup, Dianne Delongchamps is saying with her method you will have your twins trained and done in 4 days and possibly before age 2. She states that the key ingredients for successful potty training are humor, patience, and an “I won’t give up” attitude! With the use of American Sign Language to help guide your twins you can make this happen and fast!
Potty Training Multiples? Relax!: Tips to Guide You Through A Three-Day Potty Training Process, Sanity Intact by Victoria Adams
This is a quick to read and an easy reference book that speaks to us twin and multiples parents. The author guides us through her 3-day method to make this all happen and also has a gear guide to make this an easier task. Read this book to help you relax during the whole process and get it done.
Potty Training in 3 Days: The Step-by-Step Plan for a Clean Break from Dirty Diapers by Brandi Brucks
Brandi Brucks is a nanny turned Potty Training consultant. Providing an intensive 3-day plan with clear step-by-step guides that cover everything you need to know and do, Potty Training in 3 Days is your key to ditching diapers without losing your mind!
Potty Training: 3 Days to Potty Train Any Child Without Driving Everyone Crazy by Jennifer Nicole
Many children are able to learn toilet training in less than a day. Each child is unique and Jennifer’s system is designed to help every child get ready to use the potty. This book covers how to make potty training a successful venture for all parties involved.
If you are all about Positive Reinforcement or are a crazy educator like myself check out the Potty Training Motivational Toilet Training Chart by COZY GREENS. Who doesn’t want a diploma when you get where you wanna go, am I right?
As you can see there is a whole market and array of books dedicated to helping both you and your children to use the potty and get out of the diaper market. Use your parent intuition to know when your child is ready for the potty and get expert help to guide you through the process. It is a process that we all go through and try not to get discouraged if one method works for one twin and you have to go to another for the other. It is ok. You will make it! You can do it! And they can too!

Jenifer Roth is a busy, busy mom to 1-year-old identical twin boys Jase and Evan, full-time High School driver ed teacher, and full-time finder of random information to help others! When not running around from work to home to errands she enjoys working on her blog, making piles of stuff and just hanging with her family! Trying to find the work-life balance has been a journey of its own but push on she must!