Last updated on November 10th, 2023 at 03:46 pm
Our three kids were all early teethers. Emma started around five months and the twins around four months. The drooling, crabbiness, and irritability turned my sweet boys into little balls of misery. But a few tips and tricks got us through. Maybe there are a few here you can try with your little ones.
The Tried & True
I tried to hold off on giving too much of this but at night it was just what we needed. Check with your doctor on the correct dosage, which changes with your child’s weight.
Cold Teething Rings
These were especially helpful to send to daycare since regulations do not usually allow much else.
More Ideas
Frozen Washcloths
My babies loved to gnaw on these.
Frozen Blueberries
If the baby is old enough and can chew the berries, these are a great snack especially when those molars come in!
Our pediatrician recommended this one. The cold celery is great to gnaw on and as a bonus it has some flavor. The celery is pretty hard to break off but, as always, stick close by just in case.
Gum Massage
Sometimes the only thing that seemed to help was me rubbing my thumb on the baby’s gums, creating counter pressure.
Mesh Feeders With Frozen Fruit

Buy some mesh feeders and fill them with frozen fruit. Your babies can suck away at the cold fruit and you don’t have to worry about them choking on the food. Try frozen mango, pineapple, or pears — fruit that is light in color is best so it doesn’t stain clothes and furniture. In a pinch you can use plain old ice cubes instead of frozen fruit.
Some Controversial Ideas
Amber Teething Necklace
I turned to these beautiful necklaces out of desperation. I bought two for the twins and I swear that they helped. The amber is a natural analgesic and I feel like it took the edge off of the pain. They are a bit pricey at around $20 each.

So these are the tips and tricks that worked for my kids and hopefully one of these ideas will give you and your teething baby some relief!