Last updated on October 26th, 2021 at 03:20 pm

Tandem breastfeeding twins is a hard job. Breastfeeding two babies at the same time can be difficult, but if breastfeeding twins is your goal it is worth it. The good news is that tandem breastfeeding twins doesn’t have to be as hard as you think! With these tips and tricks, you’ll find yourself enjoying this special time with your newborns more than ever before.
Breastfeeding twins is hard
Breastfeeding twins is hard work. Nature did not design us to feed two babies at once. But breastfeeding twins is often the best way to go, both for your babies and for you. The convenience and cost factors, alone might make it worth it for you to decide to breastfeed your twins. Tandem breastfeeding might be the best way to maximize your time and ensure both your little ones get what they need.
Tips for tandem breastfeeding
Here are some of our best tips for tandem breastfeeding twins.
The first, and most important thing you can do to get started with tandem breastfeeding your twins is to enlist help early on. Get a lactation counselor in the hospital and reach out to one that specializes in twins. Shameless plug here! Our very own Natalie Diaz is a CLC. Book a session with her today to get started!
Get comfortable with the babies attached to you. This may be very difficult, but it really helps if you can get yourself used to having both babies latched on to your breasts at once.
Set up a good breastfeeding station for yourself and the babies. It is helpful to have everything where you can reach without disturbing or distracting your little ones. This includes your nursing pads, books, snacks, and toys.
Pump after each breastfeeding session to help keep your supply up. This is especially helpful in the early weeks of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding twins takes a lot of work for the body, so you’ll need all the extra milk you can get! If you are having trouble getting milk out with two babies attached at once, try pumping before or after nursing.
Pillows are your friend. Use them. Nursing pillows like the Twin Z or the Brest Friend have been a huge hit with twin mamas for tandem breastfeeding.
Tandem breastfeeding twins benefits
With twins, the best reason to try tandem breastfeeding might be time. Twin parents are always lacking time. If only we had 26 hours in a day. Well, we can’t do that. But what we can do is cut down on the number of hours per day we are nursing our babies. Tandem breastfeeding is a great way to save time.

What to do when you are struggling with tandem breastfeeding
Breastfeeding twins can be difficult and frustrating. It is hard to learn how to breastfeed two babies at the same time, especially when you may not know what you’re doing! There are some signs that your babies might need help with their latch (painful nipples, for example) and if that’s the case then it is time to get help from a professional.
The latch: If your babies do not have a good latch and they’re struggling to nurse, it’s time to get some help. You can use breast shields or pump after nursing sessions to try and increase your supply before you start supplementing with formula or expressed milk.
Breastfeeding latching on and sucking: If your babies are not latching on and/or staying latched to nurse or they’re not sucking at all it is time for help.
Keeping track of whose turn it is: Breastfeeding twins takes a lot of coordination and practice! Not knowing who’s turn it is can be frustrating, especially when you’re in pain from a bad latch. If you’re struggling with this, try keeping track on your phone or a piece of paper.
Is it possible to exclusively breastfeed twins?
For the vast majority of twin moms, exclusively breastfeeding is a viable option. Some new moms may have a harder time getting started than others. Getting early support and advice is critical to a successful breastfeeding twins experience so don’t delay getting help if you are struggling. Breastfeeding twins is never easy, but if it is your feeding goal, it is almost always possible with the right support and guidance.

Do you switch sides when breastfeeding twins?
Some twin moms switch each time they feed while other moms switch sides halfway through each feeding. But in short, yes, twin moms switch babies back and forth throughout the day. It might be best to keep a chart to track which baby fed on which side so you don’t forget.
From a fan
A mom of twins recently asked: “Do you have any suggestions on tandem breastfeeding? My girls are a month old and I’ve tried nursing with the double pillow a couple of times but it seems so awkward and hard to support their heads and latch at the same time!”
Tips for tandem breastfeeding twins from real twin moms
– My Brest Friend twin nursing pillow. It helps so much and then I slid another pillow under their heads just so I didn’t have to hold them there so much. The Brest friend pillow gives their bodies enough room to lay supported on each side of you. I nursed my boy/boy twins for two years. Good luck, fellow twin momma! Hope it helps!
– I used the Twin Z pillow, but I hated tandem nursing in the beginning, it was uncomfortable for me and the girls didn’t really like it either. At around 6 months it got easier, now at 14 months it’s the only way they like to nurse. Hang in there mama!

– I’ve been tandem breastfeeding my twins since they were a week old using the Twin Z pillow. I love the back support, especially when nursing in bed.
– Pillows, lots of pillows. I tried, I failed, had EVERY pillow in the house, tried a nursing pillow – EPIC FAIL. Propped up in bed (with LOTS of pillows) was my best successful attempt.
– I tandem nursed because it was easier for me. They always wanted to eat at the exact same time. I used the My Brest Friend pillow. I think in the very beginning I put a pillow underneath the pillow so I wouldn’t have to lean down while they latched. It brought them closer to me. Then eventually I didn’t need it. They found their way without me helping. Good luck!
– It is hard but eventually worked for me. Get your mom or someone to help at first. It’s hard to do alone at first when they are so tiny. Hang in there! Hugs to you!
– I gave up on that. We did it a few times but since I had to use a nipple shield at first it was causing me to stress out. We only tandem fed in bed now and I definitely prefer it that way.
– I wasn’t really able to tandem nurse until they could hold on by themselves. And by that, I mean latching, holding their heads up, and grabbing ahold of me. I just kind of kept them from rolling to their back. A nursing pillow never worked for me. I just sat cross-legged and their upper backs rested on my thighs.

More tips from our fans
– Laying flat on my back and having them lay on top of me was easiest at that age but most times it was one at a time. 3 months is a game-changer.
– I used receiving blanket folded for under their heads!!!
– The biggest advice I have is to get advice from a Lactation Consultant. I couldn’t have tandem nursed without their advice and it helped me stay calm throughout 16 months of nursing. We had a My Brest Friend twin pillow, which was my favorite out of the three nursing pillows I’ve owned through nursing 4 kiddos. We were able to tandem nurse right away. I did the occasional one on one, to have alone time with both, but for the sake of time and sanity, tandem breastfeeding was best for us. Good luck.
– I used the My Brest Friend twin pillow. I would have to use muslins stuffed down their backs to keep them in place for the first few weeks. It took some practice but it’s possible. Sometimes I would also have to let one baby nurse for several minutes until they were settled properly before attempting to latch the other one. When they got bigger I had to stuff cushions under the sides of the pillow to prop it up. I only got used to having both babies in the football hold but there are several holds for tandem nursing.
– I used the My Brest Friend nursing pillow. A little trouble tandem nursing at the beginning because they had difficulty latching so I nursed them on their own until they were stronger. It was a huge time commitment but well worth it!! Hang in there!
Tandem Breastfeeding Twins in Public
– I tandem fed for 9 months with my twins! We used the My Brest Friend twin pillow. I would put them on the pillow with pillows on either side of me. In the very beginning, I’d adjust the pillow or how I was sitting to rest on my belly since it was was still there (who am I kidding it’s still there to a degree 2 years later). The two pillows on either side next to me helped keep things level so I could latch one then latch the other. We did a football hold. It’s the only one that worked. Good luck mama You’ll find your groove!
– I used a regular Boppy pillow and was able to tandem nurse for a while, they required too much food for me to keep up by 3 months so we went to the bottle and fed them breast milk.
– I tandem nursed with the Twins Z pillow using the football hold. We used rolled up blankets to prop up the pillow a bit and use a stool for my feet. Seemed to work and had great back support. Good luck.

– I nursed my boys for a year using lots of pillows, I have a V-shaped pillow to support their heads and then made a good pile around them to support them so all I had to do was help them latch and keep them in a good position once we were off. Good back support is essential too to prevent neck and backache. Keep going it will get easier.
– Honestly, I had trouble since one of my twins couldn’t latch. A visit with a lactation consultant to your house can be helpful to give some tips on the best option.
11 Tips To Balance Twin Breastfeeding
– I used the My Brest Friend twin pillow but I still rolled up receiving blankets around them to help me prop them up a little more when they were small. I also used a few pillows behind my back to help me lean forward a little more. Now they are 14 months old and I just have to lean back a little and they lay on me and nurse, it’s the only way to really tandem feed as they’re bigger.
– Once they get old enough to support their heads and latch on their own, it gets a lot easier. Keep trying but don’t drive yourself mad with it.
– As a single mom, in order to get that last feed in and get out of the house for work, I put them both on the bed and lean in to feed them both. Certainly not flattering, but practical, AND efficient!
– When our twins were smaller I would fold a towel to put across the My Brest Friend pillow. It supported their heads a bit better plus caught the dribbles.
– I watched some YouTube videos of a mom who made it look so easy!
Worried about breastfeeding twins? What To Do When You’re Breastfeeding Two is an on-demand online breastfeeding twins class made just for YOU! This course was created by Twiniversity in partnership with Judy Teibloom-Mishkin, IBCLC. Click here to learn more…
– The Twin Z pillow is amazing. I started using it when my twins were one month and suddenly tandem nursing was doable. Now my twins are seven months old and still tandem nursing with the Twin-Z. It was such a game-changer.
The Struggles and Triumphs of Breastfeeding Twins
– I used to have one nursing laying across my stomach with the other nursing with his head resting on his brother. Or the football style.
– I tandem nursed my twins from birth. It seemed awkward so I Googled videos on how to position them and it was so much easier after I found the right combination of nursing pillow and a Boppy on either side to set them in when they were done!
– I used both the My Brest Friend and the Twin Z for different areas of the house. I rolled up receiving blankets to put under their heads, and that did the trick!
– Lots of supporting pillows, and my husband to help out with positioning. And, always keep a huge amount of water in reach.
– I used My Brest Friend for twins and did the football position. You can do it!
Tandem breastfeeding twins is a hard job. But, if you’re up for the challenge and it is what you want for your feeding experience with your twins, it’s worth it! With these tips and tricks, tandem nursing with your newborns will be easier than ever before.
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