Last updated on March 11th, 2024 at 09:20 am

A pregnant mom wrote in and asked, “I’m pregnant with twins and I’m totally overwhelmed by all the twin stroller choices! Should I get a tandem or side by side stroller? Which is better? There are too many choices and I don’t even know where to start!”
Our Twiniversity fans came to the rescue with some great tips and advice for buying double strollers for your twins!
Be sure to check out these Twiniversity twin stroller video reviews to help you decide!
Don’t miss what to look for when buying a twin stroller.
Also, watch Nat’s video comparison: Side by Side vs. Tandem – Which is better?
Are you looking for the best double stroller for twins? Not sure if you should go for a tandem stroller or a side-by-side stroller? And what about a Snap N’ Go? We’ve got all the details for you in our double stroller resource. Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our expecting twins classes and the Twiniversity shop!
Tandem or Side by Side Stroller
We had Chicco car seats and chose the Joovy Twin Roo and have loved it while they are in infant carriers. It has a huge basket for grocery shopping. We have Maclaren Twin Techno side by side twin stroller and I am not as in love because it barely fits in places, but the boys can see much more.
I love my double snap and go for stores and while they are in infant seats. It’s super lightweight, easy to maneuver, fits everywhere. But I also have a side by side jogging twin stroller for parks, etc. It’s heavier and takes up more room but better for those situations.
We have many strollers for different things. I used a double snap and go for the first year. After that I got the Chicco Cortina double (front/back). It’s great for outdoor events that may have rougher terrain. Then we also bought the Combi side by side… Love it! That’s our everyday stroller for twins which are 2. Our 4 year old singleton rides in them occasionally. We don’t live in a big city so we use them occasionally now but I love the ones we have.
I love my Bumbleride Indie Twin stroller! It’s a side by side and has great lay flat position for infant as well as car seat adaptor if you choose to use them (we don’t). When the babies get old enough you can also use it as a jogger stroller. The only downside is its big even when folded and takes up a lot of trunk space.
I liked the front back when the boys were in the infant seats. We’ve been using a side by side since they were 6 months old. We have a Maclaren. We love it!
Tandem twin stroller for stores and side by side for walks, etc. Side by side strollers are great but difficult to get through doors so tandem is better for shopping.
Get both. I spent more money on my tandem stroller though. It was the Orbit travel system. It was the only stroller we needed until our twins graduated from their infant seat (23 mos). Once that happened, we purchased the stroller seats. Reason to buy Orbit: The infant seats easily go from stroller to car seat base with a 360 degree rotation for ease of travel. It is tandem so there isn’t a doorway through which you won’t fit. The stroller can adjust for tall moms and has plenty of storage for groceries, etc. It is the most compact to fold and easiest to lift. If you walk a lot, you can “off-road” it without getting stuck. Best part is the customer support. I had worn out a few parts on my twin stroller and they replaced it for up to one year after purchase! I also purchased a side by side umbrella (Delta Baby). It was about $40. Reason: It is lightweight, quick/easy to fold, and it takes up very little trunk space and great for quick trips out.
Pregnant with twins and not sure where to start? Visit the Ultimate Twin Pregnancy Guide to find all the top articles and resources to get you ready for twins. While you’re at it, check out our expecting twin classes and Twiniversity shop!
I got both and definitely needed them both!! We have a front and back that held their infant seats and that we still use now that they are three! It has been a life saver for shopping and running errands since it’s so narrow and can fit down the aisles easily. We also have a side by side jogger we use for exercising.
My husband and I did a TON of research on a twin stroller, looked at a ton of stores and tested the limited variety of twin, infant seat compatible, strollers. We finally settled on the Baby Jogger City Select which is a tandem. So happy with our choice!
The Contours Options tandem! I LOVE it! I call it my limousine stroller. It’s amazing! My babes are 13 months old and love to face each other. It’s so easy to use.
Side by side doesn’t work well when going in stores or though doors. We had both twin strollers and I think front/back works best!
The Contours stroller using Cybex car seats!
I had both but we used the tandem stroller most of the time. I found the side-by-side stroller at a garage sale for $40.
We have both but currently only use the tandem one (front and back) more often. I’ve found it’s so much easier to use it and has more storage. You can maneuver it a lot more easily and it fits better when going in stores etc. I use the side by side when we go for walks or to parks.
We have a double snap n go used it a lot in the first few months. I like the snap n go just make sure your infant car seats are compatible (most are). We have a BOB Duallie jogging twin stroller now but I’m considering a more compact one for traveling. The BOB is huge if you need to take in the car with you but it does fit through my front door which was a big deal for me.
The Baby Trend Snap and Go was WONDERFUL for when they were in carriers. We now use the City Mini side by side after trying a different side by side. We’re very happy with it.
Loved my Graco DuoGlider. They hold the Graco car seats, 5 point harness system for bigger kids, and it was a very smooth ride. Overall advice is consider the weight limit on any stroller, does it fit in your trunk (consider any other cars you might use also), and is it easy to fold away? *I bought my graco double stroller 5 years ago so names have probably changed. Definitely do research online!*
We have the double Contours twin stroller. The adapters fit most car seats and when they are out of the car seat you just pop the seats in. It looks like a double snap and go but you don’t have to buy another stroller after that! I see us using this until they are big!
I love the Baby Jogger City Select. The boys are 2 years and 3 months and we have had it since birth (they both fit in 1 seat as newborns).

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City Mini GT2 (side by side) – love it! It’s easy to maneuver, fits through doors, the kids are comfortable, easy to put the kids in. We also used a double snap n go front/back when they were in car seats.
I’ve tried them all, Contours Options absolutely trumps all tandems, in my opinion. One stroller from birth on is all you need, stadium seating means both kiddos can see no matter where they sit, and it has extremely versatile configurations (my boys LOVE that they can even face each other!) I live out in the country and it maneuvers over all kinds of terrain with ease. Turns on a dime. Accommodates almost any infant seat. Folds easily. Extremely affordable compared to most others. Very large basket underneath and cleans up like a dream. I could go on and on, I don’t know what we’d do without ours!!!!
Love, love, love the Baby Jogger City Select. It is the size of a single stroller but sits them tandem so I can go everywhere. The handle adjusts so it’s easier to push and folds to fit in small spaces (I drive a Matrix and it fits no problem). Also, you can pick the colour of the frame and seats to customize this twin stroller for you and your little ones.
Tandem or side by side? Go with tandem. Side-by-side strollers are hard to get through doors and aisles because they are too wide. Front/back is difficult if there aren’t handicap buttons. We got the Chicco Cortina and so far I love it! We also got Chicco KeyFit30 car seats to snap into it.
Peg Perego Duette tandem. You can also switch them to face each other. I loved mine! Took me through both sets of my twins then sold it for $300 on Craigslist in 2 hours, pricey but well worth it!
I have the Baby Trend Navigator twin stroller. It is the greatest! It’s a side by side and you can snap the Baby Trend car seats right in. Very reasonably priced and easy to fold up. Pushes like a dream and easy to turn. It’s really nice to have them side-by-side and facing you. And it grows with them so you’ll never need another one!
You will get some people that love the tandem and some love the side-by-side. It depends on what your life style is like and what you want to use it for. Tandem is better in stores, yet side-by-side is good for events like the zoo so the kids can both see. Also, most jogging strollers are side-by-side, so they are good not only for jogging but for rough terrain.
Need a plan for the first week home with twins? Book your 60-minute twins \post-delivery strategy session on a video call with Lauren Oak, Twin Expert and Certified Postpartum Doula (and mom of twins!), to create a customized game plan for you and your twins when they come home. Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our Twiniversity Shop and Twin Parent Memberships.