Last updated on May 28th, 2024 at 10:59 am
“Rain, rain, you can stay. We’ll stay inside all day and play!” Not the tune you remember singing? Some parents see rainy days as a curse (“Mom! I’m bored!”), however I view it as a time to stay inside and relax, or stretch my creative muscle to try to come up with new and interesting activities to keep the little ones busy and engaged. Below are some of our favorites, along with ones that will be on our next rainy day schedule.
Make your own balloon and paddle game. Materials list: balloon, duct tape, popsicle sticks, paper plate or cardboard.
- Bring the sunshine inside with this creative and colorful flower display craft that uses paint and coffee filters.
- Make your own play-doh using ingredients that you likely have at home.
- Bake something. Anything. These healthy cookies are our go-to for rainy days (Or Tuesdays. Or Wednesdays. Any day really.) Choose a recipe with ingredients that you already have, get in the kitchen and get cooking! Don’t worry about making a mess. You’re not just making cookies, you’re making memories.
- Whip up some homemade finger paint. My kids love painting. I love it because it’s easy and it keeps them busy for a long time. You can follow a recipe for homemade finger paint, or you can eyeball it by mixing together flour, water and some food coloring until it’s thick enough to paint with. I like to give it to the kids in jar lids. It seems to hold just the right amount.
- Make homemade cards so that you’ll have them on hand the next time you need a card. Or send them to friends and family “just because”.
Create an obstacle course. Designate “stations” in your home and brainstorm with your kids to come up with fun challenges to do at each station. Then time each person as they run through the course to see who can do it the fastest.
- Create descriptive collages for each member of the family. Have each person pick a family member’s name out of a hat to determine who their collage will be about. Each person searches through magazines for words and pictures that describe their designated family member, then pastes them onto a piece of paper or poster board. It’s really sweet and fun to see which words and pictures the kids choose.
- Have a dance party. Blast some music and get groovin’! Nothing cheers up a rainy day like some upbeat tempos and dancing silly to your heart’s desire.
- Color your own photographs using this website. Have your kids each choose a photo that they would like to color. Upload it to the website and it will convert your photo into a coloring page.
- Create a beautiful bouquet of flowers using the kids’ hands to create flowers.
- Hide Easter eggs. My kids could search for hidden Easter eggs for hours on end. I put a small amount of snack-type foods into each egg (raisins, cereal, nuts, sunflower seeds) and have them wait in the bathroom while I hide them. They come out screaming with joy as they search from room to room to find the hidden treasures. I had no idea how much they would love doing this. Does it ruin the novelty when it comes to the actual Easter holiday? Perhaps. Do they absolutely love doing it and does it keep them busy on a rainy day? Definitely, yes.
Create a water table. Place towels under and around a large rectangular Rubbermaid container. Fill with water and toys for a fun, wet, engaging sensory experience. Don’t worry about getting wet or getting water everywhere. You can change clothes and mop it up later. Just enjoy watching how much fun your kids are having.
- Think ahead and set aside some toys that only make their debuts on rainy days. Since they won’t be out all the time, the kids will enjoy playing with the toys much more when are out. This PVC pipe activity seems like the perfect toy to put away for such an occasion.
- Get colorful and creative in the tub. Make some homemade bath paints and watch as your children delight in being able to get messy in the tub. The best part is how easy cleanup is!
- Last but not least, relax and take it easy. Rainy days equal lazy days. Read books, have a tickle fight, have a staring contest, or make up a story together. Pile everyone on top of the bed with a fluffy blanket, some comfy pillows and see what develops. At the very least you’ll be listening to the rain and snuggling with the ones you love.