Last updated on July 1st, 2024 at 04:13 pm
Hello! My name is Carly and being a twin mama is such an honor! I have fraternal twin boys, Aidan and Evan who are turning 3 in less than a month! I have stayed home the last 3 years but I go back in the fall to my full-time job teaching Kindergarten. Something that is very near and dear to my heart is getting your child, “school ready”! My boys will be attending preschool in the fall and this will be their first school experience. I hope this article sheds some light and gives a few helpful hints from a teacher and a twin mama!
I think one of the biggest challenges and anxiety filled situations is getting your twins ready for their first day of school. I think some of the fear and anxiety comes from the parent aspect:
“Will they be ok?”
“Will they make friends?”
“Will they learn and be successful in school?”
All of these questions race through our mind and not only does it for one child but we have two! As I sat back and reflected on all the years I have seen children come in their first day with that anxious smile or beaming excitement, I had to remind myself that they have each other. This is something that is unique and so special again for us twin parents. They have their best friend. Even if you decide to have them in separate classrooms they still are close and have that sense of security. Getting your child ready for school in a positive and loving way will set the path to love learning and view their school as another “home”.

One way to foster this love is to talk daily about what they will be doing in school and reflect on their feelings about it. Taking your child to their school with you as a little quick visit is very beneficial. I did this with my twins a few weeks ago. We talked to their teachers; they played a few games and just got to have a hands on experience with mom next to them. Once we left we talked about all the fun we had and how school is such a great place to learn and meet friends. I think being positive and talking openly about school can ease any anxiety your child might be having. Here you can see they were very happy to go see their new school!

Another great way to get your child ready is to read stories that discuss “going to school” or “leaving home for the first time”. A few favorites of mine include: The Kissing Hand, The Night Before books (they have one for preschool, kindergarten, and first grade), If You Take a Mouse to School, First Day Jitters, Llama Llama Misses Mama, Pete The Cat, and many more! Just Google “back to school books” or Pinterest has great lists also! After reading, make sure to talk about how they might be feeling or even draw a picture if they are young and not as verbal yet.
Now that we have got them emotionally ready for school we can help get them ready for school in fashion and style! I think having objects or items that are a favorite or special can really help them be excited and ready for the first day of school! Below I will share my top 4 items that I am using to build the excitement of the first day of school!

Skip Hop has the CUTEST backpacks! If you child has a favorite animal you are sure to find them something they will love and look adorable walking into school for their first day. These are the perfect size for your preschool age child. Apple Park Kids is another favorite shop of mine! They use 100% recycled materials to make this adorable bear lunch bag. I call my twins my “bears” so this was a MUST on my list! Lastly, Augie and Lola is a handmade mom shop that makes the softest toddler nap blankets and just look at those patterns! We got the superhero one because really isn’t every child a hero? Plus her reusable snack bags are perfect to put a smile on your little ones face!
Remember talking openly with your twins about their feelings about school and starting daily routines to get “school ready” will help for the future! We just created a space in our laundry room where we will hang out back packs, place important school notes on the board and hang daily projects done at school. My boys are very excited to start this new adventure… Mommy is torn, I know they will blossom and learn so much but not having them with me 24-7 is something I need to read a book on!! 🙂 Good luck and I wish you all and your twins the HAPPIEST FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL EVER!

Carly Leen shares tons of teaching ideas, fashion finds and her family’s daily adventures on her blog. Follow along at, on Facebook and Instagram.