Last updated on September 3rd, 2023 at 07:49 am
In the Season 4 premiere of the Twiniversity Podcast, “Sibling Rivalry Between Twins“, Nat chats with Dr. Meghan Hamwey, a twin mom and human development researcher, about sibling rivalry between twins, including the myth that you can treat your children all the same.
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Sibling Rivalry Between Twins

Sibling rivalry is a problem in many families, but it’s a little different when it’s between twins. The dynamic of having two children who have always been together since the moment they were born (and rarely spend time apart) makes it extra difficult when they start becoming jealous of each other and are looking to get more attention from their parents. Parents of twins often have a difficult time because they are trying to make everything equal. Dr. Hamwey suggests instead of focusing on equality to focus on equity — giving each child what they need as an individual, which will not always be equal.
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Dr. Meghan Hamwey is a mother of 12 month old twins, Malia and Grant. She has her PhD in Human Development and Family Studies from Purdue University. Her research focuses on family relationships, but especially those between siblings, including jealousy and the parent’s role in it. She currently resides in New York City and loves spending time her kids, husband, and dog, Indy.
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