Last updated on May 27th, 2024 at 08:33 pm
A MoM Asked This Question on Our Forums:
“Help me get creative! I need to get my twins outside, by myself, and not just in a stroller. They are crawling and putting everything in their mouths still, but have outgrown their walker toys. Other than a super-play-yard, do you have other suggestions on playing outside with twins that is safe?”
We all know that as the days get warmer getting some sunshine and being outdoors can be beneficial to all. (And could possibly mean a nice long nap!) So here are some things to help you and your babies enjoy your first spring/summer outdoors. But before you go out, remember sun protection first!

1. Have a “Picnic” Outside
This is a great way to get some sunshine in every day. Either on a blanket or even bring out the high chairs and enjoy a snack.
2. Fun Messy Art Project
While you have the high chairs out there why not do a fun messy art project with finger paints or play with pudding. They would love the mess and you don’t have to worry about cleaning the ceiling when you’re done.
3. Go for a Walk
When they are little a stroller will do but as they can sit up on their own a ride in a wagon will allow them to see the sights.
4. Pop a Tent
This outdoor sun tent at One Step Ahead is great for little ones to boogie around in while in the yard or at the beach and be protected from the sun. This waterproof blanket also seen in the picture is the perfect size for keeping everyone clean and dry. (Read a review by a twin mom at Spit and Sparkles blog.)
5. Water Table
One of the best investments you can make is a water table! The babies will get soaked but they’ll have hours and hours of fun! Step2 has 10 great water tables to choose from for a ton of summer fun! For your own makeshift water play use pots and measuring cups from the kitchen!
6. Gate the Deck
If you have a deck put a gate on it (make sure that the rails on the deck are to proper specifications so that they can’t fall through them) Add some indoor outdoor carpet to prevent splinters and you have an extra large play area where they can stay safe. Bring out their favorite toys and let them boogie around!
7. Extended Play Place
Fence in a small area of the yard for another great way to have an extended play place in the yard where the kids can stay safe and enjoy the outdoors.
8. Bubbles
Blow bubbles or even check out this awesome No-Spill Bubble Machine. Press the button and watch as it blows bubbles! The No-Spill feature allows children to play with it mess free!
9. Inflatable Pool
An inflatable pool makes for a great ball pit! Throw in some of their favorite toys and have them try to find them. Then later on you can use the pool for some water fun.
10. Plant a Sensory Garden
It’s full of plants that babies and kids can touch, smell and eat. Plant lavender, basil and mint; things that are okay if they put them in their mouths.
11. Hang a Swing
Kids love to swing! Don’t forget to hang a swing from the tree so they can enjoy this timeless childhood activity.
12. Get Out the Sprinkler
Turn the outdoor water hose on low to a child friendly sprinkler like this Melissa and Doug Blossom Sprinkler and have loads of fun splashing around.

Other Tips to Enjoy the Outdoors With Your Family
- Enlist Help. One MoM says, “When my twins were little all of the little girls in the neighborhood took turns being my mothers helpers, after school and all summer long. They never accepted money but I bought them all iTunes cards at the beginning if the school year. So it was very low cost. They came with us to the zoo, park, beach and picnics.”
- Keep your eyes on the children and within arms reach the whole time if there is water involved to prevent drowning. A small child can drown in even one inch of water. Having one adult present for each child is ideal.
- If you play in the yard or at a park make sure it is free from chemicals and fertilizers.
- Babies will try to put things in their mouths. Though they will learn quickly not to, (since it tastes yucky) you still need to make sure that rocks and other small items that can present a choking hazard if swallowed are kept out of reach until they know better.
- And again, remember sun protection for everyone. Read about common misconceptions about sun safety here.