Last updated on November 10th, 2023 at 09:28 am
It’s no secret that when we physically take care of ourselves we have more energy to take care of others. And wow, do tiny people take A LOT of energy! The question is, where do we find the time to sneak in those precious moments, and what exercises give us the most bang for our time? Check out the moves below using baby car seats! Sneak in arm exercises while waiting your turn at the doctor’s office. Entertain your babies with rhythmic movements as you preheat the oven while toning your shoulders. Get inspired and find those moments for you!
Consult your physician before beginning any new exercise regime. If the weight of your car seat and baby combined is too heavy, consider using only the empty car seats. If your kids are out of car seat carriers, use free weights (5lbs, 8 lbs, or 10 lbs) or sealed gallons of water or milk. These exercises should not be performed on a daily basis. It is recommended to give the muscles a day of rest. 30 minutes of cardio is acceptable every day. Always hold in your belly to protect the lower back and exhale on the “work,” for example, when you lift and feel the excursion of the exercise.
Car Seat Swing:
- 2 hands side by side holding onto the handle of one car seat, feet a little wider than shoulder width apart. Slight bend in the knees.
- Swing the car seat between the legs and up to the height of your waste.
- Repeat 5 times with each car seat

Car Seat Lateral Raises:
- Feet shoulder width apart, slight bend in the knees, tuck pelvis under
- Car seat on the outside of each foot
- One at a time, lift car seat up to your side for a count of 2, then lower. SQUAT then switch to the other side (I did not have a babies in the car seats)
- Repeat a total of 10 times (5 times each arm)

Car Seat Bicep Curl:
- Feet shoulder width apart, slight bend in the knees, tuck pelvis under
- Car seats positioned in front of each foot
- Lift car seat up as a bicep curl
- 5 each arm, then switch

Car Seat Upward Row:
- Feet shoulder width apart, slight bend in the knees, tuck pelvis under
- Car seat positioned in front of you
- Lift the car seat up, elbows pointing up to the sky in the shape of a V. Lift up for a count of 2, down for a count of 2
- Repeat 5 times with each baby

- Feet shoulder width apart, slight bend in the knees
- Car seat on the outside of each foot
- Lift car seats behind you, up for a count of two and down for a count of two (may lift one car seat up at a time. For additional lower back support, place one foot in front of you and one foot behind you)
- Repeat a total of 10 times

Car Seat Overhead Press:
- Feet a little wider than shoulder width apart. Place one car seat slightly in front and between your feet. Position hands on the on the lower part of the handle. Slight bend in the knees. Hold in belly. (this starting position is not pictured below)
- Lift the car seat up to your waist and continue up over your head. Lower down to your waist and lift again overhead. (Up for a count of 2, down for a count of 2).
- Repeat 5 times which each baby.

**Add onto the Overhead Press with the two exercises below:
Addition 1: Car Seat Overhead Press with Squat:
- Set-up the exercise the same as the Car Seat Overhead press
- Lower yourself into a squat and lift the car seat over your head

Addition 2: Car Seat Overhead press with alternating knee raise:
- Repeat positioning for Car Seat Squat Overhead Press and alternate knee lifts as you move to standing
- Repeat entire circuit twice

Coming soon to Twiniversity… Julianna’s lower body workout! Stay tuned!

Julianna Canfield has been a certified group exercise instructor for over thirteen years. She lives with her husband Matthew and their 3-month old identical twins Parker Raymond and Gregory Allen in Tega Cay, South Carolina. Julianna is the Director of Fitness at the YWCA Central Carolinas in Charlotte, North Carolina.
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“What To Do When You’re Having Two
The Twin Survival Guide From Pregnancy Through the First Year”
In What to Do When You’re Having Two: The Twins Survival Guide from Pregnancy Through the First Year, national twins guru and founder of Twiniversity (and twin mom herself!) Natalie Diaz provides a no-holds-barred resource about life with twins, from pregnancy and birth all the way through your duo’s first year of life.
Accessible and informative, What to Do When You’re Having Two
is the must-have manual for all parents of twins.