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Have you ever mixed up your twins?

Have you ever mixed up your twins?

Have you ever mixed up your twins?

Mixing up twins is something almost every twin parent goes through at some point. Between matching outfits and those adorable identical faces, it’s easy to accidentally call one twin by the other’s name or hand them the wrong bottle. These little mix-ups are part of the adventure of raising twins (especially if they are identical) and often become some of the funniest and most memorable stories parents look back on.

Identical twin girls

We recently asked our Twiniversity community, “Have you ever mixed up your twins?” These responses will surely bring a smile, make you laugh, and foster a sense of camaraderie with other twin parents!

Have you ever mixed up your twins?

  • My morning starts with: who are you? 😂 -kazakhstunning
  • I did when they were babies. I would go in there in the morning and pick one of them up out of their crib and say oops, you’re not supposed to be in that crib!😂 -jbrownredwine22
  • Mine don’t even look related, sooooo no😂 -rn_twinsplus1
  • All the time!! -ryannreich
  • Yes -ms.kerri_bae
  • Of course! -originaltwincartel
  • No, because one is a boy and the other a girl 😅😂 -Kellie O.
  • Too often than I would like to admit. -Dragana M.
  • Mom and Dad did all the time. -Brenda W.
  • No. I am a lucky twin mom. One is a boy, and one is a girl. Kinda hard to mix them up! Bonus points: one is blonde, and the other has brown hair! I was so worried about it while I was pregnant! -Vicki V.
Pre-teen identical twin boys
  • Yes!! And my twin girls are almost 22!! Lol!! 🤣 -Tracey Canner W.
  • No, but my husband did once when they were newborns. They don’t look at all the same (fraternal with different eye and hair color). He blamed it on sleep deprivation. -Jessica Pettit F.
  • Alot -Barbara M.
  • All the time! I have ID twins who (I think) look quite different face-on, but if they’re across the room, turned around, it’s an awful lot harder. Sometimes I can tell from body language or stance who it is, but often not. I say the wrong names all the time too; I’ll know which twin I mean, but still spurt out the wrong name. -Kim W.
  • LOL!! Never seriously, like, I am pretty sure they are the same Baby A and Baby B that I named!! But yes, I’ve mistaken them for the other – and now that they are adults, I have to think pretty hard when looking at old baby pictures to identify who is who!! -Janette Parsons P.
  • My girls look nothing alike but when they were newborns, I kept a tally of who did what as I was so tired and could not always remember who I fed or changed last. -Rita K.
  • Once, in the middle of the night when they were 3 months old. Thought I picked up one baby and fell asleep with her on the couch. Woke up to the other baby staring at me like, “Hello….?” They’re very fraternal. I’m blind and it was dark. -Joan T.

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  • Hahaha my husband still does it and every now and again I have to take a second if I turn quickly ! 😂😂😂 -Karen K.
  • All the time… they’re 22 months now, and I’m still having to remember what outfit I put on who, baby B still always has something Blue on somewhere (B for Blue) and I still have to lift shirts to look for the tiny little birthmark on Cohen lol -April Marie R.
  • When we brought the twins home from the hospital, we have a video of us introducing them to our Westie dog… every time I watch it I’m convinced I introduced them ad the wrong one 👀🫣😂 -Aimee B.
  • No, No but my husband sometimes does it 🤣🤣 -Xotchil A.
  • I did today. They are almost 9 years old. -Elize I.
  • I put sunscreen twice on the same twin then later wondered why one was burnt 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️😆 -Bec A.
  • Nope, never … seriously my are frat .. very frat -Shawna D.
  • No. Mine are fraternal  and have looked different  since birth -Venus J.
  • I have a 💙❤️ no mixing up🤣🤣 -Amarie B.
  • We do it all the time. We always figure it out! -Emily K.
Identical twin baby girls
  • I did once when they were babies put them in the wrong jammies and slept them in the wrong cribs overnight. It wasn’t until the next morning when I was changing them that I realized because one had a painted big toenail. -Leanne E.
  • I can’t ones a boy and ones a girl -Claire S.
  • Yes Last night😂 -Karla L.
  • When doing night feeds and it’s 3am and It’s dark -Heather B.
  • Twice this week… it’s Wednesday LOL. They’re freaking identical though and equally likely to do the same nefarious deeds. -Jessica C.
  • Of course! It’s normal They have similar everything. Mine are identical. Even when dressing in different colors or styles Even with there hair different It still happens. -Lori K.
  • No. One looks like me – one looks like my husband lol -NiChole M.
  • Yes, lots when they were babies. Thank gawd 1 of my girls had a birthmark on her bum. And yes at quick glance these days. -Kimberly J.
Identical twins
  • Nope. Impossible. They look nothing alike…. As babies one had a full had of hair and the other was bald til his first birthday and was super blond. -Brandy F.
  • Oh yes, a few times. Especially old pictures are the worst! Even the girls themselves mixed them up. -Martina M.
  • No. Aside from calling them the wrong name lol. My twins barely look like siblings let alone twins lol -Ginni C.
  • Yes! Lol a few times -Nicole H.
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  • When they were infants it was difficult sometimes for me to tell them apart. But now it’s incredibly easy, especially when they open their mouths. -Lauren P.
  • Mine are boy/girl. Never had to worry about mixing them up. -Jennifer F.
  • Never face on as they have slightly different face shapes. From behind I do even though crowns on opposite sides -Sarah M.
  • All day long! it’s obvious if they are right next to each other or I study their face but I am casually confused very frequently. They are still babies so l’m hoping that improves as they get older. -Laura D.
  • Yes! I periodically look at one and ask “who are you?” Fortunately they still answer that honestly and don’t seem to take offense. -Pamela B.
  • They are only a week old and l’ve already done it -Summer M.
  • Of course I do. At least once a day. Then I look at one, then at the other, and realize who is who. -Ivana S.
identical twin 11 year old girls
  • No, but l once had a stranger tell me l was lucky one had curly hair and one had straight hair so I could tell them apart…..they are boy/girl twins.. pretty sure I can tell them apart other ways. -Misty N.
  • 2 weeks in and yes 110% keep mixing them up 😂 -ajacks_244
  • We have identical boys and we confuse them on the reg. I would love to say it only happened in those sleep deprived newborn days but they are 2 now and it still happens a couple times a week. Mostly when they are in the bath or with minimal clothes on. Other times they wear their colour. -haleyannes
  • I have fraternal boys but when they were babies I’d put them to bed and then the next morning I’d say hey, you’re not Maverick or you’re not Maddox bc I’d have them in the wrong beds thinking they were the other the night before 😂 I think it was all the sleepless nights! 🤪 -jbrownredwine22
Identical baby twins
  • I have ID boys and can tell them apart instantly. I can even tell them apart from the backs of their heads. But this morning one of them showed me a photo he’d taken on his camera, and I was like, “wow that’s a great selfie!” and it turned out it was a photo he’d taken of his brother 😄 -mrsheathersutton
  • My boys are identical, but i can always tell them apart -defranco_
  • I mean… I call my son by the cat’s name sometimes… so…-jaye.atelier
  • Multiple times, including at the hospital when they were born and at their well-child check. I had to tell the nurse to switch their stats afterward while looking sheepish. -zaheedavirani

In the end, the journey of raising twins is filled with unforgettable moments and plenty of laughs. Embrace the chaos, find the humor in the challenges, and maybe put name tags on your kids!

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