Ready to go shopping with twins in tow? We have some great advice for you on your first (or 20th) shopping trip with your twins. Read the blog to find out everything from mom hacks for shopping with multiple kids to to top choices for double strollers for twins when shopping in public.
The twins have arrived, and you’ve spent the last 3 months (maybe more) in the house, feeding, burping, cuddling and changing diapers for your twins. Your starting to feel a bit stir crazy, so you decide to take a field trip to Target. You’ve got the double stroller waiting in the car, the diaper bag is packed with the essentials (and non-essentials) and the babies are strapped into their carriers and ready to roll!
As you walk into Target, pushing the double stroller, you let out a big sigh, as if to say, “I did it, I am SUPERWOMAN”. You grab a cart (it’s Target, you’re going to need a cart), then suddenly you realize the twin dilema: How do you push a double stroller and a cart at the same time when shopping with twins?
Are you looking for the best double stroller for twins? Not sure if you should go for a tandem stroller or a side-by-side stroller? And what about a Snap N’ Go? We’ve got all the details for you in our double stroller resource. Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our expecting twins classes and the Twiniversity shop!
We were recently asked this question by a fellow MoM. So, how does one go shopping while pushing a double stroller? Do you carry a reusable bag to put stuff in? Just put as many items as you can in all the nooks and crannies of the car seats and stroller?
We reached out to our most useful source: our Twiniversity Community for help. Here are all the tips, tricks and hacks being used to get the shopping done with twins in tow:
- Once they can sit independently, Costco and H‑E‑B here in Texas both have double seats. When they were little-little my hubby would@push the cart and I would push the tandem stroller lol it was an event. There’s always curbside tho or have hubs watch them and give you an excuse to get out on your own, which is nice too –rockinrollmommy
- I had a stroller with a really big basket. Sometimes, I would push a stroller and drag a cart. I had 3 older kids, so I didn’t have much choice. That said, my twins are 13. If they had all of the curbside pickup when they were little, I would have never gone inside a store! –Yesimtheirmom
- This was the exact same question I had when my twins were little and all my twin mom friends had the best “secrets!” You use the mommy clips on the stroller bc hang your reusable bags on the clips! Fill the bags as you shop! Here’s the part no one told me, and I learned the hard way…. When getting to the car, make sure you take the bags off the clips BEFORE taking the kiddies out of the stroller because the weight of the bags will flip the stroller back when you take one child out 🤦🏼♀️. –kmpanarello
Best mom hacks while shopping with twins
- Costco and also has double seats in carts so that’s a lifesaver, otherwise put one in a carrier and the other in the cart. Or if it’s a “smaller” shopping trip I just push the stroller and put food in the storage area underneath. Grocery pickup at Walmart is also a lifesaver! –leelee_riley

- Get several of the big mommy hooks. You can hold a basket using two of them — clip on the stroller handle and the basket handle. I used to have two baskets hanging from the stroller handle and fill them up around the store—filling the bottom stroller basket if needed. Use reusable bags to pack the groceries when checking out, hanging them from the mommy hooks to stroll out to the car. Good luck and take pictures! Although stressful, this stage is only temporary and you’ll look back and laugh in a few years 😉 –ashleyrae.m
- Heavy duty clips to attach to double stroller handle and hook a large reusable tote to them so it hangs while you push 🙌🏼 was my go to when they were too little for a cart and I wasn’t getting a ton of stuff –sunshinekindofday
These tips could save you time and energy (and headaches)
- We are so lucky to live in the era of drive up for the main grocery haul! when babies, use the double stroller, when no longer infants but still babies, still use the double stroller, when toddlers, definitely still use the stroller 🤣 (or grocery cart, some grocery stores have enough room for 2 kids up top *shout out to aldi* but otherwise with my 3yos i put one up top and one inside the big section-no way are they roaming free 🤣) –e_padge
- I used to try to fit as much as I can in the bottom of the double stroller. And also maybe carry a hand cart. Once the items were bagged, getting them to fit again took a little more effort. –siesiebooboo
- Push the double stroller and drag the cart behind me! Makes for a topic of conversation as you move throughout the store –lyndseya75
- If they are small babies I used cart hammocks that definitely helped (and people loved to see them lol) bigger kids I used the snaps below the stroller, I occasionally did the stroller and dragging cart behind me but I hated that, sometimes I would split them up in the cart, one in the seat space and the other inside the cart and piled in stuff around them 😅🤦🏽♀️🤷🏽♀️ it really is a puzzle often….one thing tho that is SO valuable is parking next to where the carts are collected, can immediately grab a cart and put the kids in right out the car –heatha118
- Instacart or drive up orders… I give all the credit to the moms who try to go in the store with infant/toddler twins. I tried a few times and it’s not worth my sanity😂😵💫 Especially not worth it in the winter! –kaitmurr87
Don’t be afraid to do it the easy, convenient way
- I had the wonderfold wagon and would put them both on one side and stuff the cart with them in it. I would also get their fav snack towards the end of the shopping trip(or if they started acting up) as a reward for being good while mommie shopped. Now that they are bigger(turning 4 in March) I just put them in the cart and shop. I also always make sure I’ve made a list and organize it by the layout of the store, produce first, then meat and so forth… so far so good, haven’t had too many issues and they think it’s fun when we check out bc I ask them to hand me the items and they think they’re helping so win win –__haleybrown__

- Grocery delivery. I avoid taking my twins shopping at all cost –rebjfox
- Carabiner hooks and a scooter board. Put a basket on the board and stock up and put the bags on the hooks on the handle. Good luck! –lazybabymama
- I wore both babies and used a grocery cart! Then covid hit and I switched to newly available grocery pickup, game changer! –palominofarm
- Two words – STORE PICKUP. 🙌 –rachel.bersano
- Home delivery once a week for major & bulky items & my big old BabyJogger City mini had loads of storage space for the bits I needed to pick up in between (oh and a backpack too) –clarison2012
- Curbside pickup is your best friend! Otherwise, use those bag hooks and undercarriage for items. Don’t take the baby bag with you, just essentials like wipes, water bottles. If they’re potty training, an extra pair of pants in case of an accident. I’ve had to leave my entire cargo behind bc of a poop accident in the toy aisle 😂 also, I love giving the kids things to hold and take care of while in the store. Use those hands! –juliannachamba
- Curbside pickup! Or wear one in carrier and put one in cart in car seat. –jessicalmcintosh
- I found that few shops have double seats and they became my best friend, if the kids are not too little then giving them part of the shopping for them to carry it within their seats –sarabernardpsic
- If I need a lot I specifically pick stores that two children can fit in a cart. Target has a cart that’s HUGE but fits 3 it’s a boat but worth it haha. Or HEB if your in TX or Costco. If I only need a couple things I get crafty sticking stuff in the stroller –sarabernardpsic
- If going shopping for the weekly grocery then just order it only or curb side pickup/delivery. It’s more easier. Used to go with the babies only for emergency run –anusyas
Strollers, store carts, and best products
- I would front and back carry my twins once they were old enough to hold up their heads well and then just use a shopping cart like normal. Now I back carry one baby and put the other in the cart unless I’m lucky enough to be at Costco or somewhere else with a double cart seat. –graceekelleywrites
- Curbside! lol OR have the kids hold the items 😂 that’s what I did and it actually helped to keep them entertained ❤️ –ladolcevita22
- I did the infant seats, one on the cart one in the basket. One in the baby carrier, one in the cart seat. And lots of Costco. And even more grocery pick up 😂 –slw0121
- Used to hang a big carabiner (‘The Mom Hook’) or two from the handle of the stroller and hang shopping baskets from them. Also opened the Sun visors and loaded them up too lol! –minimallard
- Curbside or only a stroller for small amounts when they were younger. Now that they are over two I just use one shopping cart. –kellimellema
- We shop at Costco (double cart) or shop with a friend! My mom and I would shop together and we would each put a kid in our cart. Or with your spouse! Make a family outing of it? –kimzamolo
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- We had a buggy bench. –tweetdreamzz
- One major advantage of double strollers is double the basket space! I live 50 miles from the grocery store so putting groceries under wasn’t an option. When they were tiny it was the middle of Idaho winter and they were preemie. I kept them in their car seats all wrapped up. Put one on the seat and the other over the top of the cart basket. It was hard to get bigger groceries past and down into the basket but I managed. Then once they could sit up….buggy bench! Look it up!!! Lifesaver. –cklass90
- I do full grocery shopping trips alone with the double stroller. I fill up the storage space below the seats, let them hold a couple of items, and have a reusable bag on each shoulder to fill up! –c4rolyng
- I learned to push a stroller with one hand & pull the cart behind or vice versa until they were old enough to ride in double carts like Costco, target has some, some grocery stores have them with ‘cars’ they can be pushed in… also… grocery pick up or any store pick up saved my sanity when they were in difficult phases. –jngnoss
- Carabiner!!!! Big ass ones from REI. Load up the outside of the stroller scaffolding (bar supports) with them then hang the reusable bags on. Fanny pack for your items (sunnies, phone, chapstick), Bluetooth headphones to hear alerts/respond (you don’t have time to touch your phone w your hands). And the MOST important: a hoodie or sign that says “yes, they’re twins. More questions means you have to help me.” I’ve gotten seriously a lot of helping hands with that. One woman took a pic of my whole grocery section of my target run and found me in the pharmacy area. God send. –amandamccarthysf
Work smarter, not harder!
- I use a city select and just pile all the groceries into the basket at the bottom.. holds a ton! –aliciajpilcher
- Literally just do as this post says two heavy bags and load the basket also under the buggy I don’t drive and am a single parent to my girls so this works for me to be able to get my shopping done. –justamomand_hertwinnies
- When they were small, I used to wear one and put one in the cart. –thehauntedmuffin
- I used 2 of those big shopping hooks (the ones that look like giant carabiners) and clipped a basket under the handle. –leenietbd
- Grocery pick up saved me the first few months then mommy hooks holding a basket on the back or baby wearing both with a regular cart. –katfmbachmann
- Both! If I’m just grabbing a few things I use a reusable bag but it’s rectangular and sturdy so like a box with handles. I’ve also used the undercarriage of the stroller. And definitely utilize ordering online for pickup; especially for diapers and such so they just load it up for you….OR- double carrier so you can push the shopping cart 🤷🏻♀️. –kickingcupcake
- You don’t. Lmaoo I went out food shopping for the first time with my 2 year old twins and 3 year old. I put one twin in the seat on the cart, the other twin in the cart with all the food lol and my 3 year old walked with me. It was super difficult but it worked! I couldn’t imagine trying to do that if the twins were still in car seats that attached to a stroller. –lisamarie_behler714
Even more great shopping hacks for twin parents
- I had 4 kids under 4 when my youngest was born. I’d usually load 3 of the kids into one cart.-one up top and two in the “basket” part. Wear my youngest in a sling and pull another cart behind me for the groceries. I’m laughing as I type this about what a site we must’ve been. –danieweave
- Find the stores that have double carts….target, home depot, some grocery stores…. otherwise use 2 carts… push one pull one… or have a helper… or let one baby walk next to you… usually I use the stroller if I know I need a few small things only! –thecreativepeace
- When they were smaller I’d push their stroller and pull a shopping cart behind me. That hurts my wrist too much now so Wonderfold Wagon. –letstacobouttwins
- I always carried a Buggy bench with me. I could put both in any cart and put all my groceries in as well. At least, until they learned how to throw the stuff out the cart lol… –elenice97
- I don’t. 🤣 I have picked up/done delivery ever since. Honestly it’s because I have two singletons also and that makes things even more tricky. I’m also avoiding the flu and RSV. –thislexingtonlife

- Either do grocery pick up or use the bottom of the double stroller. Or do 2 Carts. For babies I have put them in the cart in their carseats facing them opposite ways then you have the bottom of that cart. And you can tuck stuff around them. Or just pull another cart behind you 🛒🛒🛒🛒 –_samwaldock
Keep your sanity in the store
- My first trip out of the house I also had my three year old. He had to walk. I wore one baby and put the infant seat on the cart. After that I would wear one, pusher the double and hang a basket. Use the stroller as much as you can. Remember you have to be able to pack it back into the stroller as well. People thought I was crazy, but you have to just do it. Even if it’s messy. –cristined_w
- I don’t. I get literally everything delivered. Walmart plus, sams club plus, and instacart. –mrswhite271
- Mom of 4 under 4 at one point. Tandem carrying saved my life!! 2 in the buggy and 2 on the mommy! –longhornsgirl630
- I am a single mom , so running errands after work but before daycare closes is my saving grace (or sometimes drop them off early and shop before work), that allows me to only need to take them on small trips most of the time. If I take them, I use reusable shopping bags hanging off hooks on the stroller wagon (Amazon has some good strong hooks). To get big things I don’t take the twins, or do curbside pickup. –twinmoemmy_smbc
- If I absolutely have to when I’m alone, I honestly push the stroller in front with one hand and drag the cart behind me in the other. The kids hate sitting in carts and don’t mind their stroller in my situation. But my husband works 24 hrs every 3rd day, so I honestly just don’t run errands when he’s gone haha. –daramay_
- It’s easier once they’re older/not in infant car seats. Target and our grocery store has double carts they can sit in. Otherwise- target drive up is a lifesaver and so is grocery delivery –lauranc6
Whatever makes it easier…
- I could fit 10 grocery bags in the bottom basket of my city mini double stroller. I would put the groceries down there while moving around the store and then put the bags back down there after paying. We lived in NYC at the time, so it was really the only option because we had to walk back to our apartment. –spinster_mom
- A lot of grocery stores now have the double seated car with fake wheel attachments. That’s been a life saver when shopping with the twins! –awalenty
- You don’t my friend!! You should “Amazon”. –mcdiazn
- You don’t, unless you’re desperate. I pay a babysitter to watch my children so I can go shopping, that’s how horrible the experience is. –mooseandbear

- Push the stroller, drag the cart. When your babes are old enough to sit in the cart, put one baby in the cart seat and wear the other. It’s bonkers, but it works! ❤️ –Trelmor
- Curbside pick up. I haven’t been in a grocery store since I had my twins in 2020. –sarah.nichols10
- I put hooks on my stroller and hung multiple reusable bags from it. And also used the stroller basket. –alysacatherine92
- Baby wearing! One on your back and one on your front, and shop fast!! Or better yet, online grocery pickup😂. –vaqueramamma_20
- Instacart 😂 or waiting for your husband to come home and then go shopping. –saracanones
- One mega carabeaner and stuffing things in with them. –jaxz.theepumkinqueen
- @zoestrollers 💯! Couldn’t imagine all this shopping without my Zoe! –mrsmersburgh
- Sell your stroller and buy a @veergear wagon! –mrsturnbow
- You don’t! You get your husband to run the errands!! –shylastevenson

Twiniversity Staff Writer