Last updated on February 12th, 2024 at 04:09 pm

So you’re new parents and you just found out you’re having twins. Congrats! Now it’s time to start thinking about your new arrivals’ special outfit for the big day, and how to best coordinate their outfits with each other. Here are some things that will help you choose the perfect baby coming home outfits for twins that will suit both babies and give them the perfect outfit when they first come home from the hospital. After all, there’s no such thing as too many cute outfits!
Dressing for the Weather & Warmth
When you’re shopping for baby coming home outfits for twins, pay special attention to the weather. If you’re about to enter a chilly season when your twins will be born, plan accordingly with an outfit for winter weather. Your twins will each be coming home in an infant car seat, and you don’t want bulky fabrics under their harnesses, which is a safety hazard. Opt for thin, tight layers for their coming home hospital outfits and plan to put blankets over the harnesses to keep baby warm. If there will be warmer weather when they come home from the hospital, look for lightweight clothing in breathable materials, such as organic cotton and 100 percent cotton.

Check if your coming home outfits already have built-in mittens. Many newborn outfits have an extra layer of fabric around the wrist that you can flip over to cover their little hands. If your outfits have built-in mittens then you don’t need to buy matching mittens for the outfit. The mittens will come in handy for warmth and also avoid your babies from scratching themselves with their tiny razor-sharp fingernails.
Twin Baby Going-Home Outfit Sizing
When your twins are ready to come home they will be teeny tiny! We highly recommend choosing coming home outfits for your twins that are Newborn sizes. Avoid 0-3 months size and 3-6 months size clothing because that will probably be too big on them. Most twins come home from the hospital weighing 4 – 7 lbs and size 0-3 months is really for babies that are 9 lbs and up. It doesn’t seem like it would be that much difference in size, but when the babies are that tiny, even a few pounds makes a huge difference. You don’t want them to be swimming in their clothes for those memorable leaving the hospital photos. Preemie size clothes will probably be a little too tight when they are ready for discharge, so stick with newborn size.

Keep it Simple with Coming Home Outfits for Newborns
When shopping for a baby’s coming-home outfit, the rule of thumb is to keep it simple. Choose outfits that will be easy to get on and off and will make easy access for easy diaper changes. Avoid anything that has too many snaps, belts, accessories, or anything else that will make life more difficult for you, and make it more difficult to fit your babies in their car seats. Your babies going-home outfits don’t need to be the focus of a photo shoot or have a bunch of accessories crammed onto it. The focus should be on your twins themselves.
A cute onesie with pull-down shoulders and a snap crotch or a footie pajama with a two-way zipper are a great choice; they are sweet, cute, comfortable, and practical. Look for soft, cotton fabric with 2-3 percent spandex and 97-98 percent organic cotton for stretch and convertible footie bottoms which will keep your baby comfortable. 100 percent cotton fabrics are also really soft and breathable. Add on a pair of legwarmers, leggings, or a pair of pants with an elastic waist to the onesie if it’s chilly out. And don’t forget matching soft booties or socks for your going-home outfit!
Color and Print Choices
Select colors that are easy to pair up. Girl twins will look great in pastels, while boy twins will look great in bolder colors. Boy/girl twin outfits are more of a challenge. You can go for gender neutral options to match your boy/girl twins, but many baby clothing companies, like Gerber, have coordinating colors and patterns between their newborn boy and newborn girl lines that will pair beautifully.
Don’t be afraid of prints because there are some beautiful ones that will look great for baby going-home outfits if you pair them up right! Check out our article on how to mix and match prints for smart results. Animal prints are very cute and so are stripes. Be careful with zebra print though, it can be difficult to match up. A baby coming-home outfit is a great place to add lots of cute sayings. Personalized monogrammed onesies or onesies with special messages that include your twins’ names are really popular. We love twin onesie sets with funny phrases like, “Copy/Paste”, “Wombmates”, “I was planned/I wasn’t”, and “Buy One, Get One Free”. Those make for hilarious photos!

Include Older Siblings
You might want to consider buying a special coming-home outfit for an older sibling too. A cute t-shirt that says “big brother of twins” or “big sister of twins” would be perfect for some shots with your older kids and their new twin siblings.
Dressing Your Twins in Identical Coming Home Outfits
Are you thinking about dressing your twins in identical outfits? Take into consideration that dressing twins identically might make it hard to remember which baby is which in the photos. If you really want to have your identical twins wear the same outfit, maybe dress them each in a different matching hat so it’s easier to tell which baby is which when you’re looking at the photos in 20 years. One tip is to buy two different lovey dolls (for example, one bear and one elephant) and place them in the photos by each twin to help identify your twins in photos.

Plan A Backup Baby Homecoming Outfit
So you’ve dressed your twins in their coming home outfits, and they look so super cute you just can’t wait to start snapping photos. Then suddenly, one of them starts spitting up, they have puke all over the front of their top, and their outfit is ruined. Don’t panic! Because you were smart and packed a backup coming home outfit in your hospital bag just in case this happened, right? Right! Pack two backup outfits (one per twin) just in case something happens. You’ll start getting used to this as a new mom of twins. Always have a backup plan!
Don’t Stress About a Photo Shoot
Checking out of the hospital can be chaotic. You’re packing up your own luggage, maybe answering a phone call from your mom, signing paperwork from the nurses… it can be a lot! Try your best to get one good photo of you, your partner, and your twins from a nurse before you head out the door. This is the photo you will cherish for the rest of your life. However, your twins will probably be in their car seats already, and their cute coming home outfits will be covered up by the harnesses. And that is OK! Once you get home, you can snap some sweet photos of your twins out of their car seats and in their home for the first time. But truly, if you get home and things are still chaotic, there’s always tomorrow. Don’t stress yourself out about exactly when the photos are taken. Make sure you focus on getting your twins settled into their new home and well-fed before trying to make a photoshoot happen.

What If My Twins Come Home On Different Days?
A common concern for parents of twins is having their twins in the NICU. But sometimes only one twin is in the NICU, or one twin is discharged from the hospital while the other twin remains in the NICU. This may not even happen to you, so don’t panic. You can still have an awesome coming home moment once BOTH of your twins are finally home at last. It will truly make the moment even sweeter and more memorable because of all that you’ve gone through to get to that homecoming moment. You may even want to have someone from your family come over to take some photos of your whole family so that you can truly enjoy your twins reunion and be in the moment.
Latest Twiniversity Articles
We asked our community to share photos of their twins coming home from the hospital. Here’s a sampling of the photos they donated to help give you some ideas for your own twins homecoming!
Coming Home Outfits for Baby Girl Twins

Coming Home Outfits for Baby Boy Twins

Coming Home Outfits for Baby Boy/Girl Twins

Whether you’re dressing your twins in identical outfits or not, it’s important to remember that there is no perfect way of photographing them. Try and get one good shot before heading out the door at the hospital so you can cherish a photo from their early days. However, don’t feel pressured if things are still chaotic when you return home after 24 hours postpartum with newborns – they’ll be your priority! Make sure you feed them well and settle them into their new surroundings first before trying to snap some photos.

This article is brought to you by Gerber Childrenswear. Gerber Childrenswear offers adorable and affordable infant, toddler, and kids apparel to help you dress your twinnies in the cutest outfits ever, starting at just $5! Find the perfect “going home” outfits, stock up on Onesies®, and find super cute sleepwear, everyday outfits, swimwear, and accessories that parents need for baby’s first years and beyond. Sizes range from Preemie to 5T!
Gerber’s commitment to excellence has remained a constant guiding force for over 90 years. Gerber today is as dedicated to the well-being of babies all over the world as it was when it began in 1928, and as it will be in the years to come.

Whether you’re looking for twin clothes for boys, twin clothes for girls, twin baby clothes for a boy and girl set, or preemie baby clothes, Gerber Childrenswear has got you covered!