Last updated on September 28th, 2021 at 01:57 pm
A MoM recently asked:
I need suggestions for my 10 week old gassy twins. What tips do you have to help soothe them? We switched formulas, used baths, massaged, and colic and gas drops have been tried. They wake up in the middle of the night with pains of burps or gas. If they didn’t I swear I’d get a full nights sleep and that would be wonderful! Both are swaddled when sleeping. I would appreciate everyone’s tips.
Here what our Twiniversity fans had to say:
– Gas was a huge problem for us! First, get bottles that reduces gas. We use Playtex Ventaire. Second, try to switch formulas. Ask your pediatrician about samples to see if they work before buyng a large quantity. We found Gerber Good Start Soothe was great for reducing the gas, and that Similac caused a lot of gas with our twins. If all else fails, switch to soy. It makes all the difference in my babies. Also Mylicon gas drops and gripe water if needed. You will get through this. It gets better I swear! CSH
– We used Hyland’s colic tablets for our gassy twins. It calmed them instantly. DW
– We used crib mattress wedges to raise their heads while asleep. SD
– Dr Brown’s bottles or Playtex Ventaire, probiotics work well and when switching formula. Remember it can take up to two weeks to fully see a change. Give it at least a week to see if it works. Good luck. BJS
– We dealt with gassy twins for months. We tried changing bottles, formula, gave Colic Calm, and gripe water. But nothing helped. Finally our pediatrician had us get their blood and stool tested. They both had bacterial infections. Probiotics helped them. VMG
– We had the same problem with one of our twins who are now 12 weeks old. We tried a new formula every week for the first 8 weeks until we FINALLY found one that works for our little peanuts! We use MAM Anti-Colic bottles. They do have multiple parts to clean, but definitely worth it. My twins also have reflux and colic. These bottles helped with both. The formula was also a huge part of the problem and what works for them is Enfamil Gentlease Premium. Make sure it says Premium on the label. The regular Enfamil Gentlease didn’t work for her. If you contact Enfamil and tell them the issues you’re having, they’re more than happy to send you samples! Mylicon Infant Gas Drops are safe to use for every bottle feeding as well. We did that up until their tummies adjusted to the last formula that worked for them. I hope this helps! AS
– Have you tried soy formula? Also try to keep them upright for 20 minutes after feeding (Easier said than done, I know!) AAA
– We started to use anti-reflux formula it’s much thicker. We got a prescription for baby reflux meds from our pediatrician which worked well. JI
– We used the Dr Brown’s formula mixing pitcher, it was a game changer! It mixes about 32 ounces of formula at a time, then stays in the fridge until you’re ready to feed. We used Dr Brown’s bottles as well. Having the formula pre-mixed really cut down on gas for us. It’s one of the items I wish I had known about from day 1. PF
– We had to switch formula 3 or 4 times. We finally tried Gerber Good Start Gentle and it was successful. It was miserable until that point though. And watch the Infant Simethicone gas drops, I noticed they’ll cause a stomach ache too when used as often as needed. I would try to switch the formula again. Good luck! JD

– Gripe water helped us with our gassy twins. Maybe putting them to sleep in bouncer or swing will help because they are elevated a bit. SC
– One baby had terrible stomach problems. We switched her formula and gave her probiotic drops in her bottle. Maybe ask your pediatrician if probiotics would help. AHH
– We used Dr Brown’s bottles and gas drops. We also slightly elevated their heads by making a wedge under their mattress. That was the kicker for us, after that they didn’t have nearly as much gas. MG
– The ONLY thing that helped us was DoTerra Digestzen drops in fractionated coconut oil. We would rub in on our gassy twins bellies and bottoms of their feet once daily. Cleared it right up. KB
– We tried everything under the sun for our gassy twins. Finally, we took them off all of the things that were supposed to help with gas and used Windi Gas and Colic Reliever. That worked like a charm! AG
– I found the Dr. Brown bottles helped our gassy twins. That and making sure to burp them several times throughout the meal and before laying them down. MC
– We had the same problem. Try a soy formula vs dairy formula. I breastfed and had to eliminate all dairy, along with ascorbic acid. Probiotics also helped us. CCK

– Ready to feed formula worked for us. One of my twins can NOT handle corn syrup and certain formulas and ready to feeds lack this. We switched from powder to ready to feed formula and she was a new baby within a day! SS
– We switched formulas to Gerber Good Start Soothe and use both NUK and Dr. Brown’s bottles. They used to cry from gas and it stopped as soon as we did the switch to the new formula. We eventually started to use the Walmart brand equivalent to that formula and it’s not only cheaper, but we’ve had no problems since! CM
– Dr Brown’s bottles worked for us. Get the original, not the options. They seem to wash better over time. CM
– Probiotics and soy formula helped us. AW
– Enfamil and Gripe Water worked for both babies ER
– Try different bottles. One twin had to use Dr Brown’s and the other needed Evenflo ones. BO
– I did the gas drops but when I switched to gentle ease enfamil formula it cleared right up. JW
– Mylicon drops for immediate relief. We also use probiotics on a regular basis to prevent upset stomachs. RC
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