Pregnancy is FULL of questions and when you are having multiples, there are even more questions! Your maternity hospital tour is a great time to get all your questions answered. So, we’ve wrangled up all those forgotten questions that usually pop into your head long after your hospital tour is over.
Are you getting ready for the arrival of your TWO bundles of joy? Have you scheduled your hospital tour? We’ve rounded up our list of often-forgotten must-ask questions for your hospital tour. Getting answers to these questions could help relieve some of your anxieties!
What breastfeeding support services do you offer?
Are you planning to breastfeed your twins? You should ask about what breastfeeding support is available at your hospital. The answer will vary depending on what birthing center you deliver at. Some hospitals will have a certified lactation consultant to meet with you before discharge, but some may not.

A lactation consultant will help you with everything from proper latching techniques and nursing positions to pumping advice. And often, they are not afraid to get up in there and really show you how it all works. Take it from a fellow twin mama; this can be especially helpful if you are a first-time mother!
Many hospitals also provide “hospital grade” breast pumps to help kickstart your lactation journey. This is super helpful if one or both of your twins require a NICU stay and you are unable to nurse right away.
Where can I find information on post-birth education and new parent support groups?
Most hospitals will provide you with resources for parent education classes and support groups. Some of these may be provided at the hospital or at partnering centers. In this era, most hospitals also provide online classes that you can participate in virtually from home.

However, not all hospitals may provide information specifically for twin parents. That’s why I highly suggest you check out the twin parenting classes offered by Twiniversity! These are more tailored to the realities and struggles faced by parents of multiples.
How do I get a birth certificate for my child?
There are lots of logistics to keep tabs on when it comes to welcoming a new human into the world. And this is certainly one you do not want to overlook. After all, this will be your child’s first and main form of legal identity.
When you deliver your babies at the hospital, you will receive a U.S. Standard Certificate of Live Birth before discharge. This two-page document includes over 50 questions to gather vital information about your new baby. You’ll need to provide items like your home address, social security numbers, and more.
You’ll fill this information out by hand, and then the hospital staff will send it off to the proper state department. Several weeks later, you’ll receive the official birth certificate in the mail. For some states, this is a complimentary service. Other states charge for the document.

If you just heard that second heartbeat for the first time, or you know it’s been two for a while, you need to read our twin pregnancy week by week timeline to help you learn what happens week by week with twins. Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our expecting twins classes and twin parent coaching services.
Have more questions about this? Check out the website of your state’s Department of Health or Human Services. Each state has its own unique birth certificate and documentation procedures. A nurse or midwife at the hospital can also help you fill out the form and answer questions you may have!
Twiniversity Tip: Write NEATLY when you fill out the form at the hospital. Somehow, my twins’ original birth certificates had my maiden name spelled wrong. An L instead of an I. Ugh! This was the last headache we wanted to deal with after having two new humans to look after. So be sure to take your time filling out the form!
What are the visiting hours at the birth center?
Every birth center will have its own visitor hours and policies. If you are planning to have visitors (outside of the mother and father), be sure to ask this at your hospital tour for pregnancy. Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic, many hospitals have been more cautious with their visitor policies.

You’ll want to know what time of day visitors can come as well as what procedures they’ll need to follow when they get there. Many hospitals also have rules about how many visitors can be present in the room at one time.
Depending on any seasonal viruses, they may even ask visitors to wear a mask. Last but not least, be sure to ask about their policy on having your other children there! It’s best to know all this information ahead of time so there’s no extra stress when delivery time comes.
How long should I expect to be in the hospital?
There are many factors that will determine the length of your hospital stay. The first is the method of delivery. In the U.S., the average hospital stay for a natural birth is 48 hours. For a c-section, the average postpartum stay is 96 hours. While vaginal births certainly require rest and recovery, c-sections are major surgeries that involve slightly longer postpartum care.

The second factor will be the health of your babies. I’m sure it’s no surprise to you by now, but twin pregnancies come with a risk of additional complications. Two of these include a higher rate of preterm birth and the potential need for a NICU stay. Keep reading the next section for more questions to ask about a NICU stay!
What level of NICU services does the hospital include?
Thinking of a NICU stay can definitely be scary. But I promise you, you will want to make sure you have all of this information way ahead of “go-time.”
Hospitals can provide varying levels of support for newborn infants. Most hospitals that deliver babies have at least a Level 1 NICU, which means they can help evaluate and stabilize a generally healthy newborn baby at least 35 weeks gestation.
When you tour your hospital before delivery, make sure you know what level of NICU care they provide. There are Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 NICUs. The higher the level, the more specialized care they can provide. Check out the specifics of each level here!
If the hospital you plan to deliver at doesn’t have higher than a Level 1 or 2 NICU, do your research about the closest Level 3 and 4 NICU. This can help you prepare for any additional commuting logistics, just in case.

Where do I go when I’m in labor?
I’m sure you’ve seen at least one movie with a dramatic delivery scene. You know, the ones with the pregnant woman’s water breaking and her being whisked away to a chaotic hospital waiting room.
The last thing you’ll want on this big day is to panic about where to go once you get to the hospital. Make sure to ask your hospital team precisely where you should go when you are in labor. Typically, this will be a labor and delivery unit, where they’ll admit you to a triage room for monitoring.
Make sure to also inquire about where to park or be dropped off!
Why should I choose my baby’s pediatrician before delivery?
A hospital may not require you to have a pediatrician selected before delivery. But it is definitely highly recommended.
Your twinnies will have frequent appointments with the pediatrician within their first few weeks and months of life. Take the time well before your due date to research pediatricians that align with the care style you are looking for. Trying to figure this out when you have two needy babies around will cause extra stress.

All you have to do is call the pediatrician’s office and tell them about the babies’ planned due date. Then, they can tell you if they have the capacity to take on new patients. This will make setting up your first appointment go much more smoothly than winging it at the last second.
Other questions to ask during a maternity hospital tour
I’m sure you still have so many questions spinning around in your head. And please know that is totally normal.
Having one baby is a huge deal. But having two is an even bigger deal! And you’ll want to make sure you have as few mysteries as possible waiting for you postpartum.

Here are some other questions to ask on your hospital tour:
- I have a birth plan. Who do I share this with at the hospital?
- Are there any security considerations I need to be aware of?
- When is circumcision done, and how long does it take?
- What postpartum care items will be provided for me at the hospital?
- Will I have a private or shared room?
- Is there a photography or video policy?
- What are my pain management options?
- What is the policy about bringing in outside food? Is there a cafeteria?
- Will I need to complete any pre-registration forms?
- What type of activity is permitted while I am in active labor?
- Can I meet my care team beforehand?
Ask all the questions! Add to this list as needed. Just be sure to get your questions answered! This is an exciting and nerve-wracking time. Keeping the unknowns to a minimum will help you feel more in control of your delivery. Best of luck. You can do this!

Paige Figueroa is a mom to fraternal twins. After teaching English for 9 years, she now works from home as a content marketing strategist and entrepreneur so she can spend more time with her children. She loves helping other moms and women enjoy more freedom in their lives by monetizing their passions. You can follow her on IG and TikTok @mombossfreedom or visit mombossfreedom.com.