Last updated on August 16th, 2023 at 12:34 pm
A MoM asks:
“I am getting induced at 38 weeks and I’m so scared having to push two babies out. These are my first babies and I need reassurance!”
Our Twiniversity MoMs came to the rescue with tons of great support, advice, and tips to help this mom (and any of you other pregnant moms out there!)
I am a first time mom and was induced at 37 weeks. It was a breeze! Got the epidural after a few contractions and the rest was so easy and I truly didn’t feel a thing. The worst part for me was the heartburn every time I pushed because I was on my back! You can do it!
I was nervous too. I went into labor the day I was to be induced. Just relax and allow your body to do what it needs. It was much easier pushing my twins our than my singleton because they were smaller babies at 36 weeks. They were 6 mins apart. Just stay calm and your body will do what it needs to. Think of all the positive things and pray about it. At the end of the day you will have two beautiful babies.

You can do it!! I was induced – first time mama – with my b/g twins at 38 weeks. Had to push with the first one – the second one just slid out with one lil’ push. Good luck!!!!
I went into labor at 25 weeks and delivered at 33 weeks. The delivery was easier than the pregnancy. Just remember that women all over the world have babies without classes and all of our advantages. I had complications so I agree to just focus on the positives.
I was induced at 36 and my two little ones were fine. I was nervous as hell but once I knew everyone was there for me and my girls I relaxed and at the end had two little munchkins that I can’t do without. They are my first as well and, believe me, as scary as it seems, you can do it. Good luck.
I homebirthed my twins and it was awesome!! Do not fear birth. There is an end and it’ll be holding your sweet babies. Listen to your body and do what it needs. Eat, drink – you are running a marathon, not a sprint.
You will completely forget about any labor woes after you see those two angels emerge into this world. Don’t worry, just roll with whatever happens and keep that attitude til they go to college. I had two singletons, then twins, and twins were fastest delivery ever (and the twins were one vaginal, one c-section). God hand picks multiples moms, so you are already capable!!!!

My girls were way easier to birth than my singleton, i wasn’t worried though because they were smaller than he was at 38 weeks. Best of luck!
I was induced with mine at 38 weeks, scared to death, but it was so much easier than my overthought scenario was.
I did it! Twins are typically smaller and that makes a huge difference. My singletons were 8 lbs and 8 lbs 6oz. Twins were 6 lbs 9 oz and 5 lbs 13 oz (at 38 weeks). I definitely felt the difference. Just keep telling yourself that your body is made to do this and surgery is no walk in the park. Get a good doula and trust your body.
You can do it! Relax and make sure you have good support. My doctor was amazing and talked me through everything.
I was the same, my twins were my first. Although my labour was long, the time between my boys was 16 mins and it seemed like seconds. I was so eager to get the second baby out to go to be with both of them and check they were ok. Your body will take over and your mummy instincts will kick. It will all be ok and ten minutes later you will forget any pain.

For me it was 4 hour labor, 20 min to get them out. I highly recommend the mirror — some are grossed out, but it made things so easy for me both labors. There are easy outcomes – stay positive. I say hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
I did the same at 37 weeks. Trust your doctor and let it take it’s time. I felt like it was a race where the births were the finish line. Turns out that was the start. I wish I had the mind set I needed energy for after, when the kids were here. That happened to be 3:30 am for me so that is probably why.
It’s not that bad! Just have a mindset going in that you have to push 2 out so you have a plan in your mind when the first one is out. You can do it!
Best advice I can give you: trust yourself and trust your body. You were made to do this. My twins were an easier delivery than my two singletons as well. 2nd baby was easy peasy, and I think I was most scared about pushing the second one out. Try not to worry, and remember it is so worth it.
Are You a New Twin Parent?
Check out Natalie Diaz’s book:
“What To Do When You’re Having Two
The Twin Survival Guide From Pregnancy Through the First Year”
In What to Do When You’re Having Two: The Twins Survival Guide from Pregnancy Through the First Year, national twins guru and founder of Twiniversity (and twin mom herself!) Natalie Diaz provides a no-holds-barred resource about life with twins, from pregnancy and birth all the way through your duo’s first year of life.
Accessible and informative, What to Do When You’re Having Two
is the must-have manual for all parents of twins.
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