Last updated on May 13th, 2024 at 09:09 pm
Bicycle helmets save lives. Even if you think you have the safest riding environment a helmet should ALWAYS be worn.
It’s not enough to buy a bicycle helmet. The helmet must be properly fitted, adjusted and worn each time your child rides. To select and fit a bicycle helmet follow these instructions.
Ensure your child’s helmet fits snugly. The helmet shouldn’t rock from side to side or front to back. Each helmet comes with sizing pads to help fit it to your head snugly.
The helmet should sit level on your head and low on your forehead. only one or two fingers width above the eyebrow.

Chin Strap
The chin strap should form a “V” shape under the ears. Make sure the strap is snug so that no more than one or two fingers fit under the strap when fastened.
Final Fitting
Have your child open their mouth wide like a yawn. If the helmet does not pull down over the head then you still need to tighten the chin strap.
Wear EVERY Time
Many states have laws requiring all riders or minors to wear bicycles helmets. But to be safe EVERY person should wear a helmet EVERY time they ride. When you purchase your child’s first bike purchase a helmet too. Have them help you pick it out so they will want to wear it.
Set the Example
When you ride with your child wear a helmet yourself. This will ensure your child will take safety seriously and will wear the helmet even when you’re not around.
When Should a Helmet Be Worn?
Anytime you ride a bike, scooter, skateboard orroller-blade.
When Should You Replace a Helmet?
When it has been involved in a crash or damaged in any way. Check the helmet regularly for damage to replace so that it offers full protection. Helmets save lives!
Have a safe Summer!