Last updated on March 6th, 2024 at 10:48 am
Nat took us on a live tour of the Happy Family headquarters in New York City and we learned so much about their great organic baby food, infant formula, and their fantastic free services for breastfeeding support. Check it all out in the video below.
Natalie: Live, from New York City, it’s Natalie Diaz! Welcome to Facebook Live, I’m Natalie Diaz, and I will be your amazing host of the day. Check out where we are. We are on a field trip in New York City at the Happy Family brands. I’m so excited! We’re going to be talking about a lot of new things Happy Family has going on. If you don’t know, Twiniversity has been friends with Happy Family for a very long time. So we are here at Happy Family Organics. Are you guys ready to go in? We are going to introduce you to the woman who kind of started it all with me, Helen.
Helen: Hello everyone! Welcome!
Natalie: So tell me, how did you meet me, Helen?
Helen: I don’t even remember the first time! I think it was around 2006 or something like that. We were doing a show or something.
Natalie: Yes, for the Manhattan Twins Club (which I put together), pre-Twiniversity. I was like, there’s gotta be like a “mom swap,” so we created this big mom swap with the Manhattan Twins Club. I don’t know how you found me, or I found you, but somehow I convinced you to show up, right?
Helen: Absolutely.
Natalie: But it was good, because you had just come out with Happy Baby, right?
Helen: That’s right, yes.
Natalie: And my babies were eating Happy Baby. I think I might have found you, were you at Whole Foods from the beginning?
Helen: Yes.
Natalie: I think that’s how I found you, in Whole Foods. So I think I just randomly called and was like “Do you guys want to come play with the Manhattan Twins Club?” Little did we know that years later we’d be celebrities.
Helen: *laughter* I think that’s an overstatement. Happy Family is well-known, absolutely. So is Twiniversity now.
Natalie: See, you’re my Happy Family because you’re the one that started it all. See, my kids grew up with Happy Family, truly in large part, because of you. I would steal all of your free samples, and my kids would be very happy.
Helen: Well, you may get some more today!
Natalie: I hope it’s the apples, blueberries, oatmeal! It’s my number one!
Helen: Oh, you have specific requests?
Natalie: Yes! Our palates have evolved, Helen. So we’re at the office today, and Helen has invited us to come through, and we’re going to meet some of the support staff. Not really support staff, but simply THE staff.
Helen: Yes, this is it.
Natalie: Take a look at this wonderful office. You have a warehouse too, right?
Helen: Yes, we do, in Chicago. This is actually our third office. We started out in Dumbo in a little room that didn’t even have a window. So that was first. Then we moved to a larger office up on Fulton Street, and then here. We moved from Brooklyn. Actually, they kicked us out of Dumbo. It became a residential building; this beautiful old warehouse. So, we moved to Manhattan.
Natalie: I’m sorry you had to downgrade from Brooklyn. We apologize. The entire island apologizes.
Helen: This whole area now is becoming increasingly residential.
Natalie: We only have about three supermarkets in Manhattan, and I see one out the window right there.
Helen: All the supermarkets carry Happy Family, Happy Tot, and Happy Kid.
Natalie: We have to talk about the Happy Tot more. I think we talk so much about the Happy Baby, and we talk about the pre-natal stuff too, but I want to make sure that we kind of hit everything. Now, let’s go look at some of the products.
Helen: Yes, I want to show you some of the newest ones. Here is our product wall, where you can see all of our new products, including our new, organic formulas in stage one and stage two. Stage one is birth to six months, and stage two is six months to twelve months. And then we have the Happy Tot organic toddler milk so you can give some extra nutrition as your child is growing.
Natalie: That’s really good. So you just mix it with water?
Helen: Yes.
Natalie: These puffs are pretty awesome.
Helen: They are the only gluten-free puffs in the world, I believe.
Natalie: Wow! What’s your favorite puff?
Helen: The purple carrot and blueberry.
Natalie: I’m a big orange girl; sweet potato and carrots is my number one.
Helen: Well, you can have one on your way out.
Natalie: I love it! It’s like Halloween!
Helen: But you have to share with the kids.
Natalie: No, Helen. Now it’s off. You ruined my excitement. During Halloween, does anyone come trick-or-treating in this building, and you give them these?
Helen: Not in this building, no.
Natalie: But what if we did? What if we did come trick-or-treating?
Helen: Then we would give some healthy snacks.
Natalie: Thank you. Just don’t give toothbrushes, because then they’re going to set your house on fire.
Helen: No. Actually, the toddler bars would be wonderful for that.
Natalie: We were talking a little bit earlier about the organic teethers, which I really didn’t know about. So tell me about the teethers. So what is in this one?
Helen: This is blueberry and purple carrot. We always mix fruits and vegetables as much as possible.
Natalie: Can I open it?
Helen: Of course you may open it.
Natalie: Come on Helen, let’s have a snack. I was going to have the puffs, but I know what the puffs taste like. I don’t know what these taste like. So they’re independently wrapped?
Helen: Yes, they are. So, you can just throw them in your diaper bag or wherever when you’re on the go.
Natalie: Oh, there are two in a pack! One for you, and one for me.
*Takes a bite*
Natalie: Ok. Oh, it got sweeter. Ok, I like it.
Helen: We have no added sugar, ever. It’s just from the fruit and vegetables, and whatever sugar is naturally in those ingredients.
Natalie: So I can give these to gumming babies?
Helen: Absolutely. It’s a wonderful snack, and it helps them learn how to chew, and work the muscles in their tongues, and learn to swallow.
Natalie: I would eat these with maybe some brie. Just scoop it on top of them.
Helen: I’m sorry I didn’t order any brie in today.
Natalie: It’s ok, Helen.
Helen: Next time, you can place your order in advance.
Natalie: I’m curious if anyone else out there likes to re-purpose baby food for your own snacks. If there are any puffs left on the highchair, we might tend to have a little snack. I’m going to make an hors d’oeuvres platter for my friends, and this is probably what we’re going to eat. These are good! I really liked it, actually. How much is a box in retail?
Helen: We have over 100 products, and I can’t remember for this one, but I think it’s around $3-4.
Natalie: We are giving away a Happy Baby package, including the teethers, so tell me what we have in our assortment.
Helen: Well, we have our Clearly Crafted pouches, our all-natural, transparent pouches, with the recipe on the back, so you can see exactly what’s in it, in all it’s beautiful color.
Natalie: I should put those on that cracker. The guava would be delicious.
Helen: You know what is an absolutely delicious dessert for your children? If you make whole-wheat pancakes, and you take some fresh fruit, and you fold them like a taco, and then sprinkle a pouch on top.
Natalie: This sweet potato and mango one I put over chicken, and it was really good.
Helen: Yes, chicken is wonderful when you pair it with fruits and vegetables.
Natalie: It was like a chutney, almost. It was really delicious. Because, you know, I get to play with these, and every time you guys send me a flavor, me and the kids eat it automatically. The amount of these that I eat is a little ridiculous though. I probably eat four a week. And I really feel full, like I actually ate something. And what’s the difference if I’m going to have, like, a bar or something. I feel good eating this.
Helen: It’s probably fewer calories, and absolutely no added sugar. Also, we have our Yogis, which are freeze-dried fruit and vegetable yogurts. You have the regular yogurt and the Greek yogurt. These are super popular. Even adults love them. They are creamy and delicious, and melt in your mouth. We have the Yogis, and then we have the Creamies, which are dairy-free, if your child is allergic to dairy.
Natalie: Where are we going to go next? Are we going to talk about the pre-natal stuff? Actually, do you want to see behind-the-scenes? We are in the kitchen, and we are not allowed to interrupt this very important marketing meeting that’s going on. I think they’re picking new labeling and packaging. Now, let’s move on…
This lovely lady at this fancy stand-up desk, this is Julie. So Julie, what are you doing right now? Are we allowed to know?
Julie: Yes. I manage our infant feeding Happy Mama Milk Mentors program.
Natalie: Ok guys… hold on to your bloomers, because this is very exciting. Happy Family has just launched a milk mentor program. So it’s for any lactating mom, right?
Julie: It’s for any mom. She can be formula feeding, breastfeeding, feeding her infant or toddler, we also deal with pregnancy nutrition, a whole range.
Natalie: So how do we get you? We text you?
Julie: Actually, you just go to our landing page on Amazon at happyfamilybrands. When you land on the support page, you see a video, you’ll see our stance that we support every mom on her feeding journey. We have spoken to dads, foster moms, grandmothers, anybody who is baby feeding. All you have to do is click on the little icon on the landing page, and you’ll be taken right to a window where our coaches are available to live-chat with you.
Natalie: What are the hours? So, 8am-8pm Monday-Friday, somebody is on there?
Julie: Yes. Exactly. So if I spoke right now, they would chat right back. They’re here, and they’re ready to help moms with any of their questions. They are all registered dieticians, they’re certified in infant and maternal nutrition from Cornell University, and several of them are also certified lactation counselors.
Natalie: How long has it been around? I feel like it’s brand new.
Julie: It is brand new. We launched in April 2017, and it’s been really successful since we launched it. And I would like to point out for your universe in particular, one of our coaches is a mom of twins.
Natalie: How we know if she’s on?
Julie: Well, they all work their own shifts, so she works on Thursdays, actually.
Natalie: So if we have a feeding question, Thursday would be our day. So from 8am-8pm EST. What’s her name:
Julie: Janel.
Natalie: Do they tell us their name when they’re on?
Julie: They do.
Natalie: So we know Janel is the secret word.
Julie: They have bios too, so you can click on their bio and learn more about them.
Natalie: Wow.
Julie: You’ll see that Janel is a mom of twins, but all of our coaches have been answering twin questions and do a really fantastic job with it.
Natalie: It’s a genius idea. Whether you are a Happy Family product purchaser or not, this is a service that’s available. We don’t have to read a UPC code or something and prove that we have bought something?
Julie: Not at all. You literally just click the little button, and you’re connected. There’s no registration process, it’s anonymous, and it’s completely free for anyone to use. And you can use it as often as you like. We have moms that try the tips we give and come back a couple of days later and report how they did, or ask more questions.
Natalie: So how many coaches do you have right now?
Julie: We have 7 coaches, currently.
Natalie: That’s a good amount.
Julie: It’s a good amount.
Natalie: So what are some of the questions people ask you guys?
Julie: The most common questions are usually about knowing if your baby is getting enough. And that could be breast milk or formula. It could be if they’re pumping and they feel like their supply is dropping. It could be about when to introduce solids, and what are the first foods to introduce. How to wean a baby…
Natalie: That’s a big one. Ok… the next package we have relates to this.
Julie: Yes, that’s good timing. We’re talking about infant feeding support, so that makes sense.
Natalie: Our infant feeding support package includes the organic formula, and a box of the lactation cookies. I didn’t have those. Those are new too, aren’t they?
Julie: They’re pretty new.
Natalie: Yes. They’re new too. So there’s the breastfeeding ones, and I don’t have those yet.
Julie: They’re very good. We all eat them.
Natalie: How do you compare these to the prenatal bars?
Julie: These have fenugreek in them, which has sort of a distinct flavor. I personally think they’re delicious, and I think most other people do too. So that’s something you can taste the difference between the prenatal bars, you can really taste the fenugreek.
Natalie: Julie, you know what’s funny? In class, we give out the blueberry and beat bars to our expectant mamas who come to Twiniversity class. And when they can’t find them, they get enraged, and they start emailing me going “ Why did you give these to us if we can’t find them?” So then I email Helen and go “Helen, what did you do to me?” and she will say “Ok, here’s where they are.” You guys are unbelievably responsive when it comes to if we can’t find a product, you’re so helpful. Also for your whole team, it’s great. You guys are always so quick to get that. So now we have the breastfeeding support bars, and then we have a probiotic as well.
Julie: Exactly. You just mix that with water. Hydration is extremely important when you’re breastfeeding, so mixing it with a glass of water when you’re breastfeeding also helps you get your water intake.
Natalie: Can I ask you a question about breastfeeding?
Julie: Sure. I might or might not be able to answer it.
Natalie: Once upon a time, the rule for water during breastfeeding was that you still drink the same amount that you would when you’re expecting, which is about a gallon a day, is what you aim for. However, I heard through the grapevine, and I don’t know if this is true, that the new guidelines from La Leche and all those kids say that you should drink to thirst during breastfeeding, and that you shouldn’t over-drink water.
Julie: Our guidelines say to drink 10-13 twelve-ounce glasses of water per day. So really, we tell our moms that every time you’re nursing, you should have a bottle of water nearby. Water is the single biggest component of breast milk, so it’s the most important to help ensure adequate supply.
Natalie: Well then clearly, having an additive that goes into our water is great. Does it have a flavor?
Julie: No, it’s not flavored.
Natalie: So it’s just pretty much like your prenatal probiotic?
Julie: Exactly.
Natalie: Do you know what the different is between the breastfeeding probiotic and the prenatal probiotic?
Julie: That’s a great question, and I would definitely have to look up the answer.
Natalie: I would go number 1, the label.
Julie: Yes. And if anyone has any specific questions about breastfeeding, water intake, anything, baby-feeding, just log on to our infant feeding support page, click that button, and our coaches are ready and waiting to answer questions for you.
Natalie: Excellent.
Helen: I just want to butt-in for a minute and say that the chats are totally free, and totally confidential. You do not need to register, you do not need to put your email in, or anything else. You can share your contact info if you choose to with your coach, but you are not required to.
Natalie: Why did you guys do this? Honestly, you’re crushing the space so much, what was the “aha” moment that you were like, “You know what? We could do more.”
Julie: It’s always been in our DNA at Happy Family to provide 360 support for moms, so it’s not just about products. It’s about education, and supporting the moms in their journey, and dads. So this is just a really natural next step, providing this really unprecedented level of support.
Natalie: I think it would be fantastic for all the dads that are out there, or all the expecting dads, who very often when a mom is breastfeeding, they don’t know what to do. What better way than to anonymously jump onto a live chat, and say “How can I support my spouse?” Because she may not even know how she wants to be supported yet because she may be brand new to this journey too. So for my dads out there, it is never too early, I would say anytime after 24 weeks if you’re expecting, it would not be the worst idea in the universe to jump online and start asking your questions. And maybe even start compiling a list of questions so when you do find the time to jump on, then we can get them all answered at once.
Julie: Yes. We have absolutely had plenty of pregnant women reach out to us and say, “I’m planning to breastfeed, but I wasn’t successful last time. What can I do to help increase my odds this time?” Or, “I’m brand new to this. What do I need to know?” So we do, we definitely get some pre-emptive questions.
Natalie: Well, you’d have to. Because so many people do so much preparation in other parts of the universe that they kind of forget that breastfeeding, although it may seem like the most natural process in the world, and it probably is, there’s definitely a learning curve.
Julie: Absolutely. We see that every day. Our coaches are so wonderful at supporting moms that it’s a really great service.
Natalie: Well thank you Julie! So are you ever on with us?
Julie: I don’t do any coaching, but I manage the program.
Helen: And Julie is a registered dietician, of course.
Natalie: So we’re walking through the office now, and I’m definitely going to steal some Post-Its before I leave, because I love them. Okay, so are we going to meet Molly now? Are you ready for us? Guys, we found a twin mom! Hi!
Molly: Hi!
Natalie: How are you?
Molly: I’m doing well, thanks. How are you?
Natalie: I’m not so bad. It’s Molly right?
Molly: Yes.
Natalie: Okay, good. It’s hard to remember things. I wish adults would just wear nametags all the time. I wish we all had nametags so I could be like “Hey, Joel, thanks for that taxi ride,” or whatever.
Molly: I put nametags on my girls.
Natalie: Do you?
Molly: No, but it might be helpful.
Natalie: Are they identical?
Molly: They’re actually not identical, but they look identical. So I might have to DNA test them.
Natalie: It’s a little cheek swab. No big deal. So how old are your twinnies?
Molly: They’re almost a year and a half, 17 months.
Natalie: They’re teeny tiny babies.
Molly: Yeah.
Natalie: So, did Helen steal a book for you? Or did she make you buy it. I hope she didn’t.
Molly: I have to tell you, I did not pay for it. I’m so sorry.
Natalie: No, I want you not to pay for it. We give away so many books, it’s crazy. My goal when we were going through the process of selling the book, my goal was to make it available at libraries.
Molly: That’s amazing.
Natalie: And people get so excited. If you ever see it in your local library, take a picture and send it to me because I just get so excited I can’t tell you. I cannot believe that you should have to pay for education. That’s not even, like, a political thing. There’s just so many things you have to pay for in this universe that knowledge should not be one of them.
Molly: I think it’s such a great resource. It was so useful for me. I didn’t really even know there were books on raising twins.
Natalie: But you knew Helen, and Helen was like, “Wait, Molly. I’m going to hook this up for you.”
Molly: Exactly.
Natalie: I wish you would have come to class.
Molly: I know; I should have.
Natalie: You literally could have walked there.
Molly: I know. I joined Twiniversity, and there’s a lot of great advice, so that was really helpful. Is it too late for me to come to class? Can I still?
Natalie: It’s a little late. We’re going to probably start something new online for potty training.
Molly: Oh yeah, that would be great!
Natalie: And then school – one classroom or two, sibling rivalry…
Molly: Yeah, I mean, those are two huge parts of my life.
Natalie: I want to do it so bad guys. Trust me, it’s on the list. We’re still helping our expectant mamas. So what is it you do here? You just come here every day and leave the kids at home, and you’re not actually an employee, but just sit at this desk and hide from the twins?
Molly: Yeah, exactly. I work here 4 days a week, and I work from home on Fridays, which is really great to be able to do that. It’s getting a little bit harder as the twins get older and they know that I’m home. But it’s nice to be able to eat my lunch and hang out with them.
Natalie: So what do you do?
Molly: I’m in sort of a hybrid role. I work in finance, but I also work with the marketing department on business development and more strategic projects.
Natalie: Hmmm… strategery.
Molly: Yes, if I throw strategic in there, it sounds really fancy.
Natalie: It does. It’s like if you throw in strategic and consulting.
Molly: Yeah. Buzz words.
Natalie: Compliance is another good one. Nobody even knows what those jobs would entail.
Molly: Exactly.
Natalie: You could be like, “I’m a strategic planner for the compliance of the packaging.” Everybody would be like, “Oh my gosh!” At Twiniversity, we make our own titles. I’m The Big Cheese, Julie is The Wizard. I mean, honestly, like any other mama, you wear a thousand hats, so how are you supposed to pick out the one that people understand? So instead of doing that, we just make the most nonsensical titles because do you really think that people look at a business card and go “Oh!” Well, let’s give away a book. Not your copy. Don’t get nervous.
Molly: Good! Don’t take my copy away!
Natalie: We sell a lot of books, but we give away a crap load of books. I love it. We buy hundreds at a time, and Julie just ships them out from Chicago, or I ship them out from my house. Thank God for Media Mail. $2.71 to ship that out.
Molly: Oh wow, that’s pretty good.
Natalie: What’s interesting is that if it was 6 more pages, it would be so much more to ship.
Molly: Wow, you were really smart.
Natalie: The things I learn… It was really Penguin that told me. They were really good about it. The size too, and the weight of the cover. They really know.
Molly: Aw, swaddling.
Natalie: I know! I don’t know if you guys ever looked at this book, but we have a little co-swaddling diagram. I didn’t want to use pictures because do you ever open a book and there’s pictures, and you go “This is so ’72.”
Molly: Yes, it’s easy to look dated when you’re using images. They look so cute swaddled together. I actually never swaddled my babies together, but I kind of wish I did.
Natalie: That’s ok. You still can. They’ll hate it a tiny bit. Alright, I’m sorry to bother you. Thank you, Molly, for letting me drop by your desk.
Helen: I want you to meet Anne, who is our SVP of Innovation. She is just fantastic, and she is expecting.
Natalie: But just one. Womp womp. That’s alright. We’ll get her next time. Look at this beautiful office! Let’s meet everybody.
Anne: Hi, I’m Anne.
Natalie: So what can we see from here?
Anne: Our very first office was in Dumbo, right over there.
Natalie: Dumbo stands for Down Under Manhattan Bridge Overpass.
Anne: If look down Fulton Street, our second office was just down there. This is kind of our third home.
Natalie: Now we’re going to talk about our Happy Tot package.
Helen: We have our Super Smart pouches, because everyone needs a super smart kid. We also have our ancient grain puff dino snacks, and we have our toddler bars, and also our multigrain alphabet snacks.
Natalie: So tell us, Anne, what do you do here? What’s in your stomach? Why are your trying to smuggle watermelons?
Anne: Well, I work on our innovation and business development team, so that is coming up with all the wonderful products you guys have taken a look at. I have number two in my stomach. I have a two year old, almost 2.5, and he has named the baby Hippo.
Natalie: Are you actually going to go through with that?
Anne: I don’t think so. I was thinking of maybe getting a hippo lovey or something just to remember the name.
Natalie: Are you buying new stuff, or are you re-using old stuff?
Anne: Oh, re-using.
Natalie: Are you going to remember to do things like pack your hospital bag? All my second-time moms are like, “Oh, we’ll worry about later.”
Anne: I hope so. Although, this one has gotten a lot less attention than the first. I guess that’s just typical.
Natalie: Well, I am the second baby, and I’m ok with it. We turn out fairly adjusted. It’s not so bad. So, what’s going on? What do you want to let us know about Happy Family? Anything you want to give us a head’s up on? I’m really excited about the Milk Mentors. I think it’s extraordinary. I can’t believe you guys are doing that. It’s so unbelievably generous. And it’s international too, right? As long as you log on East Coast time from 8am-8pm, anybody anywhere could chime in.
Anne: Yeah, anywhere. I had a c-section with my son, so my milk didn’t come in for a number of days, and I had that whole first week of panic that a lot of moms have where you need them to be fed something, and you’re trying to breastfeed, and I would have loved to have someone to talk to like these mentors.
Natalie: If we wanted to start out with the Happy Baby infant formula in the hospital, how would we go about doing that? Typically, they would just feed your baby whatever there is, which is often not organic. If you’re an organic family, and it’s something on your mind, you need to prepare a tiny bit ahead of time. Maybe pack it in your hospital bag, and then create a birth plan that says I’m ok with formula feeding, but please feed this specific formula. Have you had anybody do that yet?
Anne: Well, we just launched our new formulas in the last few weeks, but I definitely think that’s what you would want to do. We have now been selling the products at Target for 3 weeks, so it’s hot off the press. Along with our infant feeding line, I think Julie talked about the breastfeeding support bars as well. We’re excited to offer moms something, no matter which way you choose to or can feed. We’re really excited about those products.
Natalie: I would love to know, I know it’s been out for 2 weeks, but if you guys have seen it on the shelves, or if you’ve bought it or tried it, any feedback you could give, we would absolutely love. I know since it’s so new, of course you did a lot of product testing, but once it’s in the real world, it’s kind of a different story.
Anne: We love to hear from moms and dads about their experience with any of our products. That really is one of the things that helps us improve things, and come up with new products. So please let us know anytime you have any feedback.
Natalie: Now, as far as the formula goes, because our families are using so much formula, do you think you might have any programs to help families of multiples? Like maybe a coupon, or some kind of multiple birth discount? Have you thought about it at all? I’m of course putting you on the spot, but we spend so much money on especially my two dad families. I would love if you would think about it.
Anne: We will definitely think about that. Different retailers have different promotion schedules, so that’s kind of out of our hands, but our products I’m sure will on deals at various times.
Natalie: I’ll tell you guys if there are going to be any coupons in any magazines or anything because when you’re launching, a lot of times there will be a coupon in Parents Magazine or something. The thing about formula is that people usually just commit and say “I’m going all in!” When you were launching, didn’t launch with the older kids first?
Anne: Yes, we have a toddler one first, and just recently, we launched the stage 1 and stage 2. The differentiator from our formula and others on the market is that we actually put in a significant amount of prebiotics. Prebiotics is one of the ingredients in breast milk, and we have four times the amount of some of our competitors.
Natalie: With the prebiotics, if we’re doing a supplementation of formula along with breastfeeding, we are going to have minimal irritation to our babies’ bellies, right? Really, what are prebiotics, and what’s the difference between a prebiotic and a probiotic?
Anne: Prebiotics actually feed probiotics. When a baby is born, if they are born vaginally, they are exposed to bacteria that helps create their microbiome. If they’re born via c-section, any skin to skin touch would give the baby access to the bacteria that is present there to help develop their microbiome. They need the prebiotics in order to feed the probiotics to create a healthy gut and immune system, so they’re really important.
Natalie: They are. I think they’re one of those words that, we were joking about titles being words that people throw around, and you don’t even realize the weight behind them, and why things are done the way they are done. Because there is so much choice now with formula. It’s very overwhelming for a new parent to go to a big box store, or go their local pharmacy, you see so many choices that it’s nice to know that you guys are now playing the same game as everybody else because you’ve been such a trusted brand as far as your organic foods go. It seems to be a very natural progression for you guys, and I think it’s great. So thank you very much on behalf of all our families that are out there. It’s the trend, right? We want to make sure that our babies are getting the best they can. And what’s fantastic for you guys out there is that you have choice. So, when you go there, and make sure you speak to your pediatrician first, and don’t just make decisions without consulting your pediatrician first, but if you get the thumbs up and green light, it’s great. I actually wouldn’t recommend that you get a sample because it’s not going to be enough to see how your baby adjusts. So what I would recommend, is if you’re curious to try it, I would buy a full container and try it. Because if you try it once, and your baby has an upset stomach, you might assume it was the formula. However, that upset stomach could have been something that was just randomly happening. If you try a new formula for a few days, it gives the baby’s gut time to adjust to it, and you can see how real life goes. Formula sampling is never enough time to see how your little monkeys are going to adjust to any new thing. That’s with the food too. When you’re introducing new foods, you don’t introduce a new flavor an hour. You give your kids time to adjust to that new food before jumping to the next. I wouldn’t advise anyone to do sampling with formula or food. Make the commitment, try, and if it’s something that’s important to you, just stick with it for a little bit, and see how the kiddies adjust.
Now, Happy Mama prenatals. Those are my faves. In Twiniversity classes, we’ve been giving out Happy Mama products. We do the prenatal bars, sometimes we do the probiotics. We put the bars on the table because people come to Twiniversity class, and they are ravenous. So I say if you’re going to eat something, eat the bar that’s before you. What I didn’t realize is that I’m creating tiny monsters. They eat the bars and go “What are these?” And I go, “Wait a second!” The prenatal bars are specially formulated bars for expectant families. So there are different nutrients. Are there probiotics in the bars?
Anne: There are not probiotics in the bars, but there is DHA.
Natalie: They are delicious. With a twin pregnancy, you can’t necessarily say “I’m going to sit down at 2:00 and eat” because the babies may not want to eat at 2:00. Having the bars in your bag 24 hours a day is the way to go. Plus, they don’t go bad, right? Because they’re already little individually packed bars, so they are a definite Twiniversity must-have as something to have in your bag. I find them significantly more delicious than Lara Bars and Clif Bars. We tried a bunch, and our moms at class strongly preferred you guys. And your prenatal vitamins.
Anne: The vitamins are delicious. Almost like candy.
Natalie: I have the same theory on prenatal vitamins that I do on formula. You can’t just sample whatever it is. You’ve got to just jump on in, be consistent, and not make your body get all confused. For all of our expectant twin mamas out there, you really need to look it up. You know that I don’t say things like that lightly. Specifically the beat bars are the ones that make our families go crazy. If you’re having trouble chewing or digesting, they also make prenatal pouches. The pouches are fantastic, and they actually have a top that’s re-closeable. If you’re in the beginning of your pregnancy and you’re experience some morning sickness, have a little bit of the pouch, just to get something in you, and you could eat it throughout the day. You shouldn’t keep it more than the day though if you’re eating from it just because of all the germies that are on it, but I would give it about 3 hours to eat it. So, if you can only take in tiny little nibblets, it’s more important to do that that sit down and eat an entire dish of food. Do what you gotta do because your body is going to give to the babies first, and your body will go to Hell in a handbasket. The giant parasites that are living inside you are taking all of the good stuff, and you need to replenish that with some good food.
So, you have the probiotics, the multi-vitamins, the two different flavored bars, you have the different flavored pouches, and what am I missing?
Anne: That’s it.
Natalie: Do I win a prize for that, Helen? Wasn’t that good? I know my prenatal stuff. Is there anything else that we want to let everybody know about?
Julie: Maybe the difference between the prental and the breastfeeding probiotics.
Natalie: Go ahead.
Julie: There are different strains of probiotics that are in the two different products.
Natalie: Did you, by any chance, go to the Milk Mentors and ask them about that?
Julie: You know, I could have, but I actually went to the wall of products and read them.
Natalie: Ah, the great wall of products.
Anne: And actually, the breast feeding support ones help with breast health, so if you have any kind of pain, or are on the verge of having mastitis, you can take this product instead of getting right on antibiotics.
Natalie: Yeah, why not? It can’t hurt. So if you need that extra little push, or you know sometimes just adding that in is one of the little things you can do for yourself that’s going to go a very long way. So don’t hesitate to throw it in your water, or in some seltzer and cranberry and make yourself a little mocktail. Think about it. If you’re already drinking the water, get yourself a little added benefit in there.
So we are done here at the Happy Family headquarters here in New York City. Before they kick me out, I’m going to get myself a little bag. I actually brought my Twiniversity bag, and I’m going to go steal some stuff from the office, and maybe some coffee filters, post-its, and paper towels, I don’t get to be in an office with great pens! I love it! Whenever I go to my sister’s office, I go in their supply closet, and I re-stock everything I need for Twiniversity. Because that’s what happens when you don’t have a “real” office. When you come to a real office, you get very excited. Don’t forget to check out the Milk Mentors. They are 8-8 EST Monday-Friday, Thursday is our twin day. Thank you so much for having me, and letting me get out of my office for the day.
Helen: Come back again!
Julie: Yes, come back again!
Natalie: I will, as soon as I run out of my apple blueberry oats. See ya later alligators.
Helen: Bye!
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