Last updated on May 20th, 2024 at 01:32 pm
Have you started the countdown to the first day of school yet? I know I have. (Insert happy dance here!) It’s an exciting and scary time for the kids as well. So to help them ease into the school year some families introduce fun traditions. It probably starts with school shopping together to pick out the perfect backpacks, lunchboxes and pencil holders. But then the big day gets here… the first day of school! It’s time for new possibilities and new lessons to be learned. So what are some first day of school traditions you can start with your kids? We have gathered some of our favorites below.

Special Breakfast
Okay, so maybe you will too frantic on the first day of school trying to get everyone out the door on time, but you can still make breakfast special without cooking up a storm. You could bake refrigerated cinnamon rolls or prepare pancakes ahead of time and reheat and serve with strawberries and whipped cream. Encourage everyone to talk about their goals and what they are most excited about in the new year.
After School Treat
Impossible to swing the breakfast thing? Have an after school treat ready for them or let them pick their favorite dinner that night. Make sure to find out how their first day went and make it an everyday tradition to invite them to talk about their day.
Lunch Box Love
Let them pick out their favorite thing for lunch that day, something you wouldn’t normally buy for them. Wouldn’t that be awesome to start out the new year with a kid awesome lunch that all the other kids are jealous of?!

First Day Photo
Take a picture to preserve the memory and watch them grow. Have them hold up a simple hand held chalk board or dry erase board stating “First Day of School” with their name written on it along with the grade they are going into. These will make great memories for years to come. Be sure to make a “Last Day of School” sign too to stash away for that June photo, which makes for a really fun comparison shot.
Prior to the first day, make a poster together that represents their unique personality. Let them use their favorite colors and stickers and anything that represents them. Then on the first day of school have them hold it up for the 1st day of school photo. They can use this poster in their room above their bed or on their door.
Favorite Things
Have them fill out a questionnaire of their favorite things. TV show, movie, song, food, color, toy, activity. Put it in a time capsule or scrapbook for good memories next year or at graduation.

Fashion Show
Did you spend a fortune on new school clothes? The night before their first day, have a fashion show with their new clothes. Add some comedy by showing them pictures of what you wore to school! (I sported jumpsuits in first and second grade, not to mention the crimped hair!).
Get Sentimental
Write your child a letter. Elaborate on what makes them special and focus on building their confidence so they enter the school year with head held high!
Don’t forget to start your own personal “the kids are back in school” traditions! Treat yourself or do a happy dance like this mom does on the first day of school. (Watch the video below)