Last updated on August 12th, 2024 at 05:39 pm
A MoM Recently Asked:
“I have three month old girls and I am exclusively breastfeeding. I am still in a lot of pain when I feed them. At 2 months I went to one lactation consultant but she her suggestions didn’t work. I recently had someone come in for another consultation. She diagnosed one with mild tongue tie and another with a bit worse tongue tie. I’m a little worried though that she caught that but no one else (especially the previous lactation consultant) hasn’t caught it. I’m also not sure if I should really go in to get it fixed if it’s not that big of a deal? Any experiences would help!”
Here’s What Our Twiniversity Fans Had to Say:
Both of my boys had mild tongue/lip ties. We got them fixed which honestly saved our breastfeeding relationship. They are 18 months old and still nursing. I had a pediatrician tell me they didn’t have ties. Most people aren’t well versed in tongue ties unless that is what they work with on a regular basis, including lactation consultants. If you’re still concerned, find someone in your area that specializes in ties and get another opinion. The revision is no more painful or invasive than an ear piercing and certainly less invasive than circumcision.
∼ LC
One of my twin girls was tongue tied and we worried it was not allowing her to eat well enough and that it would cause speech issues later. We had hers clipped, it took literally a minute but it made such a huge difference in her daily life! Her whole little personality just bloomed with a little more use of her tongue, it was amazing. She also was able to eat better.
There are different degrees of tongue tie, maybe it wasn’t clipped properly. Bottom line, it should not be uncomfortable.

We had our twins’ tongue ties clipped at 6 weeks by an ENT, after my third lactation consultant noticed them, and it didn’t do much good to help the pain for me. I did a phone consult with a lactation consultant who recommended we take them to a pediatric dentist to look for lip ties and posterior tongue ties, which ENTs aren’t trained to diagnose apparently. They both had class 4 tongue ties, which we ended up getting lasered but I decided to exclusively pump at 14 weeks for a variety of reasons. If not treated lip and tongue ties can affect speech, feeding, etc. All of that to say, you might want to ask about lip ties and posterior tongue ties as well. I wish ANYONE would have said those words to me, it would have saved me a lot of pain.
∼ SH
One of my twins had a tongue tie and our pediatrician said not to worry because he was eating and growing. Once he started to talk and we noticed speech issues, we asked again and the pediatrician said we could talk to a pediatric ENT. The ENT didn’t hesitate to say he could have it clipped. We had it done, took literally 3 minutes from start to finish. We have no regrets and his speech is perfect. Moral of the story: if there’s any concern of a tongue tie, get an ENT opinion and go for it. I can’t say it will help breastfeeding, but it will help the kids.
∼ SL
Please see a specialist or speak to your pediatrician about it. As an adult with one it caused speech issues.
∼ AM

Both our babes had tongue ties. They never said anything about it in the NICU and our pediatrician said it wasn’t a big deal and didn’t recommend getting it fixed. I saw 2 different lactation consultants and both recommended it. I cried every time I nursed. I had them both clipped, painless, small amount of blood and I nursed both right away. It was a miracle! My pain almost instantly went away and they were able to nurse more easily. The doctor gave me instructions on what to do to help them do it wouldn’t regrow and to try their tongue.
∼ KK
Go, go, go! My oldest son had a tongue tie. When I had the twins I got them checked straight away because it is hereditary. One had it bad the other mild. I got them both done because there is no harm in getting it done but it does make a huge difference in your boobs!
∼ LP
Definitely get it fixed. It was life changing for us and can cause further issues down the road. Do not be alarmed that it was missed. Many of them are. Ours included.
Okay so my singleton daughter had a shorter frenulum, but not short enough to do anything about it. My lactation consultant noticed that her bottom lip was not out, but I couldn’t see under there, so I didn’t know it. I was in SO much pain. Make sure that bottom lip is out, like wide open fish lips. No lips covering the gums. One of my twins had a really short frenulum and it was cut at my doctors office. The frenulum is so thin, and it just took a little snip. I nursed him right after and he was fine. Our nursing relationship was great after that and I healed.
∼ KM
My pediatrician said my son’s was mild and agreed to snip it if that’s what I wanted. He claimed it wouldn’t make a difference. Within 24 hours of having it done, the excruciating pain when nursing was gone. It was worth it. I know some people worry about it affecting their speech later on. My son is 19 months and speaks full sentences. No worries there.
∼ JR

My son was 2 weeks old before we noticed. They were still in the NICU and we had it clipped. It made a HUGE difference for both him and me. There was lots of people involved in his care who were surprised they didn’t see it earlier.
∼ CL
NICU missed my son’s tongue and lip tie. Pediatrician told me they “weren’t a big deal and stretch on their own”. By 8 weeks I was in so much pain I had to pump for him and nurse her. I was fed up, took him in for revision at 8 weeks old at the ENT. Best decision ever! After revision we were able to nurse until 18 months.
Both our girls were diagnosed with tongue tie by our 4th lactation consultant. Had them corrected by an ENT at 3 months. For us it was better all around instantly, no more pain for me, no more reflux for them, better eaters, and started sleeping better.
∼ MS
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