Last updated on July 30th, 2024 at 04:25 pm
Hey guys, it’s Julie from Twiniversity and I’m here to tell you all about a new, fantastic car seat that has just hit the market and it’s really revolutionizing the baby industry. This is the Cybex Sirona M with Sensorsafe 2.0 technology.
Sensorsafe Technology
So what’s so great about this seat right? Let me show you. This right here, this clip, this is where the Sensorsafe 2.0 technology lives. So this clip is going to tell you through an app on your phone if your child is stuck in a hot car or if your child is overheated in the car or too cold in the car. cybex sirona m
Or it’s also going to tell you if your child takes this clip off and tries to be a Houdini and tries to take off their seat. Which we all have in our life right?
So this car seat is going to be great for your whole family because that app that syncs with this piece can be connected to your spouse, grandparents, your best friend, anyone that you want to be connected to this seat. So let’s go in the car and take a closer look.
Which Way to Face
Hi Nora. Nora is going to help us out with this demonstration. All right Nora is two years old so she is in the forward-facing position. If you have a child under two you should have a child in the rear-facing position. cybex sirona m
Or you can actually rear face longer than two years old as long as you’re not reaching the height or weight maximum of the seat. At that point, you would then need to turn it around forward facing and you would need to consult your manual to determine the different height and weight.
All right let’s look at a few features I want to show you before we delve into the Sensorsafe technology which is my favorite part of the seat. cybex sirona m
Okay so right here we have a 12-point adjustable harness. This is a no-rethread harness so you’re not going to have to take the cover off and rethread that harness each and every time your child grows. You just pull it up or you push it down and you want to make sure that if they’re forward-facing that the seat belt is going to lie at or above their shoulders.
If your child is rear-facing it should be at or below their shoulders. Okay, so we’re actually above right now so we’re all good to go. And then we’ve got our seat belt nice and snug. Pinch test passes. There’s no pinch in the harness so we’re all good with that. cybex sirona m
So you know we all have that kid who’s a little Houdini and escape from their car seat while we’re in motion. That’s always fun. So if your child is able to undo their chest clip while your car is in motion this is the sound it will make. Did you hear that? Then you could be like oh who unbuckled their seatbelts and then you can clip it back on for them.
Alright, so this sensor safe clip is really phenomenal. So what’s going to happen is when you’re driving your car once you park the car and turn the car off then this will start to beep to remind you that your child is in the back seat, okay?
Then four minutes will pass and if you haven’t gotten them out of the car it will beep again. So once you get out of your car it will know and it will beep again so you know your child is in the car. They need to get out of their car seat. Then if you continue walking 20 feet or more from your car you will start getting notifications on your phone to remind you hey there’s still a kid in your car you need to undo that belt. cybex sirona m
Now the reason why it’s 20 feet is because if you just want to step out of your car and pump gas or something. So it won’t go off if you’re right around the car. It waits until you’re far enough away indicating that you’re really not coming back.
So then if you don’t respond to the notifications it’ll send a notification to everyone else in your family that has this synced up with the app. So your spouse, grandparents, your best friend – I would say hook up anybody and everybody that you know uses their smart phone on a regular basis so they will be notified that something is wrong and that your child is still in their seat. cybex sirona m
And it will give the address of the location of the car. So they can run out and see what’s wrong if you’re not responding to your calls. Because you never know. You may have dropped your phone somewhere. You may not have noticed it went off. So this is yet another failsafe that Cybex has put into it which I think is really great.
One feature that I really love about this seat is it also tells you the comfort level of your child. So if it’s getting too hot in the backseat of your car and it goes above 85 degrees you’re going to get a notification about that.
And similarly if you’re in a really cold environment like me, I live in Chicago and it gets really cold in the winters, it’ll let you know if it’s dropping too cold. So that’s a really nice feature so you can have peace of mind to make sure that your child is comfortable.
Now it has the ability to show up to 16 seats on the app. So on the app you’ll be able to see each individual chest clip and they’re numbered one through up to 16. So you have a whole passenger van all full of car seats. And you’re going to be good for twins, triplets, quads, Octomom, everyone’s going to be covered.
The Cybex Sirona M can be used from four pounds up to 65 pounds with rearward installation up to 40 pounds and forward installation up to 65 pounds. The Cybex Sirona M is 21.5 inches in length, 20 inches in width, and 25 inches in height and it weighs 24.7 pounds.
So that was a closer look at the Cybex Sirona M with sensor 2.0 technology. I honestly feel for a retail price of $329 this is more than worth your money for what you’re getting in this seat. Now the Sensorsafe technology — it’s just phenomenal to know that your children are comfortable and it will give you peace of mind.
Also, this 12-point auto adjustable harness with no rethread is going to save you tons of time as well as these really cool little magnets here that open up the harness. I mean the features go on and on. The linear side impact protection – there are so many features on this car seat that it is more than worth it’s price.
So for more information on the Cybex Sirona M, you’ll want to visit And from all of us at Twiniversity thanks for watching. We’ll see you next time.
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