Transitioning Your Children Out Of Their Booster Seats
When should you stop using your booster seats?
When should you stop using your booster seats?
I have two sets of twins. Yes, you read that correctly – two sets. No joke. My husband and I are proud parents of 8-year-old… Continue Reading Multiple Multiples: Two Sets of Twins
As moms of multiples, we see firsthand how not all children learn the same way, and that when it comes to teaching and learning, one… Continue Reading Raising Twins with Different Learning Styles
A common question at Twiniversity is… “Should twins share a classroom?“ We polled our community for responses to this very difficult question! Many twin parents… Continue Reading Should Twins Share a Classroom?
My husband Charlie and I have been blessed with five wonderful children; Aiden-8, Liam-6, Kiernyn-3 and our surprise twins Declan and Shealeigh-22 months! Yes the… Continue Reading Bonding with Infant Twins and Older Siblings
Time…it rushes by us parents with the speed of a freight train and pauses just enough for us to catch our breath before rocketing onto… Continue Reading Capturing Firsts: From Their First Steps To First Dates
I think it is safe to say we have all been there: It’s a quiet Sunday morning, birds are singing, breakfast is almost made, everyone… Continue Reading Power Struggles with Twins
Whenever I hear the term “One on One Time” I think of The Bachelor reality show every time. I’m not even sure why since it’s… Continue Reading Spending One on One Time With Twins
Do you ever sit back and evaluate whether you favor one of your twins over the other? Do you think you treat one better? Or… Continue Reading Double the Worry: Treating Twins Equally
My doctor had just uttered the words every woman pregnant with multiples expects to hear… “We need to put you on bed rest.” I’ll admit,… Continue Reading How to Survive Bed Rest With A Preschooler
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