Creating Art With Kids
Hey gang, listen up! We’ve got a great article on creating art with your little ones, plus a fantastic giveaway from our friends at Step2! One… Continue Reading Creating Art With Kids
Hey gang, listen up! We’ve got a great article on creating art with your little ones, plus a fantastic giveaway from our friends at Step2! One… Continue Reading Creating Art With Kids
Hey gang, listen up! We’ve got a great article on getting your kids back into a healthy sleep routine for back to school. The Naturepedic… Continue Reading Back to School Sleep Routines
One of the top concerns among parents of school-aged children is how to prevent bullying. According to Julie Hertzog, director of PACER’s National Bullying Prevention… Continue Reading 5 Tips To Prevent Bullying
My favorite set of twins to teach entered my classroom on a sweltering August evening for Meet the Teacher with their parents in tow. All… Continue Reading What Your Twin’s Teacher Wants You to Know
I pull over the car for the tenth time. My 9-month old daughter is hysterically screaming in the backseat. Not just the typical cry, but… Continue Reading Our Journey with Sensory Integration Disorder
Twins, two like-minded individuals, can’t possibly get along, right? Or, they shouldn’t be together because they need to grow and “become individuals.” These kind of… Continue Reading 5 Tips to Help Your Twins Be Best Of Friends
When my twins were three years old, we got the first “sleddable” snow in our area. We bundled up and excitedly gathered up the never… Continue Reading Fostering Individuality In Your Twins
Do you think your child might have a Sensory Processing Disorder? Read about what SPD is and learn some strategies to cope with it. Generally… Continue Reading What Is a Sensory Processing Disorder and What Can I Do About It?
My identical twin sister and I frequently reminisce about our worst fight. Although we both remember the incident with slightly divergent perspectives, the upshot of… Continue Reading Tired of Being A Twin Referee?
Jennifer Senior‘s book “All Joy and No Fun: The Paradox of Modern Parenthood” touches upon the many stressors that present day parenting evoke. The fear… Continue Reading When Can My Twins Have Some Freedom of Their Own?
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