9 Tips to Get Through Bed Rest at Home
Lying flat in a bed, in an isolated room, with little to no company, can get very depressing. And the fact that you can hardly… Continue Reading 9 Tips to Get Through Bed Rest at Home
Lying flat in a bed, in an isolated room, with little to no company, can get very depressing. And the fact that you can hardly… Continue Reading 9 Tips to Get Through Bed Rest at Home
I suppose “advanced maternal age” is better than its former medical term “geriatric pregnancy” – but, I mean, not much. How about “experienced-life pregnancy?” That… Continue Reading 5 Lessons I Learned Using Donor Eggs and Sperm to Conceive My Twins
Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS is a hormonal disorder which affects women of reproductive age. Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or… Continue Reading Twin Pregnancy and PCOS: One MoM’s Story
Twiniversity founder Natalie Diaz was invited to share her twins birth story on the popular podcast The Birth Hour, hosted by the lovely Bryn Huntpalmer. … Continue Reading The Birth Hour Podcast: Nat’s Twin Birth Story
At 12 weeks, I visited my OBGYN thinking this pregnancy would be relatively uneventful like the first time around. My husband and I were in… Continue Reading 8 Tips To Survive Hospital Bed Rest
A MoM-To-Be Recently Asked: I am just over 15 weeks pregnant with twins, which will be our firsts! I am super excited but this pregnancy… Continue Reading When Will My Morning Sickness and Exhaustion Go Away?
The journey to parenthood varies for everyone. In the process, it creates a bond among families no matter how they became parents, whether this is… Continue Reading 5 Tips to Manage Lupus During Your Twin Pregnancy
Finding out out we were having twins was like one of those moments out of a movie. Picture this, husband and wife walk into an… Continue Reading Why We Chose to Have An Amniocentesis With Our Twins
A MoM-to-be recently asked: I was told yesterday I had a positive second trimester result for Down Syndrome, 1/30. They are offering me an amniocentesis.… Continue Reading Should I Have an Amniocentesis to Confirm Down Syndrome?
A MoM-To-Be Recently Asked: I was 39 weeks 6 days pregnant with twins as of last Wednesday. My doctor attempted an induction, which failed, as… Continue Reading What Should I Do if My Induction Isn’t Going As Planned?
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