How Spontaneous Twins Taught Me to Let Go
A quick backstory: I thought I was in total control of my notion of success. At 29 years old, I had a five-year plan. I… Continue Reading How Spontaneous Twins Taught Me to Let Go
A quick backstory: I thought I was in total control of my notion of success. At 29 years old, I had a five-year plan. I… Continue Reading How Spontaneous Twins Taught Me to Let Go
If you are expecting twins, there are a few realities you should be prepared for. One, prematurity is a possibility – which means time in… Continue Reading A Cancelled Baby Shower: One of The Many Reasons Bed Rest Sucks
If you follow my articles, you know we went for it. We tried for more after multiples! What on earth were we thinking, I know!… Continue Reading My Chemical Pregnancy: An Early Miscarriage After Twins
The following article was originally featured on Baby Center and is being shared here with permission. This post is part of a sponsorship with Cord… Continue Reading Program Offers Cord Blood Banking for Families in Need
The following piece was originally featured on I Love My Twinadoes, a personal blog by Twiniversity contributor Stephanie Cleland. Stephanie is mom to 1-year-old twin… Continue Reading For Your Twins Birth Plan, Flexibility is Key
In November, I shared my mono mono pregnancy story, but that was only the beginning of our journey home as a family. On January 7,… Continue Reading Twins in the NICU: Our 80-Day Journey Home
Curious about how different birth plans and outcomes? Read how a mom’s experience with a vaginal delivery compared to an emergency C-section with twins. I… Continue Reading How My Vaginal Delivery Compared to My Emergency C-section
A mom of twins shares her struggle with a partial molar pregnancy, a very rare occurrence with twins, and how they all survived cancer-free. Walking… Continue Reading My Partial Molar Pregnancy with Twins
The following piece was originally featured on the blog Double Doodie Dad, a personal blog by Twiniversity contributor Devin. Devin’s wife, Amy, contributed this piece… Continue Reading Why I’m Not Ashamed of How Our Twins Came to Be
Before I became pregnant with my twin girls, I never paid much attention to types of twins. Of course, I knew about identical, fraternal, and… Continue Reading Two Babies, One Sac: My Mono Mono Twin Pregnancy
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