What I Learned From 44 Days on Hospital Bed Rest
44 days, 88 nurse shift changes, and two babies later. In the beginning it wasn’t so bad. The concept was still novel and I remember… Continue Reading What I Learned From 44 Days on Hospital Bed Rest
44 days, 88 nurse shift changes, and two babies later. In the beginning it wasn’t so bad. The concept was still novel and I remember… Continue Reading What I Learned From 44 Days on Hospital Bed Rest
I’ve talked to my doctor, social worker, and psychiatrist. Sign here. And here. And here. Initial here. And sign. More talking, more mulling over. Such an official… Continue Reading Closing Up Shop: Having a Tubal Ligation
When you’re expecting twins, you have a higher probability that your babies will need to spend some time in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, or NICU,… Continue Reading What Are the Different Levels of NICU?
When she felt the first contraction just before 4 a.m., Heather Hayner woke her husband, Eric, and they got ready to depart for Bronson Methodist… Continue Reading Michigan Mom Gives Birth to Twins in Driveway
In today’s “Ask Nat” video, a mom wrote in for some advice on her delivery. Her doctor wants her to deliver her twins early, even… Continue Reading Ask Nat: My doctor wants me to deliver my twins early
Long before having children, I struggled with self esteem, particularly related to how I looked. Growing up, I was always tall and big like the… Continue Reading Body Image After Twins: Learning to Love Yourself Again
So you’ve heard that everybody is hiring a Doula for their birth or postpartum recovery, but what the heck is a Doula anyway? There is a… Continue Reading 8 Myths About Doulas
While October is covered in pink each year, there is another, equally prevalent issue, that is rarely a topic of conversation. Pregnancy and infant loss… Continue Reading Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness
An expecting twin mom asked Nat… “I am currently almost 36 weeks pregnant with boy/girl twins and I cannot sleep. If I manage to fall… Continue Reading I’m Pregnant with Twins and Not Sleeping
A MoM asks: “I am getting induced at 38 weeks and I’m so scared having to push two babies out. These are my first babies… Continue Reading Help! I’m Scared of Giving Birth to Twins
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