Last updated on February 3rd, 2024 at 08:57 am
A new MoM asked:
“My family has planned a baby shower for my twins but now my doctor says I have to go on hospital bed rest. Can I still have a shower? How can I make this work?” baby shower on bed rest
We asked our incredible fans on Facebook for their advice and here’s what they said!
I have heard of some hospitals allowing you to use a space in the cafeteria or another large room in the hospital so that family can bring the shower to you. I would ask someone at the hospital. The worst they can say is no!
– JN

They could hold the shower somewhere else and you could FaceTime or Skype in. They still get to chat and eat yummy food (hopefully someone brings you some too) and you can watch all your gifts be unwrapped.
– AZ
My sister sent invites saying that since I was on hospital bed rest and we couldn’t do a traditional shower, so “shower her with gifts from afar” or something like that. They sent gifts either on their own or gave them to my mom or sisters and they mailed them.
My family lives 8 hours away so once bed rest started at 20 weeks we had to cancel the traditional shower we had planned because I couldn’t travel home for it. Pretty much everyone sent gifts and all thought it was a cute idea.
Our boys came in the winter and were preemies so having a shower afterward wasn’t what I wanted. I didn’t want to expose them to that many people during cold and flu season. With preemies, we followed the NICU doctors’ recommendation and lived in isolation basically ’till summer. rest
– KL
We did a “virtual” diaper/onesie baby shower for my sister in law who lived in Alaska. We sent invites and asked everyone to send diapers or onesies around the same day. We made it a surprise and then had a few games over email the “day of” the shower (ie. guess the birthdate and weight). It was fun to plan and a great way to have a shower even though we couldn’t be there in real life.
– GH

I didn’t have a virtual shower, my B/G twins were born at 26 weeks so they were in the NICU for a while. My sister and mom held my baby shower for me after they were born, but before they came home, so I was able to go to my shower.
– PL
I was on bed rest and 1,500 miles from my family. My family had a shower in my hometown at my favorite restaurant and FaceTimed with me for the whole time. My sister opened my gifts for me and I got to see it all. It was bittersweet as I was missing home so I cried through most of it but it was wonderful to be able to feel like I was there.
– IN
I had my shower after the twins were born. The twins were in the NICU so I didn’t need all the stuff right away. They were there for two months so I got to have the shower and set everything up while some qualified babysitters watched them! LOL! So that’s an option or the virtual shower is good too!!
– JJ

A virtual shower sounds nice (maybe sad if you can’t enjoy it too.) Or you can have a ‘Meet the Babies’ celebration when you all feel up to it. That way you can enjoy the company of your loved ones, they can meet the babies and shower you all with love and baby items. You will need baby items for a LONG TIME TO COME. baby shower on bed rest
My doctor advised me to stay on bed rest. Instead, I went to my showers as planned (Two. The same weekend. One at a hall. One at my home). I ruptured the very next day and delivered two days later at 32 weeks. Perhaps if I had RESTED as I should, I may have stayed pregnant a little longer…
– LO
You will probably really need supplies before you give birth. And you guys will be so busy to go out and purchase things when the twins arrive! I would let your family and friends do something before. They love you and should totally understand!
– SD
I was on hospital bed rest and my husband went to the baby shower. The day before my doctor said I might be able go home from the hospital, but then I had contractions the night before. So I didn’t make it. baby shower on bed rest
They showered my husband with all our baby stuff. My cousins and girlfriend helped him open and announce all the stuff. They made a DVD for me and brought my wishing well to the hospital for me. Also one of every dinner choice.
It looked like they had a great time and all the ladies loved that he stepped up since they were his babies too. After he opened all the things he thought we needed, he set them up and washed the baby clothes. It was nice to get home and welcome two new babies and everything all set up by my hubby. People were so generous to us! baby shower on bed rest
– FH

My husband threw me a virtual baby shower for our first son, since all of our family is out of state and I was on bed rest. I had about half a dozen of my girl friends who actually showed up. Then he set up a Skype call on a laptop and everyone who was far away dialed into it. It was super awesome and so sweet!!! Really cheered me up from bed rest blues.
– RR
I was also on bed rest in the hospital starting at 18 weeks until 28 weeks when the boys were born. My family planned a baby shower at a hall and I Skyped in a few times. I could only sit up for a few mins at a time and didn’t want everyone to see me “laying” in bed. baby shower on bed rest
My best friend sat with me for the day while everyone else was at the hall. Lots of pictures were taken and all gifts were opened. After the shower, my family, about 10 of them, brought me some of the food and some gifts to see. My doctor allowed me to sit up for 30 minutes to enjoy my mini shower in their lunchroom. I was “perfect” for my situation. I helped plan, wrote out the invites, and felt I was a part of it even though I couldn’t physically be there.
– WB
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- Twin Baby Shower Themes and Games
- 9 Tips to Get Through Bed Rest at Home
- 8 Tips To Survive Hospital Bed Rest