Last updated on April 26th, 2024 at 11:14 pm

Are you expecting twins soon and wondering how others can help you out once the babies arrive? Or are you currently in the “trenches” with twin newborns and people constantly offer help but you don’t know what to say? Well this baby help chore chart is for YOU!
Just print out this PDF of the family chore chart template and put it up on your refrigerator, bulletin board, wherever friends and family will see it when they come over.
Share this printable chore charts with all of your friends expecting newborns. They will thank you! It’s not just for people with twins (or triplets… or quads…) All parents of newborns could use some help and this is the PERFECT way to get the help you need without feeling guilty.

More Tips for Having Family Over to See Your Newborns
If you’re lucky enough to have lots of family and friends want to come over and meet the babies, create some ground rules early on. Ask someone in your family (your mom for example) to be the point person to instruct your family members on what is helpful and what is not helpful when visiting you and your twins when you first come home.
Rule #1: Wash Your Hands
Everyone must wash their hands before holding a baby. Period. End of story. If you have preemies this rule is especially important.
Rule #2: Get Vaccinated
All visitors should be up to date on their vaccinations to ensure they don’t pass along anything to the babies. Your babies will not be fully vaccinated until they are 15-18 months old. The measles, flu, whooping cough, shingles, even the common cold are a threat to your tiny babies who have very compromised immune systems. Click here to learn what vaccines your family needs to be around your newborns.

Rule #3: No Sickies Allowed
Enforce the rule that anyone who is sick must stay away from your home. Sick people definitely don’t get to hold babies.
Rule #4: Wear a Smock
Did you know that germs travel very easily on clothing? It’s true. And those germs can easily transfer to your babies.
Here’s a trick: Get a few used button-down shirts to keep for visitors to wear over their clothing when they visit the twins. Tell them that it’s for their own good so that if the twins spit up it won’t ruin their clothes (but we know it’s really to keep germs away).
This rule applies to parents too! When your spouse comes home from a long day at work, they need to change clothes before picking up babies.
You’d be amazed at how many germs can enter your home through your shoes, too! Buy a shoe tray and ask visitors to take off their shoes before stepping into your home. Offer a variety of slippers to your guests at the door.
Rules #5: Make Them Do a Chore Before Holding Babies
If it seems like all your family wants to do is sit around your house holding babies and talking about babies, you need to put your foot down. Make a rule that before anyone gets to hold a baby or chit chat with the parents, they have to do a chore.
Use the baby help chore chart to let everyone know what needs to be done. You can laminate the page, stick it on the fridge, and use a dry erase marker to circle which items are most needed today. Have your guests check off the item that they finished.
Another idea is to buy a large dry-erase board and place it in an obvious spot in your home for all to see. Use our Twiniversity Chore Chart to create your daily chore list.
Chores that anyone can do include folding laundry, putting away laundry, loading and running the dishwasher, washing pots and pans, restocking the diaper bin, and taking out the trash.