Last updated on April 26th, 2024 at 11:09 pm
When you’re a parent of multiples, the first few months in the lives of your babies are such a blur of emotion and exhaustion that putting together baby books is the last thing on your mind! But never fear — we are here to help!
At Twiniversity, we surveyed our community for ideas and tips on the easiest ways to record your cherished moments while caring for your little ones. To summarize, here’s how twin parents felt about baby books:
- Each baby should have their own book. They are individuals!
- Find a way to record little moments all in the same place – a notebook, by email, or a phone app
- Collect mementos in individual shoe boxes — one for each child
- Make photo books online of your recorded moments and photos

Read below for some great tips from our fabulous community members on how to make the best baby books for your new little sweeties!
“I take monthly pictures of them in the same chair with the same backdrop. One of him, one of her, and one together. Then I edit the pics and write their milestones for that month and facts about them at that age. After their 12 month, I’m going to turn them into Shutterfly photo books. Then we’ll be able to flip through and ‘watch them grow’ and see what they were up to each month!”
– Angela W.

“Instead of a book, we have a special baby box that has a frame cut out on top. I think it was from Hallmark. Anyway, no writing needed for me, and its a little bigger than a shoe box. I actually prefer that because unlike a book, I am able to put more than just photos. I have hospital bracelets, toppers from first bday cupcakes, envelopes with locks of hair from first cut,1st birthday party hats, a newborn onesie, a pair of baby socks etc. The best part was that when I felt that the boys were ready to give up their binkies at age 2, I suggested we put them in their baby box. They loved looking at all their items and kissed their binkies bye-bye and never looked back.”
– Joanna A.
“They each have their own book. And in the back I write them a letter every 6 months. I also have a blog which reminds me of all the funnies and has pictures.”
– Amber D.

“I always have my smartphone on me, so I email myself their milestones as I notice them (new words, new abilities, etc.) and save all of them in a special folder in my email. Then periodically I print them out and paste the notes into their books — I have one book for each boy. This way I always have it written down and if it takes a while to print them out it’s OK.”
– Julie N.
“With the experience of being a twin and having twins, I say keep everything separate. They are their own person. It’s easier to give them their own book when they get older than to try and figure out who gets what. Also…. always make sure they have pictures together, but also apart!”
– Charlotte E.
“I like to make books on the computer. That way I can just make 3 copies. Only trouble is I can’t put one of a kind keepsakes in them….and the fact that I need to still get them made….only 10 yrs behind so far. Though I have made books about a few of our vacations (x4 since my husband wants to have one too.)”
– Karin A.
“I write their milestones in a single notebook. They are their own people but I want them to read it together.”
– Julia W.
“I started 1 book till I found out it was twins. So I did get another. However the best thing I found was a calendar that had the milestones as stickers. Pull the sticker and stick it on the date it happened. So much easier for a busy mom of twins! No writing required.”
– Christine S.
“Each have their own. They are TWO people. I make sure to track all milestones in my Baby Connect app that I use for everything. Then when I have time I go back and fill it in. I make sure to make copies, order extra invitations, or anything that I want them to have in there when I’m ordering. They are almost two and I think I’ve done pretty great.”
– Stephanie H.
“They each have a box — I dump stuff in and every once in a while I get to sort it. I have enough problems trying to stay caught up on pictures. My girls are identical and if I don’t label pictures right after I take them, I have no idea which twin is which!”
– Gretchen S.

“With my singleton I made Shutterfly/Snapfish photo books and included information on milestones in that book rather than a separate baby book. I am starting my first book for my 10-week twins now and plan to do a ‘first 3 months’ book that captures both of their milestones.”
– Joanne F.
“They had their own books for the first year of life. I would take a photo and write a small statement for that week. After they started walking… it all went down hill (15 months for my preemies). They are 11 years old and love their individual books!”
– Lori W.
“Mine were number 7 and 8…they each have a box full of cards, clothes, and letters from mom.”
– Jessica P.
“They each have a book and a box… I wrote in them while we were in the hospital, add to the boxes with special event stuff (like baptism candles) but now with 7 month old twins crawling any climbing nonstop I just keep a dated list in my iPhone… I’ll print it and put copies in each baby book…. Eventually.”
– Randi G.
“They each have their own book, but I use the Honest Baby app to keep track of all their milestones. Someday I will sit down and put it all in their books. Until then, the app really helps!!!”
– Laura M.
“Life with twins was fast and hard. I carried a spiral notebook around in the diaper bag and wrote everything in it. I had their baby books for ages. But never wrote one word in it until their new baby brother was born 3.5 years later! But it was all in the spiral and now their books are complete.”
– Jess S.
“I highly recommend you buy Twice Upon a Time – it’s two separate baby books for twins that are very, very easy (fill in the blank, check the box) for each kid.”
We hope you found some inspiration for your own baby books! Do you have any tips or tricks to share that weren’t mentioned? Leave us a comment below!
Are You a New Twin Parent?
Check out Natalie Diaz’s book:
“What To Do When You’re Having Two
The Twin Survival Guide From Pregnancy Through the First Year”
In What to Do When You’re Having Two: The Twins Survival Guide from Pregnancy Through the First Year, national twins guru and founder of Twiniversity (and twin mom herself!) Natalie Diaz provides a no-holds-barred resource about life with twins, from pregnancy and birth all the way through your duo’s first year of life.
Accessible and informative, What to Do When You’re Having Two
is the must-have manual for all parents of twins.