The Sleep Stages of Twins
Last night I quietly snuck into the room of my sleeping twins (who still share bunk beds, even though they have their own rooms) and… Continue Reading The Sleep Stages of Twins
Last night I quietly snuck into the room of my sleeping twins (who still share bunk beds, even though they have their own rooms) and… Continue Reading The Sleep Stages of Twins
Our identical twin daughters arrived via c-section on a Wednesday evening. I was sick with a cold and wore a facemask as I was paranoid… Continue Reading How We Survived the First Crazy Months with Newborn Twins
A quick backstory: I thought I was in total control of my notion of success. At 29 years old, I had a five-year plan. I… Continue Reading How Spontaneous Twins Taught Me to Let Go
“You’ve got to be kidding. You can’t put two babies in the same crib!” This is what I heard from about 6 months into my… Continue Reading When Boy/Girl Twins Share a Crib and a Room
I think there were weeks where I slept only in ½ hour chunks. We would have done anything to get twins to sleep! My memory… Continue Reading The Things We Do to Get Twins to Sleep
Bringing home a newborn from the hospital can be a real wake up call for new parents. Bringing home two at the same time can… Continue Reading Twins: A Newborn Survival Guide
We asked our Twiniversity parents of multiples ages 5 and up the following question: “If you could give advice to parents of younger multiples, what… Continue Reading Dear Parents of Young Multiples, From Those of Us Who Have Been There
Every night, I creep into my son’s room and check to make sure that he’s still breathing. He’ll be two and a half in August,… Continue Reading Safe Sleep: Reducing the Risk of SIDS
I often get asked about nap training. Mostly parents want to know if it’s possible, and if it is, how to make sure that their… Continue Reading Nap Tips from The Sleep Lady Kim West
The babies are here! The nursery is beautifully decorated. The home is organized. Extra hands are at the ready and meals are frozen just waiting… Continue Reading Baby Basics: Coming Home With Twins
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