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Age Appropriate Chores for Kids 2 to 14 Years Old

Age Appropriate Chores for Kids 2 to 14 Years Old

Last updated on July 1st, 2024 at 05:48 pm

Wondering about age appropriate chores for your kids? If you have twins, or multiples, you may be wondering how to get your kids to help around the house. Don’t fret, we’ve got some great ideas for chores for kids. Read below for info.

Hands in the air if you are sick of picking up Legos? (I see your hand up, and mine is up too!) Are you sick of picking up used wet towels or emptying the dishwasher? Do you ever feel like you are the ONLY one in your home that does any housework? It’s time to for some help. Is it just me, or is this starting to sound like an infomercial? Except we’re not selling you a handy new cleaning tool for the low price of $19.95 (plus shipping and handling of course). We’re going to help you utilize what you already have: TWINS.

Although these particular “tools” cost way more (about $310,605.00 over a span of eighteen years) and are probably better at making a mess than cleaning one up. You must keep in mind: that’s four extra hands to help tidy up! 

When asked, “what is a great chore to have my multiples do?” we asked our Twiniversity community what chores their kids were doing. Here’s what you guys told us:

Age Appropriate Chores for Kids 2 to 3 Years Old

  • They can start making their own bed: Fix their blanket, fix their pillow, pick up any stuffed animals.
  • They can put their toys away with a little help. You may need to assit them where everything goes.
  • Put dirty clothing in the laundry basket
  • Fill your pet’s food bowl.
  • Dusting! Give them a swiffer duster and let them get all the low parts you miss (bottom of chair legs, lower shelves of coffee tables and bookcases*.)
  • Put away the clean silverware (no knifes of course).
2 year old boy engaged in an age appropriate chore: putting his toys away
Keep chores simple for your younger kids, but inforce those simple tasks.

“Mine will be three in April. They feed the fish, put their toys back in the play room and water the plants. They also “help” with putting away dishes and folding the laundry.” -Rustell L.

“My 3 1/2 year old girls like feeding our cats and dog. They also love to help put away the groceries and put things in the recycling bins.”– Amy M.

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Chores for Kids 4 and 5 Years Old

  • Everything above plus….
  • Bed making skills should be improving.
  • Put away their own clean clothes (usually just in the dresser, due to height limitations).
  • Help them build those baby muscles and they can help you bring in groceries. Make sure the bags aren’t too heavy.
  • Your kids can be of great help at dinner time now. They can help set and clear the table with supervision.
  • Your kiddos can help you sort socks, hang towels in the bathroom, and help dry mop (Swiffer) the floors.
  • Weed the garden (will need some guidance on which are weeds). 
Little girl is helping her mom with dishes, which is an appropriate chore for her age.
Break chores into smaller tasks to fit the child’s ability.

“My neighbor has twins too and she throws a load of socks on the floor and gives them a quarter for every pair they make :)” -Krystal S

“I have them use magic eraser to wipe all their fingerprints and crayon “accidents” off the walls, they love doing this, I started having them do it, with the hopes they would hate it and stop touching the walls with dirty hands but it didn’t work.” -Tara L.

“My 4 year olds love to dust & clean windows.” -Marlene V.

“My girls just turned 4 and they feed the dogs, set and clear the table, pick up their toys, unload the silverware from the dishwasher and put it away, and help bring in groceries in from the car.” -Jessica P.

Chores for Kids Between 6 and 7

  • Everything above plus…
  • No excuses. They should be making their bed everyday.
  • They can take on more responsibility for the family pet: Feeding, brushing, and take them in the backyard for some exercise.
  • They can help vacuum and mop (wet and dry) the floors.
  • They can help you fold, sort AND put away the laundry.
  • The dishwasher duties can be turned over to them.
  • Empty all the garbage cans in the house.
Boy is feeding his cat, which is an appropriate chore for him at this age
Caring for a family pet is an excellant chore for kids of any age

“Clean the bathrooms. Just use plain dish soap and a wet rag to “wash” and a dry towel to dry up the bubbles and water. They LOVE to make bubbles. It will be the cleanest you’ve ever seen your bathroom!”– Bev H.

“They have to unload backpacks, take dishes from table and feed the dog.” – Lori

Age Appropriate Chores for Multiples Ages 8-11

  • Everything above plus…
  • They should be expected to keep their room clean. Nothing on the floor, drawers closed, bed made, floor vacuumed, etc..
  • Clean the toilets; bowl w/ brush and disinfect the seat and flusher.
  • Your kiddos can wash dishes, empty and fill the dishwasher, and take out the trash.
  • Got a big yard? By this age they should be learning how to use the lawn mower plus they should be able to help you rake leaves in the fall and should bel snow in the winter.
  • Laundry time is a breeze. Your kiddos can help sort clothing, wash a load, put in dryer, fold and put away. (I said they “can”… I didn’t say they “will”.)
  • Bonus points, you can teach them how to wash the car!
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12- And 13-Year-Old Age Appropriate Chores

  • Everything above plus…
  • They should be responsible for changing their own sheets
  • They can help with spring cleaning!
  • By now they should be able to clean the bathrooms alone.
  • They can help you clean out the fridge!
  • Some states even allow kiddos this age to babysit.
  • Yard work: mowing, trimming and weeding.
  • Walk the dog and clean up after the dog
12 year old boy is mowing the lawn. This is a great chore and age appropriate
Lawn mowing is a great chore option for a 12 year old

Age Appropriate Chores for Multiples, Ages 14 and Up

  • Everything above plus…
  • They should do their assigned chores without reminding them (good luck with this one!)
  • It is not unreasonable to make your children responsible for washing their own clothes at this age.
  • Yard clean up: scoop animal poop, wash windows, clean rain gutters, etc.
  • By this time, they may even have a part time job!
mom and daughter high five while wearing cleaning gloves to celebrate a job well done
Giving your kids chores also teaches them life skills

Hopefully we have given you some tips on how to NOT be the only one picking up around your beautiful home and lighten your load. Remember to keep your chore choices age appropiate, or in the long run, you could just be making it harder on yourself.

Did we forget anything? What chores are your kids currently doing? Please comment below, if we overlooked a chore that should be included in this list!

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Written by: Amanda Hadley
Twiniversity Staff Writer

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