Ever wish there was an expecting twins class to get you ready for your twins? Well relax, there is!
Online Classes Available

LIVE Online Expecting Twins Class
A live expecting twins class taught over 2 nights on Zoom with other expecting couples around the US.

Online On-Demand Expecting Twins Class
An on-demand pre-recorded expecting twins class that you take on your own schedule.

Online Breastfeeding Twins Class
An on-demand pre-recorded breastfeeding twins class that you take on your own schedule.

The Complete Baby Safety Course
An on-demand baby safety course that you take on your own schedule. Includes infant/toddler/child CPR, first aid, car seat safety, and childproofing.
Online Services Available

Virtual Twins Lactation Consultation
Book 2.5 hours of virtual twins lactation consulting with Twiniversity founder and Certified Lactation Counselor Natalie Diaz

Twins Post-Delivery Strategy Session
Book a 60-minute virtual session with certified postpartum doula and twin mom Lauren Oak.
Need some twin parent friends? Get the support you need with a Twiniversity Membership. Benefits include a monthly twin parent club meeting on Zoom, access to a private Facebook group just for twin parents, and a video library of twin parenting lessons. Visit Twiniversity.com/membership to join today!
Digital Products Available

Digital Twin Pregnancy Journal
Record all your twin pregnancy memories in this digital journal that you can print for keepsake.
Twin Pregnancy Printables Kit
17 pages of twin pregnancy printable checklists and tip sheets. Click here to buy now!
Digital Bundle – Journal + Kit
Take $5 off when you buy the digital journal and printables kit as a bundle. Click here to buy now!
Twin Pregnancy Checklist
Get ready for your twins with the Twiniversity digital twin pregnancy week-by-week checklist! Every week has specific to-do's for you, your home, and what to ask your doctor. Click here to buy now!
Are you looking for the best double stroller for twins? Not sure if you should go for a tandem stroller or a side-by-side stroller? And what about a Snap N’ Go? We’ve got all the details for you in our double stroller resource. Click here to learn more... and while you're at it, check out our expecting twins classes and the Twiniversity shop!
In-Person Classes
Please note: Twiniversity in-person expecting twins classes are not currently available due to COVID-19.
As the pregnant and new mom’s meeting leader for seven years with the Manhattan Twins Club, Natalie Diaz has created classes compiling twin families’ most commonly asked questions. She includes a variety of opinions in the class, including her own, but her ultimate goal is for families to leave each class knowing the choices that exist so THEY can decide which one is best for them.
Taking a Twiniversity Expecting Twins class is NOT like a traditional birthing class. We focus on the REAL things you need to know to get ready for your twins delivery and getting through the first 6 months.
- There will be a LOT of super practical tips for pregnancy, delivery, postpartum recovery, and raising your babies
- A LOT of down and dirty details on what to expect at your birth
- And you’ll walk away with new friends who are having twins at the same time as you! We like to think of it as a mini twins club. 🙂
Twiniversity Classes Are Ideal For:
- New families who just found out they are expecting two or more
- Families who already have a child and are NOW expecting twins, and want to know what the differences will be
- Families who’s twins are already born and need help figuring out the fine-tuning of sleep schedules, feeding issues, interacting with the twins, etc.

Twiniversity Classes Are Taught Over Two Days:
- Day 1: Twins Prep
- Day 2: Newborns
Topics Covered in Twiniversity Classes:
- Preparing for your twins delivery
- Signs of preterm labor
- What gear you’ll need (and what you DON’T need)
- What to pack for the hospital
- What happens on delivery day
- Vaginal vs. c-section delivery
- What to expect postpartum
- Managing your hospital stay and a possible NICU stay
- Mistakes new parents of twins make
- Help: What kinds of help are out there and how to hire them
- Getting your babies on a feeding and sleeping schedule
- Breastfeeding, bottle feeding, and pumping for two
- Caring for your newborn twins, including diaper changes, bath time, and tummy time
- Babyproofing your marriage
- And more!
The Class Is Taught Over 2 Nights and Includes:
- dinner for two both nights (in-person classes only)
- 7 hours of instruction for in-person classes (5 hours for online classes)
- expecting twins handouts, charts, and to do lists
- a copy of What To Do When You’re Having Two
- exclusive discounts for big-ticket twin gear, and
- a swag bag valued at $100
- The class pays for itself in the discounts and giveaways.
Ready to sign up? Click below for your location, or join us online!
Breastfeeding Twins Class
We also have an online on-demand breastfeeding twins class: “What to Do When You’re Breastfeeding Two“! With your purchase of this class, you have 6 months access to over 40 videos created with an IBCLC, specifically for moms of twins! Click here for all the details on the online breastfeeding twins class!