Last updated on September 28th, 2021 at 01:25 pm
Are you just joining the Alexa fan club? Check out these cool things Alexa can do for you and your family to make life a little easier.
By now most everyone who wants an Alexa has one. They are super handy and great for keeping track of lists, playing music, and even communicating without shouting up the stairs to the kiddos.
Check out this Amazon Echo device for a great deal on so many cool features we just had to write a whole post, just for things Alexa can do!
With so many functions, are you sure you are utilizing the best of what Alexa has to offer? Check out our list of some of the best things Alexa can do for your family today!
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Cool things Alexa can do for Mom
- Save a shopping list – Need milk? Just tell Alexa to add milk to your shopping list. You can even have one list for Target and one list for Safeway!
- Manage to-do lists – Keep track of deadlines and projects by creating to-do lists. Have Alexa track what is done, what is in progress, and what has been completed.
- Set calendar reminders – Alexa can remind you of appointments, birthdays, and even set alarms to keep you on schedule.
- Place an order – Tell Alexa to order that book for you or your little ones toothpaste through your linked Amazon account.
- It’s an intercom – Let the kids know dinner is ready without yelling throughout the house or tell your daughter to come and feed the dog by using the “drop in on” feature.
- Keep up with your latest podcasts – Check out your favorite podcast episodes like the Twiniversity Podcast (hint, hint) while you make dinner or fold that mountain of laundry you’ve been avoiding.
- Make announcements – You can even do this from your phone. Let your family know when you are pulling into the driveway so they can come help unload your bags.
- Read your books aloud – Listen to an audiobook while you do other things around the house.
- Find new recipes – Sick of the same old dinners? Ask Alexa to find new recipes and give them a try!
I’m sure there are plenty more cool things Alexa can help you do as a mom, but these are some of our favorites here at Twiniversity. But what about cool things Alexa can do for the whole family?
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Cool things Alexa can do for the family
- Get your local weather report – Ask Alexa for a detailed weather report. Find out when it will start snowing and how long it will last. Ask how windy it will be so you know if a blowout will actually be worth it.
- Get sleep sounds – Use Alexa like a sound machine to help drown out noise (or quiet) and get some shut-eye.
- Make calls – Did you know your Alexa can make calls to your contacts? Alexa can actually send messages, too!
- Control smart home features – Do you have a smart plug on that lamp? Have Alexa turn it on or off for you. How about raising your temperature on your smart thermostat? Yup, Alexa can do that, too.
- Hug a friend – This one is at the very top of my list of cool things Alexa can do. Send any Alexa contact a virtual hug! Who wouldn’t want this feature in a global pandemic, or any other time for that matter?
- Create multiple playlists – In need of a kitchen dance party with the kids? Need some good tunes for cleaning in the kitchen? Label your playlists and ask Alexa to play them when you want.
What about all the cool things Alexa can do just for the kids? How many ways can Alexa make your life as a mother a bit easier by entertaining your little ones today?
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Cool things Alexa can do with kids
- Play quiz games – Does your kiddo have a math test coming up? How about a spelling quiz? Or maybe they just love the game show Jeopardy. Alexa can quiz your kids, even in the form of the beloved game show.
- Track time – Do your kids constantly try to get out of brushing their teeth for more than 30 seconds? Have Alexa play them a song for a certain amount of minutes to distract them while tracking their time.
- Create kids playlists – Let your kids create their own playlists for their very own living room dance party.
- Alexa has jokes – Could your kiddo use a laugh after a rough day? They can ask Alexa to tell jokes.
- Bedtime stories – Have the kids ask Alexa to tell them a story at bedtime. You can sit and listen instead of being the story reader once in a while.
- Play 20 questions – Remember 20 questions? Is it alive? Can it fit in a bread box? It’s a lamp….? well, Alexa can do that now, too! Give it a try and listen with amazement while they try to stump Alexa time and again.
- Magic 8 ball – Have the kids play magic 8 ball by asking Alexa a series of yes or no questions.
- Turn on their shows – The kids can tell Alexa to turn on the TV while you’re busy doing things around the house.
- Talk to different characters – Use Alexa to let your kids talk to Sesame Street characters like Elmo, or Pokemon’s Pikachu.
- Settle a dispute – Let Alexa’s Kids Court settle disagreements between your kiddos.
- Pick a number or flip a coin – If you’re like me, you have about had it with the “who’s going first” game. Who is getting in the shower first? Who gets to pick the next cereal brand? Let Alexa figure it out for you!
Who knew such a little device could do so much? Amazon really hit the jackpot with the Alexa! Be sure to keep up with all the latest cool things Alexa can do.

Many people don’t even realize how many cool things your Alexa can do for you and your family. You can always check out the Amazon Alexa page for more tips and tricks since there seem to be near-constant updates to Alexa’s capabilities!
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