Last updated on August 24th, 2023 at 07:29 pm

Nat took the Bitsy Double, the new Contours double stroller, for a spin on the streets of New York City. Find out how this lightweight side by side handles!
Natalie Diaz, the founder of Twiniversity, cruised the streets of New York City with the Contours Bitsy Double Stroller to give us the inside scoop.
The first notable feature of the Bitsy Double, the new Contours double stroller, is there’s no assembly required. You just take it out of the box, remove the plastic packaging, and you’re all set and ready to load up your twins. The flip-flop friendly brake locks both back wheels.
We know that sunscreen isn’t safe for your babies until they are 6 months old. This makes the 2 extendable canopies and the UPF 50 protection even more beneficial when it comes to protecting your twins’ newborn skin.

The canopies each have a magnetic peekaboo window so you can keep an eye on your babies while walking. This stroller takes curbs and terrain changes with ease and only weighs 24 lbs, making it one of the lightest double strollers on the market today.
The Bitsy Double also has baskets under the seats for storage. Pushing this Contours double stroller on and off sidewalks, crossing streets, and even on rough pavement is incredibly smooth due to the all-wheel suspension. The front wheels pivot easily, making turns a breeze.

There are just a couple of downsides to consider with this Contours double stroller. For one thing, the plastic wheels are foam filled, meaning you’re always going to veer a little bit to the side that has the most weight on it. If one twin is heavier, as is often the case, the stroller will naturally drift to that side.
Another downside is that there is no built-in cupholder, but this can be purchased aftermarket and attached to the handle.

This relatively small size makes the Bitsy Double easy to maneuver in tight spaces. It is 31.75 inches which makes it Disney friendly, per the newest regulations. The weight limit on the seats is 40 pounds each. That means you can put 80 pounds of baby in this stroller. This Contours double stroller features an easy to use 5 point harness. The straps make it easy to tighten with a tug. It has adjustable footrests that can be locked into place and hold one car seat.

Closing and opening this stroller is so simple it can be done one-handed. A quick push and pull of the handle folds it in and then it can stand on its side, leaving your hands free to wrangle babies and gear. This stroller is currently available in granite and midnight colors but be on the lookout for other options.
Visit for more details on the Bitsy Double, a great new Contours double stroller that’s a nice lightweight option for you and your twins.
While you’re there, be sure to check out the Contours Options Elite tandem stroller, which is a Twiniversity favorite!