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5 Tips for Bottle Feeding Twins On The Go

5 Tips for Bottle Feeding Twins On The Go

bottle feeding hacks

Last updated on May 7th, 2024 at 08:58 am

Hey gang, listen up! We’ve got a great article for you on tips for bottle feeding twins on the go, plus a giveaway from Dr. Brown’s. One lucky family will take home 16 Dr. Brown’s Options Wide-Neck 9 oz. bottles!


bottle feeding twins on the go

Dr. Brown’s Options Wide-Neck bottles are the perfect way to get started with feeding your newborn twins. We LOVE the Options bottles from Dr. Brown’s, which allow you to use the bottles with OR without the venting system. GENIUS! So when your babies get older and they aren’t gassy anymore, you can remove the vent and there’s suddenly a lot fewer parts to clean. The wide-neck Options bottles are also a great transition bottle from breastfeeding to bottle feeding, as the wide nipple more closely resembles mother’s breast.

Feeding twins is tough. Bottle feeding twins on the go can be near impossible. As a new mom, I have always made it my goal to get out of the house each and every day. At the beginning, this wasn’t possible without help. Now, 4 months in, we’re getting out of the house each and every day (often in record time!). While my mental state has drastically improved after leaving the confines of my prison… I mean home, it has it’s own struggles. Through trial and error, I have finally mastered bottle feeding twins on the go! Here are my top 5 tips for successful bottle feeding on these daily errands.

bottle feeding twins on the go

1. Organization is KEY!

The first step to any outing with twins is organization. Keeping yourself organized will help immensely with any outing. First, think about the items you will need. Make sure you have enough bottles, formula/breast milk, and burp cloths/bibs. As a formula feeder, I will go as far as to fill my bottles before I leave so I don’t have to worry about finding clean water for my boys. I keep the dry formula pre-measured in a dispenser, and have multiple bibs and burp cloths ready to go in my diaper bag’s side pocket. When feeding time comes, I can easily just fill my bottles with formula, snap on a bib and get down to business!

2. The Proper Gear

While the above gear is necessary for formula feeding, I used to be a pumper. Most of the organization stays the same, but there is one extra step. I always used an insulated bag that included an ice pack and room for two bottles. The ice pack kept my breast milk cold enough for our outings, and I could pull out the bottles to let them come to room temperature before feeding.

Side note: I never warmed my boys’ bottles. (Please don’t judge). This made feeding on the go even easier since I never needed to heat my bottles!

bottle feeding twins on the go

3. Feel Out Your Surroundings

When on an outing, I always take in a panoramic view of my surroundings. While my boys are on a pretty consistent feeding schedule, there is always the possibility that they will want to eat earlier than usual. To be properly prepared, I must know exactly where and how I will feed my boys. Will we sit under a tree and eat in our stroller? Or will we lay out on a picnic blanket and prop up with a Boppy? If you take two minutes to glance around a new area, you will often find a solution. In the worst of circumstances, I have even fed my boys in our parked car.

4. Toys

Occasionally, when bottle feeding twins on the go, you may not be able to feed both twins at the same time. This is not ideal, but it WILL happen. Have no fear twin parents! Throw a couple extra distractions (toys) in your diaper bag and this too shall pass. Using your rattles, stuffed animals, or teething toys as a distraction should buy you enough time to (hopefully) feed your hungrier little monster.  

bottle feeding twins on the go

5. Murphy’s Law and How to Deal

According to Murphy’s Law, “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” As a twin mom, I live most of my life by this motto. Pure brilliance really. No, this doesn’t mean you need 10 bottles for a 2 hour trip to the park just in case something happens to the first 8 or 9 of them. No, you don’t need to bring 14 bibs, just in case a pack of wild turkeys comes through and feels the need to keep themselves clean during their next meal. No, you don’t need to bring your entire case of formula in the off chance that a helicopter flies by and your formula dispenser is knocked over in the sandbox.

However, you will need extra outfits. I don’t mean one clean outfit per kid, I mean multiple! There is always a chance that you will forget to fully tighten the bottle and you will spill half of it all over your son when you go to feed him. There is also a chance that this same son will later spit up all over himself to the point where his shirt is soaked. You may also want to bring a blanket that can double as a burp cloth should your first one fall in the trash. And just for kicks, you may want to throw an extra adult shirt in your diaper bag on the off chance that your kiddo projectile vomits all over you while burping. Anything is possible!

Well there it is twin parents! You can do it, but it will take slightly more planning than you are already used to. However, once you get the hang of feeding on the go, the world is your oyster!

Abby Ludwig

Abby Ludwig is a work-from-home mom (Baby Registry Consultant with Gugu Guru) to 6-week-old twin boys and lives in the Chicagoland area with her husband. She is quickly figuring out how much time it takes to do three loads of laundry a day while running the dishwasher twice. In her spare time she likes to…ha! There isn’t any spare time with 6-week-old twin boys! Most of her days are filled with cuddles, diapers, and tummy time. She is so excited to be writing for Twiniversity as she ventures through her crazy and exciting new life as a mom!

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