Last updated on November 25th, 2023 at 07:51 am
Hey gang! We’ve got a fantastic article for you today, full of tips for those of you pumping breastmilk for two or more, from moms of multiples who have been there, done that! PLUS one lucky mommy will go home with an Evenflo Feeding Pumping Package, which includes…

- Deluxe Advanced Double Electric Breast Pump, which also includes a pump shoulder bag, insulated cooler bag, drawstring wet parts bag, and access to Simply Breastfeeding™ and Breast Pumps & Briefcases™ educational programs
- Milk Storage Bag Adapters
- Milk Storage Bags
- and Advanced Nursing Pads
We LOVE Evenflo Feeding products and you’ll definitely want to check out all of their fantastic pumps and breastfeeding accessories to make your feeding experience with twins as smooth as possible!

When you’re pumping breastmilk for two or more, you need all the help you can get. We went straight to the source — twin moms who pumped for their babies — and we’re passing on all of their best pumping secrets to YOU. If you plan to breastfeed your twins, we highly recommend that you also pump from day 1 to make sure that you establish good production in order to feed two or more babies for the long haul.
Be aware that it might take a while to establish a steady and consistent supply, approximately 6 weeks. Many moms of multiples practice “hybrid feeding” in which they use a combination of breastfeeding, pumped milk, and formula, depending on their situation and the needs of their babies. A lot of MoMs choose to exclusively pump, which is a great option if your babies are struggling with latching but you still want to give them breastmilk.

One twin might take easier to breastfeeding than the other, and that’s OK! We moms of multiples learn early on to become flexible and adapt based on the needs of our babies. It’s totally normal to customize the feeding experience for each baby. Even if your twins are identical, they are two different people and may have different needs. The key is to follow your babies’ lead and be open to make changes as they are needed. However you choose to feed your babies — whether it be by breast, by pump, or by formula — what matters is that they are FED! Feed those babies what they need and you are doing right by them.
Here are some great pumping tips from twin moms to get you started with your pumping journey:
Make Sure You Use the Right Breast Flanges
It will save your nipples. Be aware that the size can change throughout your breastfeeding journey.
Get a Hands-Free Pumping Bra (Or 2)
Pumping has been so much easier without having to hold the pumps to your breast the whole time. I get myself hooked up and pump during a quiet morning coffee before the family is up. Sometimes I pump while doing dishes, stuffing diapers, can’t waste a moment.
Be Consistent With Pumping, but Don’t Pump Too Long During Each Session
20 minutes is a good amount, and stick to a schedule. I pumped every 3 hours, even overnight.
Lay Your Bags of Pumped Milk Flat to Freeze
May sound obvious, but before I realized laying them flat would save space, I just put mine in the freezer upright.
You Can Pump Straight Into Storage Bags!
I wish I had known about the Evenflo Feeding Advanced Milk Storage Bag Adapters when I was pumping. This would have saved me from spilling milk when trying to store it.
Make Sure You’re Taking Care of Yourself
Drink mothers milk tea, eat lactation cookies, and stay hydrated!
You Don’t Have to Wash Every Single Pump Part in Between Sessions
Just rinse the parts after each use, put everything in a plastic baggie in the fridge, and wash at the end of the day! Such a time saver!
Buy an Extra Set of Pump Parts
This will save you lots of time in case you forget to wash your parts after they’ve been sitting around for a while.
Take a Hot Shower
right before you pump and it can help you get more milk out.
Find a Lactation Consultant to Help With Breastfeeding
This is so incredibly helpful for moms of twins to get customized care for your body, your babies, and your home life.
Make Sure You’re Comfortable
If you feel pressured or uncomfortable then you will get less milk.
Look at Photos or Videos of Your Babies
to help stimulate letdown and let the milk flow easier.
Pump in a Comfortable Environment
Make it a time to relax for yourself; it might be the only quiet time you get! Have a pic of your babies, water, and snacks.
Don’t Get Discouraged About How Much You Pump
Every drop is a gift!
Pump the Same Schedule as Your Babies Feed!

We went straight to Evenflo Feeding’s lactation experts to find out the best way to utilize pumping speeds when you’re pumping for multiples. Here’s what they said: “Typically we suggest starting in a high speed, low suction mode until let down occurs (most like how baby sucks at breast). Once your milk lets down, move to a higher suction but reduce speed, as baby would slow but take longer draws at the breast. Then, when milk slows to a trickle, kick the speed back up but don’t touch suction.”