Last updated on September 8th, 2023 at 03:26 pm

As a parent of twins you are invited to participate in a whole new world. Specialty clubs, publications, blogs and websites, multiples discounts and the ability to participate in the Twins Days Festival held in Twinsburg, Ohio. I was overly curious about this festival and convinced my husband to go on a 6 ½ hour (longer with multiple stops) road trip with two 3-year-olds and a 5-year-old. It was a relatively smooth journey; lots of snacks, entertainment and activities to occupy their time really helped.

Not knowing the exact size of Twinsburg, there are only a couple of hotels in town, and with the seriousness of the festivals participants, hotels book 1 year in advance. We stayed about 20 minutes outside of Twinsburg, booking in May for our long weekend in August. We were close enough to make it to specific events but far away enough to enjoy some quiet family time. After our successful drive, we were all ready for a good night’s sleep before attending the “Welcome Weiner Roast” and a whole new experience as a family twins.

The Weiner Roast is strictly for registered twins and their families. We were completely awestruck when we arrived and saw the complexity of this event. Twins of all ages were there, from all over — it’s a family reunion of sorts for many. Most people were dressed alike from head to toe, including accessories. Many were attending for the first time like us but everyone filled the high school cafeteria with chatter and friendly conversation. This event was great and really geared to the families, with a moon bouncy house and animal shows geared to the younger crowd.

Twins Days Festival is a 3-day event kicking off with a parade through the streets of Twinsburg, Ohio. The 2013 theme was “Twice Upon a Time” so many were outfitted as their favorite fairytale characters and creative duos. Young, old, and everyone in between participated. It was truly amazing to see the caliber of costumes, floats and the enthusiasm of all those participating. Again, not knowing what to expect, this is an event that is passionately attended and we were overwhelmed by the size of the parade. The parade and festival are open to the public with attendance mostly coming from the multiples families.

Twins Days Festival is similar to a carnival with rides and vendors, but you have twin-themed entertainment such as the “Most Alike/Different” contests and talent shows featuring twins. Also available are a huge variety of twin/multiples research tables. Many studies being done by colleges, the medical field, and publications converge on a section of the festival grounds looking for their specific answers. Being that our twins were just 3, we didn’t visit this area but many people did all day long.

We saw a different side of our little girls over the 2 days we attended the activities for the Twins Day Festival. They have been around other multiples but not to this magnitude, of course. We got a sense that they felt they “belonged”. Our little girls who are usually very shy around people who are not in their everyday world, were speaking up and speaking to other twins/adults freely. They were approaching those dressed as characters and asking to take a picture with them. It was a truly remarkable thing to observe.

Would we go back to Twinsburg and the Twins Day Festival? Yes and more frequently if it were closer. Personally, I think I would hold off a few years until our girls have a better understanding of what it is to be a twin. I would definitely go back if my girls were to ask to go again, possibly more often as they get older. We witnessed many twins who have grown up together across the miles thanks to a tiny town named Twinsburg.

For more information on the Twins Day Festival, visit
by Christine Kornak